Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1049

Chapter 1049

Remember [New] for a second,! When thousands of firelights converged on Link, there was a burst of intense firelight and explosion, like another sun in the making.

In the intense light and heat, the leader was completely wiped out.

And when everything dissipated, the whole planet was calm again.

In the center of the focus of the firepower, Link and the leader could no longer be seen.

The captain's eyes were wet in despair, and the leader chose to die with Link for them.

But at this moment, the captain and other believers felt that they had been dragged into a terrifying space.

Everything around him paled, and the colorful world in his eyes turned into black, white and gray, like a dead silence.

"What's going on here?"

Everyone's eyes were filled with fear.

This is not an illusion, much less a hallucination, but a change in the real world.

This change made them unexpected, as if they had entered a place that was separated from the real universe.

When Link's "Reaper Domain" unfolded, all these ships in space and on the planet were shrouded in shroud.

The energy of death is like a curtain, gradually spreading.

In the process of diffusion, the originally colorful world has turned into black and white and gray, losing its vitality and color, and it has all been reduced to the field of death.

This smear of black and white continues to spread, pulling more colorful worlds to sink, like some kind of virus, making them unable to resist.

Immediately, in this world composed of only black, white and gray, they saw a black shadow.

This black shadow shot out from Link's eyes, traveling through the space at a tricky and eerie angle.

Because the rays are black, the world is also black, white and gray, and the three colors overlap, making it impossible for people to see clearly, like a ghost attacking out of thin air, making it hard to prevent.

One by one, people died in the strange black rays. After these people died, the bodies and souls dissipated like a mosaic, and they disappeared into pixels, as if the delete key was pressed.

These people were completely immersed in great fear. First, the gods who believed in the gods took back the gifted power, and now the world has fallen into darkness. Under the double blow, they have panicked and found no way to resist.

Under Link's omega rays, these people all died unconsciously. The high-energy rays penetrated their brains before they even noticed, cutting off all nerve feedback, and the brain and body muscles still remained intact. The state of a second before death, faithfully recorded their fears.

"Quick, run!"

The captains of the surrounding ships saw this vision, and their inner fear had sounded the alarm for them.

The members of the ship reacted and took charge of their own modules to make the ship run and turn the rudder to escape!

It's just that it's easy to enter the realm of death, but it's even harder to get out.

The guns of the ship controlled by Link have been turned to aim at the former comrades.

When the black energy cannonball was fired, the energy was destroyed, and the other ships could not even open their protective shields, they were torn in half, and turned to ashes in the black explosion and flames, and the wreckage and debris fell from the atmosphere. When it was in mid-air, there was very little left to burn.

Seeing this, the other warships also launched a counterattack.

The deafening sound of the explosion and the sputtering black fire all gave people an extraordinarily strange feeling.

The speed of the expansion of the Death God Domain was faster than the speed of the ships escaping, which became the last straw for the heretic **** believers whose mentality and spirit were on the verge of collapse.

Link's figure flickered and moved, quickly shuttled in the ship.

In this field of death, they cannot control their own lives. There is only one master here, and that is Link!

Link ruthlessly harvested the followers of the evil god, and the killed believers were re-summoned from the gate of the dead, driving the ship and attacking his former comrades.

Helen's mechanical legion is outside the planet, fighting against the fleet of the followers of the evil gods, playing a restraining role, preventing them from leaving.

Believers thought that by killing these Gundam robots and drones, they would have the opportunity to accelerate and escape, but they never thought that when they really destroyed Gundam, the explosive energy contained in them was far stronger than Gundam itself.

Many ships were damaged by the self-exploding Gundam core magic bomb. In the battle between the battleship and the robot, Helen did not lose the slightest.

Link fought the evil **** leader and the fleet alone, almost crushing the opponent by himself, not giving the opponent any place to fight back.

If you say give half an hour to assemble, give it half an hour. Even though this sect of the Heretic God was fully prepared, it was still vulnerable in the face of absolute power, and was beaten by Link and was powerless to fight back.

On the other side, the mediocre girl in front of her, and the army of machines who control her, can also erupt with such terrifying power, which is unbelievable.

At this time, Xiao Chen finally knew why only Link and Helen came to the first sector of the universe to guide the work and solve the crisis, because the two of them could really settle an evil **** force.

Thinking of his inexplicable worries and emotional output before, Xiao Chen felt like a clown.

This evil **** force is the most powerful force in the first sector of the universe. In the minds of the First Sector Cosmos Alliance, this is the force that worries them the most.

They occupy their own star system, and their strength has reached the galaxy level. As long as they accumulate enough resources, with their battleships and strength, they can even challenge the first sector of the universe.

But it was such an enemy that made them sleepless, and now they were wiped out by Link in the blink of an eye, and no one escaped.

The battle on the ground of the planet is also in progress. Surtur has re-commanded the Zerg after many years. Although there are only a few low-level Zerg troops, Surtur's style is vividly displayed, and there is a strong atmosphere of fear in the air.

In the face of the terrifying attack and the terrifying number of the Zerg, the followers of the evil **** who lost the blessing of the gods did not have any perseverance to resist, and they were defeated like a mountain.

Surter is worthy of being the Zerg's chief overseer. The finishing work is perfect, leaving no one alive, and truly cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots.

The effect of Death Domain is very strong. When Link killed and enslaved all the enemies in space, his attributes and damage jumped by 31%.

Link has also observed the specific numerical changes. It is not simply linked to the number of people, but it seems to be related to the energy level strength of the deceased. The stronger the dead that Reaper Domain absorbs, the more enhancement Link gets within Reaper Domain's range.

Coupled with the scale bonus of "Death Scythe", Link's strength has almost doubled!

All the dead return to the door of the dead, and these "puppets" will become a member of Link's army of the dead in the future.

After recovering all the dead, the Zerg troops on the ground also returned to the moving castle with Surtur.

Nearly half of the battleships in the sky are still intact, but these things can't be brought back. Link has no nostalgia, just moved his fingers slightly, these ships suspended in the air, stopped power one after another, like a broken kite Straight down.

Dozens of spaceships fell to the ground one after another, and the huge impact and the chain reaction caused by the explosion of the carrier weapon set off an explosion on the ground that was comparable to a nuclear explosion.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen felt even more heartache.

Now the first sector of the universe is in vain, and these ships are urgently needed to supplement its strength. Ke Link destroyed all these ships without saying a word, which was a waste of money.

Especially when Xiao Chen saw that there were several high-level ships among them, which turned into explosions and shock waves in the fall, the feeling was like blood dripping from the heart.

In low-Earth orbit, watch the explosions on the surface of the planet, causing vibrations that even travel into space through the atmosphere.

The clouds in the sky were also shaken away, and the altars and homes built by the believers of the evil gods on the ground also disappeared in this explosion, completely losing the traces of their existence.

"This is the end of it... It only takes a few hours before and after, and the Heretic God sect that we are afraid of has disappeared completely, and no one survives." Xiao Chen stared at the devastated planet.

Because of the explosion of the ship's weapon energy, the series of explosions and shocks caused an explosion crater several kilometers wide on the ground, which can be clearly seen even in space.

"Okay, after this place is over, we can go to the next planet."

Link's tone was sullen, and he didn't have any fluctuations because he destroyed a civilization just now, as if he had done an inconspicuous thing.

Xiao Chen asked tentatively, "Sir, don't you need to rest for a while?"

After the large-scale battle just now, what Link wanted to do was not to rest, but to rush directly to the next location, which was too hard!

And just now Link used his terrifying skills, didn't he need to rest and recover?

"Why take a rest? You don't think that after the battle just now, I lost a lot?"

Xiao Chen's mind was pierced by a word, and he bowed his head a little embarrassedly, didn't he?

Link just smiled lightly and didn't answer.

In the battle just now, although he spent 10,000 energy points to release the "Reaper Domain", the energy points consumed have been fully recovered during the battle, and he is now in his prime.

The purple energy is rapidly advancing in a strange posture in the universe, and every second is undergoing complex morphological changes, nano-level changes, and vibrations with energy, making it exhibit a high-speed vibration state of motion.

And the target of this purple energy is a galaxy with "intense" and "dark" light in the distance.

Strongly speaking, Dysom is now almost the most prosperous place in the universe.

There is no evil spirit in outer space coveted by the evil spirits in outer space, business and trade are developing well in various places, and exchanges are endless.

Darkness refers to Dyson's Dyson sphere. The darker it is, the higher the level of civilization and technology.

These two words are used here as a compliment to Dysom and the Second Sector Universe.

And the reason why they can become the most prosperous place in the universe is not because of how much effort and achievement they have made, or how advanced their commerce and technology are, but it is all because of the recruitment of Link.

The addition of Link brought prosperity and peace to the second sector universe. Ulysses, who made the final decision, became the heavyweight leader of the Development Alliance, and his voice was even second only to Chairman Du. um.

But now, a terrifying energy is surging, with a powerful corrective force, to restore some rules and events of the universe to their usual state.

Although Dysom has an advanced defense system that looks at the universe, it is impossible to monitor such a pure body that does not release any energy outward.

"A'Fu, the Wall of Origin has sent a corrective force. I don't know who this thing is looking for, but you tell Link to be prepared. This is the strongest energy that the Wall of Origin can send out. You have to be careful."

Afu stayed at Miranda Star, responsible for planet construction and the work of Inhumans.

But today, the voice of Paul the Great resounded rapidly in his mind, which made him puzzled.

In his communication with Paul the Great, this guy was extremely conceited and emotional. He has never been as tense and emotional as he is now.

A'Fu was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt an extremely strong sense of unease: "Didn't you say that the boss is a person without destiny, the power of correction will only take effect on those who have forcibly changed their fate, how can they suddenly find the boss now? ?"

Paul the Great frowned. He was sealed on the Wall of Origin. Although his abilities were sealed, things like vision and perception could not be taken away.

The power of correction swam out from behind the wall of origin, and Paul the Great failed to discover it at the first time.

But in recent days, he suddenly noticed the strangeness of the wall of origin, and only then did he catch the clues of the power of correction going out.

Paul the Great was immediately alert.

Nothing has changed in this rebirth, the only thing that has changed is the fate of Link and the people around him.

Now that the power of correction is deployed, the only possibility is Link and the people around him.

"So you get Link ready, this time it is very likely to target the people around him, and let him be prepared. The power of correction has a strong ability to reverse the state of matter. Once it takes effect, time is left on the matter. All experiences and traces will be reversed, returning to the moment of the original fate line."

A Fu's body trembled slightly, if this is the case, it would be dangerous.

"Okay, I know."

Alfred did not tell Paul the whereabouts of Link. After all, he still had reservations about the Paul who created himself.

After disconnecting, Afu suddenly fell into contemplation.

Now that the boss is out, and the powerful members around him are also out to perform tasks, he has no idea when the power of correction will go to whom and how!

So what Ah Fu can do now is to quickly notify the three branches outside and let them pay attention.

A Fu entered the spiritual network and got in touch with everyone else.

The second loyal Afu: Administrator Link, Queen Grace, Bandager Zare, everyone, there is bad news now. The Wall of Origin has sent a corrective force to deal with us. Everyone, please be careful when you are outside. Do not touch this material energy, otherwise the state will return to the original moment of the fate line!

The names in the spiritual network are all modified by the group owner Lao Jin, but at this time, everyone's attention is not on the modified id.

Link was the first to regain his senses, and immediately replied: "Everyone obeys the order, and immediately rush back to Dysom!"

Because Link knew that he was a person without destiny, and he would definitely not be the target of the power of correction.

The power of correction is to deal with his appearance, and the people who have undergone a huge reversal of fate are the relatives and friends around him!