Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046

After Helen sent the signal, the members of the first sector universe quickly received the signal, and immediately relayed the message to the managers of the sector universe.

The leader of the first sector, Norton, was stunned for a while after seeing the news.

He thought about Link leading the crowd and arriving in the first sector of the universe with great fanfare and majesty in an aircraft.

But I never thought that Link would be so low-key, and only came on a small shuttle ship.

A small shuttle ship of this level can only accommodate less than ten people at most, which means that Link has only brought less than ten people.

With this number of people, is it possible to solve the problem of the first sector of the universe?

Norton felt absurd for a while, but he didn't dare to neglect Link, this was a professional they hired at a great price.

Norton immediately arranged the most solemn guard of honor and summoned other leaders to greet him.

The first sector of the universe quickly surged with ships, lining up in space to welcome them.

The welcoming ship sailed towards the shuttle ship, guiding the route ahead with the most respectful attitude.

Link's expression remained the same, when Helen on the side had ever seen such a battle, she was already amazed.

Even in the second sector universe, there are almost no rituals of this level.

After coming to the first sector universe center, although there is a lot to be done here, but through the equipment and buildings that are being repaired and constructed, you can still see the original strength of the first sector universe.

Helen herself is proficient in mechanics and technology. After seeing these devices, I finally understand why the first sector universe is the most powerful existence among the four sectors.

Even though most of the center is now destroyed, there is still deterrence left, and it can only be said that the first sector of the universe has a profound background.

At the same time, Helen also developed a strong curiosity about the phoenix that caused all the troubles.

He is full of admiration for the president who was able to suppress the Phoenix, beyond words.

"President, I heard that the phoenix that caused all this is not in its heyday yet?"

"That is, the cosmos phoenix is still in its infancy, and it is precisely because of the need for energy that this trip came to Miranda."

"Speaking, I also went to see Miranda's phoenix before I came. It's incredible that such a small phoenix actually contains such a powerful energy..." During the conversation, Helen's thoughts drifted to the sky again.

He said to himself: "If you can extract some of the phoenix's energy as equipment energy and biochemically process the mecha, doesn't it mean that this energy can continuously repair the biological machinery and become a pseudo-immortal existence?"

Link expressed shock and admiration for Helen's wild ideas.

This guy Helen has built a Gundam, but this is the rhythm of planning to build another eva!

I'm afraid it won't be long before this guy will hit his mind on the power of death!

When the two were talking, they passed the broken barrier and arrived at the orbital dock of the main planet of the first sector of the universe.

When the other leaders saw that Link was only on a shuttle ship and came across the sector universe, they were both shocked and amazed.

Surprised that Link was so daring to take a defenseless shuttle for interstellar voyages.

Shocked at how conceited this guy had to be to do this.

If the game "Destiny" imported traditional idioms, then the most suitable word for Link now is - crossing the river in white clothes.

Dare to go out without doing any defense, with extraordinary courage, one's own strong strength and self-confidence are the biggest reliance and trump card.

The shuttle ship came to the port of the first sector universe planet during the guide.

After Link and Helen got off the ship, the leaders of the first sector of the universe on the dock square and their subordinates had been waiting for a long time, with eager expectations on their faces.

Even though Link is the leader of the second sector universe, he has an outstanding reputation for solving the problem of the evil gods in outer space. He has completely put an end to the invasion of the evil gods in the second sector universe with his own power.

Seeing that only Link and a young girl came out, the anticipation on Norton and everyone else's faces froze.

Even if it is a shuttle ship, one of them should have at least six or seven extraordinary combat power, and under the leadership of Link, they will quickly settle the problem of the evil gods and believers in the first sector of the universe.

Unexpectedly, there are only Link and a girl now, and the girl's strength is only B-level.

Norton couldn't hide his disappointment, but he quickly adjusted, put on a smiley face, and stepped forward with his hands out:

"Welcome consultant Link to come to the first sector universe for guidance, I will arrange the most elite members of the first sector universe to assist you, no matter you have any needs or instructions, please let us know directly. We will fully cooperate with your actions !"

Norton understood that Link came alone, as a guide to dispatch, relying on his own personal strength, and the rest of the first sector of the universe would take care of it.

Link waved his hand and said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, you just need to arrange a guide for me who is familiar with the sector environment!"

Link played cards out of line, making Norton and the other bosses a little bit out of step.

"Does Consultant Lin want to secretly investigate the situation in various places first, and do it after optimizing the allocation of resources?" Norton expressed his understanding of Link's actions.

"Don't be so troublesome, the evil gods in outer space are the most bully and fear the hard. If they could enter the physical universe by themselves, then the first sector of the universe would have been turned upside down long ago. Now the evil gods are basically believers. At most there are some As a means, the Heretic God can use some of his power and choose one or two spokespersons, that's all.

In this case, you only need to kill all the Heretic God believers. The evil **** is like a flower that has lost its soil, gradually withering..."

Hearing what Link said was so simple, the expressions on everyone's faces were a little unbearable.

I thought he had some extraordinary theories and methods, but it turned out to be so simple and rude.

Just meeting Link's sincere eyes, not joking at all, made them even more dazed, and even doubted Link's identity as an outer space advisor.

If it were that easy, they would have done it already!

Is it still Link's turn to speak?

It's just that the first sector cosmos alliance has suffered great losses now, and both the military strength and the control of the universe are in trouble.

It is precisely because of this that the first sector cosmos alliance has weakened its control over the sector cosmos, which has caused the following evil **** believers to revolt one after another, and began to win over people and hilltops to start troubles, becoming a separatist force.

This situation is still more blooming. The first sector of the universe is limited by force, and it is already very difficult to maintain his own safety. How can there be too many corps and fleets for Link to squander?

Now Link is coming alone, making it clear that he intends to recruit people.

If there is no precise plan or a plan, fighting with brute force will only make the loss of the first sector of the universe even worse!

Even this group of people is already wondering if Link is here to waste the only combat resources in the first sector universe.

Norton looked embarrassed, and said simply: "Consultant Lin may have misunderstood. Now the first sector of the universe is stretched, and there may not be too many corps for galaxy-level battles..."

"Oh, you may have misunderstood. I mean that it is enough for me and the guide to go there. In a planet-level battle, what is the use of dispatching a large army..."

Link's words were very casual, and he didn't seem to care about the "thorn heads" of the sector universe at all.

"Consultant Lin may have just come to the first sector of the universe, and he doesn't know much about our environment here. But settle down first, I will arrange the most suitable guide for you, and come to the first sector of the universe one by one. If you arrange your tactics, it will be more reasonable."

Norton politely rejected Link in his own way, and also kindly reminded Link that the situation in the first sector universe was different from that in the second sector universe.

After all, before the Phoenix attack, the status of the first sector universe in the entire universe remained unchanged. Whether it was the alliance or its civilization, the degree was higher than that of other sector universes.

If Link dealt with the first sector with his idea of dealing with the evil **** minions of the second sector universe, he would definitely suffer a big loss!

"Hehe, do you know the truth sect? It has an eternal storm-level civilization, chose to take refuge in the evil god, and all became the evil god's minions. As long as you can check the information, you can know the battle. The umbrella foundation is only me and another one. level shot."

Norton froze for a moment.

Although they knew about Link, many of them were only superficial, and some meant that they were carried away by the other two sector universes. They did not fully understand and study Link.

As for what Link was talking about now, Norton didn't even know.

Looking back at the staff around him, he also showed an embarrassed expression. They only knew that Link was attacked on the way to Dysom, but they also found the information that Ulysses was driving the Great Emperor to the rescue, so they subconsciously thought that they could eliminate the opponent, and there was the help of the Development Alliance. There is no detailed investigation.

But now that Link mentioned it, everyone present was completely unaware that there was such a string of secrets.

If you understand it well, neither the Umbrella Foundation's ships nor Ulysses' Great Emperor class fired at that time, and it was Link and another class powerhouse who dispatched all the way to solve all the opponent's ships?

Thinking of this, Norton and the other leaders were all shocked!

If it's really like what Link said, how did they annihilate an entire fleet with two people!

You must know that the Evil God believers in the first sector of the universe only have ships of the highest level of the Eternal Storm class.

If there are stronger ships, they have already fought with them in the center of the first sector, where will they develop peacefully in a corner.

If Link can annihilate a civilized team by himself, then it is really not a big thing to come alone!

Now, they urgently need to verify the authenticity and details of this matter.

With a smile on his face, Norton said to Link, "We have prepared a welcome dinner for Consultant Lin, please move to the dinner hall."

The dishes on the table were all dishes featured in the first sector of the universe. In order to cater to Link's taste, a lot of changes were also made.

When the faction was pushing the cup for a change, Norton and the leaders received information from the Information Department, verifying the authenticity of the previous incident.

When they learned that Link and Grace joined forces to kill an entire civilized fleet, everyone's eyes on Link changed. It was an incredible worship.

Everyone is rank, why can Link you destroy a civilization with only one hand, and they can only cause some irreparable damage on the ground.

At the same time, they also got the first sector universe, the battle pictures taken on the Great Emperor-class ships at that time.

The vast fleet like smoke bloomed in the universe in response to the sound, the fireworks were dazzling, and the enemy was defeated.

After watching the video, the group was all quiet.

If it was any of them present, he might be able to do this with some external force, but he would never be as relaxed and domineering as Link, with a full sense of impact.

In the end, everyone's face was full of "I'm serving it"!

After the dinner, Norton grinned and asked: "Actually, we can still squeeze out some corps. I have given permission to Consultant Lin, and you can command these fleet operations at any time, without going through the application steps of the alliance. But the only regret is The only thing is that we are short of ships and troops, so we can only arrange two large corps for you, I hope you can forgive me."

"Hehe, Chairman Norton doesn't need to be so polite. I never say anything false. Since you have already paid the price to invite me, just do as I said. You'd better arrange a guide for me as soon as possible. I will also take over in the past few days to learn about the situation of your first sector of the universe, UU reading to plan and arrange the steps and journey."

Chairman Norton nodded again and again: "Don't worry, I will arrange it for you immediately, and please stay here for a few days. If you have any needs, you can contact us."

The first sector of the universe can be said to be flattered now, and it is good to entertain the great **** Link.

After leaving, Chairman Norton immediately held a meeting with the other leaders.

During the banquet, Norton looked at one of them and asked, "Have you seen Link's depth?"

The other person shook his head: "To be honest, Link's energy field is very strange. Although I can sense him and the energy in his body, the energy has obviously exceeded the limit that I can detect and analyze. I can only I sensed that it was an energy that was stronger than all of us, both in quality and effect. But what energy level is, I can't judge."

This leader is good at manipulating induction energy, and he was the one who tested Link many times during the banquet.

But the results obtained now are not satisfactory.

But everyone present took a deep breath.

Link can enter the core layer of the third sector universe, and the power shown in the previous video is level true.

It's only been a few short months now, and I can't see the depth. This growth rate is simply unbelievable!

"Perhaps, this time is really a turning point for our first sector of the universe!"

The purple energy shuttles rapidly in the universe, and is now streaking across the starry sky at an incredible speed.

The interstellar dust and matter on the way, after being submerged by purple energy, returned to the original state from the state of fragmentation with a burst of purple breath.

return matter to its original state...


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