Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047

, Monster Synthesis Master

Then, the first sector universe sent a guide as promised.

According to the description, this guide is a know-it-all in the first sector universe. He draws a star map for the first sector universe. He has been to most places in the sector universe. His personal strength is not weak. hind legs.

After reading the information about the evil gods and believers in the first sector universe, Link began to plan his route.

As for the strength of these Heretic God believers sects, the information also clearly understands.

Although the First Sector Universe is currently unable to deal with these riots, it is monitoring their actions at all times so that they will not completely lose control.

Therefore, the information that Link got in his hands was basically the first-hand real information.

With the most complete and complete information, all Link needs to do is to connect all the points that need to be processed, and then eliminate them one by one.

"Since that's the case, let's start from the biggest force at present."

Link randomly drew a circle on the star map, and the star system in the circle was the one with the most serious situation and the most powerful sect of believers in the first sector universe. As long as this force is swept away with a destructive force, it can deter other forces, forcing them to restrain their hands and feet and not dare to expand arbitrarily.

This also formed a good condition for Link to shoot at them next.

Xiao Chen, the guide and advisor beside him, looked at the circled place and couldn't help being a little surprised. He never thought that Link would choose this place from the beginning.

Although he knew that the advisor in front of him had had a head-to-head experience with the Civilization Fleet, the evil **** force he was about to crusade was currently the most powerful in the first sector of the universe. Its scale is better than the previous example of the first sector, so Xiao Chen was surprised and worried about Link's action.

Link raised his hand to interrupt Xiao Chen, who was hesitant to speak, and said: "Don't think about what to say to persuade me, your chairman has already said that I am solely responsible for this matter, put away your redundant and useless sense of responsibility, Do a good job as a guide. My money is not for nothing."

Link blocked Xiao Chen with a word, leaving him speechless.

For the first sector of the universe, Link has been here for two days. The biggest experience is that everyone has an excessive sense of responsibility, and they like to worry about things beyond their own responsibility. In response, Link named it "excessive sense of ownership."

Emotions like this are useful in times of peace, and it's easy to bind all members together and work together to create miracles.

But in the current turbulent situation, the excess sense of ownership will make everyone have no sense of boundaries, and having a sense of responsibility means no sense of responsibility. Everyone wants to express their opinions in everything and want to get involved. The result is Can't do anything.

So Link interrupted decisively, tapped, and let him know that it was enough to do his part.

Link set off the next day after setting up his itinerary.

The ship that I took this time was provided by the first sector universe. According to Link's request, there was no large ship, and it was still a small and fast ship.

The characteristics of small ships are that they are fast and have small targets.

Moreover, there is no need to bring anyone along the way, and it seems deserted in a large aircraft.

After preparing enough energy and logistics, Link immediately chose to set off.

As the best guide sent by the first sector of the universe, Xiao Chen is proficient in many skills, and flying a spaceship is the most basic one, which is completely out of the question.

This time there was only Xiao Chen in the entourage.

After using the flying gate of the first sector universe, the ship quickly reached the vicinity of the target galaxy.

"Helen, now you will take over for Xiao Chen to drive, turn off all electronic devices of the ship, and switch to manual flight mode."

When he heard the manual mode, Xiao Chen's face turned pale with fright.

You must know that there are a lot of microscopic substances in the universe. When the spacecraft is sailing at high speed, system equipment is used to avoid and block these risks. However, now that the electronic system is turned off and manual driving is switched to manual driving, all these risks must be distinguished by humans, and the difficulty is not of the same order of magnitude.

It's just that Xiao Chen just wanted to speak, and when he met Link's cold eyes, he swallowed everything he wanted to say.

Helen rubbed her hands: "I wanted to take over the driving right for a long time. To be able to drive a fast ship smoothly is too much patience."

Helen pushed Xiao Chen away with ease, and turned off all the electronic systems with a few quick hands.

The first thing to do then is to push the power bar to the top!

The spaceship accelerated rapidly, Xiao Chen's face turned pale, and his legs went limp and fell directly to the ground.

However, Link turned his head and silently activated the protective force field, covering the entire spaceship so that outside matter could not invade the hull.

Small substances rubbed against the protective force field, and flashes of fire appeared, streaking across the window in front of them.

Because the spacecraft has turned off all electronic equipment and is small in size, with the accuracy of the detection equipment of the Heretic God believers, it is impossible to detect the approach of such a silent small spacecraft.

So the small spaceship logically arrived at the star system where the target was located, and approached quietly like a ghost.

Xiao Chen Xin mentioned his throat. Now the entire galaxy is occupied by the followers of the evil god, and he has begun to expand the defense firepower in the planetary belt, vowing to make the entire galaxy into an iron barrel.

For the Heretic God believers, there are only two things to do.

1. Ensure the absolute safety of the environment, and use military force to build firepower;

2. Consume resources to prepare for the arrival of the evil god.

Such a small spacecraft with its electronic equipment turned off has no other external signals and energy except the heat signal of the engine.

Like a ghost in the universe, it passed through the eyes of the enemy in a grand manner, without causing the slightest disturbance.

Entering the planetary belt means that the target planet is not far away.

During the next voyage, the spacecraft seemed to be in a no-man's land, or mixed in the orbit of the planet and ejected, or hid under the star ring, like a ghostly thief in the night, constantly looking for cover to approach.

When has Xiao Chen ever seen a person who is so skilled in piloting a spaceship, in the manual mode, he is just like an arm, like a natural driver.

When the ship came to the satellite orbit where the target planet was located, Helen manually controlled the ship to orbit the satellite, adjusting the altitude and position with only a small amount of jets.

Helen asked: "President, now that we are near the target planet, what should we do?"

Helen's tone had a strong eagerness to try, and she must have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Link looked at the planet that was in full swing, and thought of his home planet, Omega.

More than half a year ago, when Omega Star was waiting to be built, it was also such a prosperous scene.

Only the biggest difference between the two is that the members who build Omega are all sincere and have free will. And the intelligent life of the planet in front of him has been completely reduced to heresy **** followers and lackeys, and is no different from brainless zombies. Losing free will, all actions are bewitched and manipulated by the evil god.

Link was silent for a moment and said, "Since we're here, let them know so that they won't die. You just wait here and leave the rest to me."

As soon as the words fell, Link dodged out of the ship and went straight into space.

Link's speed was extremely fast, and the silver armor's chest flashed with orange light, piercing the sky like a shooting star.

When Link came to the orbit of the target planet, he accelerated suddenly, and his whole body was enveloped by a black electric light, and he rushed straight to the low-Earth orbit dock, smashing like a cannonball.

With a burst of dazzling explosive flames, Link's body was wrapped in black lightning and rushed out from the other end of the dock.

A violent explosion occurred at the pierced place, and the entire dock fell apart.

The wreckage of the dock slowly deviated from its orbit and fell towards the planet. Even the ships under construction and some docked combat ships that were docked in the dock were also affected by Link's blow, and the hull became wreckage. fall.

Then Link hovered over the outer layer of the planet and looked down at the entire planet.

The powerful mind power covers the entire planet, and all the intelligent creatures on the planet can hear what Link is saying to them at this moment from the undercurrent of their minds.

"I am the president of the Second Sector Umbrella Foundation, Link, and the leader of the Second Sector Development Alliance. Of course, my favorite is another title, the God Slayer. I came here to destroy the evil **** and his Believers. Give you half an hour to gather all your troops, and in half an hour I will launch an attack on the star system and wipe out all of you."

Listening to Link's domineering words, Xiao Chen's chin fell to the ground.

He never thought that Link did not pursue the victory and gave the opponent half an hour to assemble!

Everyone else is going to be stupid!

You must know that this Heretic God sect has a large number of members, and also has a strong person who has touched the level threshold. The technology and magic power have also reached an intermediate and advanced level. It is the largest evil **** force in the first sector universe.

Waiting for the enemy to assemble like this, doesn't it give the opponent room to breathe?

You must know that two fists are hard to beat with four hands. When the opponent's ships and powerhouses are assembled, Link is undoubtedly very powerful, but he will definitely fall into the disadvantage in the face of a large number of enemies!

You know there are only three of them!

He and the wild driving girl next to him are both at B-level, and they are completely unable to get involved in this kind of star system-level war.

Also shocked were the Evil God believers.

They haven't heard of Link in the Second Sector Universe, nor have they heard of the God Slayer. Is this guy hanging?

But they fell silent as they watched the falling shipyard blazing through the atmosphere.

This guy seems really dangling!

But at the same time, there was a strong anger in everyone's heart!

Appearing alone in their galaxy, you must know that even the managers of the first sector universe are now too busy to take care of themselves and dare not intervene in their affairs. Why should the leader of the suddenly appeared second sector universe intervene? They also sank the ships they were to build and some of the transport ships that were docked.

The leader of the Heretic God believers is also alert to the arrival of the enemy. He is located in the outer layer of the planet, but he can teleport all members of the planet with his powerful psychic ability. The strength is quite terrifying!

But he is also level and has the support of the fleet. What is there to be afraid of in the face of the same level provocation?

"Just in time, God is about to come, and he lacks a temporary body. Kill this Link today and use it as a container for God to come to the physical universe!"

"Fortunately, most of the combat warships landed on the planet, and the only ones that were destroyed were the ships to be built and repaired, as well as transport ships, and the loss was not large."

The planet leader summed it up, and then a bright smile appeared on his face.

In this way, it seems that everything is planned.

The fleet on the ground began to assemble, rose from the underground bunker base, and gradually gathered in the sky.

All the artillery on the ground are aimed and locked. Once Link has the idea of entering the atmosphere, all the artillery will launch a devastating attack!

At the same time, the fighters on the ground also boarded the ship.

In the face of Link, who was provocative by himself, they still kept their minds.

All monitoring equipment was running at full power, and the monitoring personnel and systems on the planetary belt also began to scan the galaxy, not letting any fish slip through the net.

There were more and more ships, and Helen, who was in satellite orbit, was also eager to try it, and began to take out various gadgets with folding technology from her backpack, with a plausible voice: "This time, it's just me and the president, and I will have the opportunity to show it. My masterpiece!"

Xiao Chen on the side was stunned, not knowing what the girl was talking to herself.

But soon, Xiao Chen knew the answer.

Helen threw the mechanical blocks out of the spaceship, and soon these mechanical blocks began to transform, expand and become a robot with a body length of thirty meters.

Hundreds of Gundams are displayed in space, looking spectacular.

In addition, Helen also released a lot of metal pieces, which turned into small drones in space.

It's just that this time there are more, hundreds of thousands, and Xiao Chen's chin dropped to the ground.

Link didn't do anything, and put his hands on his chest, quietly waiting for the gathering of the enemy.

He did exactly what he said and waited 30 minutes.

The battleships in the distance of the enemy are also gathering, slowly approaching.

It's just that they also didn't dare to open fire first, but instead gradually assembled, waiting for the leader's order.

Link looked at the increasing number of enemies, and the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

His talent "Scythe of Death" will show terrifying power for the first time.

The stronger the enemy's strength and the greater the number, the more his strength increases.

Only now, on Link's interface, the death scythe is already accumulating. At this time, it is indicated that his total accumulated enhancement has reached 25%!

Just the strength of a star system can actually increase the overall damage by a quarter. If this scale is at the galaxy or galaxy cluster level, wouldn't his strength be doubled?

Just as Link was thinking, a strong force emerged from the planet, like a rainbow light breaking through the clouds and appearing in space.

"Link, I'll meet you!"

The leader of the Heretic God believers, several black lines like vines climbed up his face, as if his whole person would be corroded.