Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

The Death Star design drawings, Link just glanced at the general outline, and felt that this aircraft was definitely one of the most powerful beings in the game.

The use of such a large-scale project is not to build an aircraft, but a veritable "star building".

With a diameter of 160 kilometers, if the internal space is used reasonably, it can carry tens of millions of people. It's all one force, absolutely an unparalleled space force.

If all of them are "undead aliens" like players, then the scary level will be increased by two levels.

Link looked at the blueprint and finally decided to build the Death Star.

With this level of aircraft and weapons, the problem of the base camp has been completely solved.

The entire Death Star is a mobile base.

At the same time, the size and size of the Death Star, as well as the composition of firepower, are higher than the level of knowledge that Link currently has.

Especially looking at the unique laser star destroyer on the Death Star, it made Link even more envious.

Every shot can have the power of an all-out blow from a natural disaster-level powerhouse in its heyday, or even more powerful. The energy runs through the earth's crust, triggering a chain reaction after the earth's crust is broken. The ground of the entire planet will be broken, and the magma will rise, directly destroying the ecology and life of a planet.

Such power can save Link a lot of trouble.

"You don't have to be tortured by gamma rays in this state, you can keep it that way if you want."

The biochemical metal Leviathan is very grateful to Link. The first synthetic evolution failed to completely get rid of the torture. Now this transformation has changed its shape, but it has also freed it from the torture of gamma rays for the first time.

Link heard the gratitude from the biochemical metal Leviathan in the spiritual world.

The cosmic explosion gave it its first life; Link gave it a new life, a second life.

In the orbital shipyard, the super strong fortress occupies almost half of the port, and the other half is occupied by the mechanical fortress.

The two behemoths swept almost all the places of the orbital dock, and they had the potential to compete with each other.

Link left the orbit on a transport ship, and the first thing he did after returning to Miranda was to give Helen the "Death Star Design Blueprint" he obtained.

"Helen, this is a blueprint for the design of the Death Star, which contains tens of thousands of drawings of weapons and equipment. You can discuss with Azhiko, Troy, and Dave to see how to turn the blueprint into reality. We will next The most important task is to overcome this blueprint, which requires manpower and funds to just apply to Penny.

Helen just glanced at the specifications of the Death Star's blueprint, and was already frightened by the terrible numbers and scale above.

"President, do we really want to build something like this?"

In Helen's view, this is not to create an aircraft, but to directly create a planet that can navigate in the universe and have attack capabilities!

Link nodded affirmatively: "This is what we're going to design, and the Death Star will be the Umbrella Foundation's mobile base in the sky. Only an aircraft of the size of the Death Star can carry tens of millions of Inhumans."

Helen frowned slightly and said suspiciously: "But the scale of this aircraft, with our current construction strength, is estimated to take more than ten years."

Link's expression was as usual, and he was not at all frightened by this exaggerated data.

"If it is conventional manufacturing, it may take more than ten years. But we have aliens, and the batches are rotated 24 hours a day. Many of them have advanced mechanical principles and have a great influence on the construction of the entire Death Star. Benefit. Coupled with the resources of the Development Alliance, I expect the construction can be completed in a few years.

However, just after Link finished speaking, Helen fell into silence, apparently thinking.

After a while, Helen looked at the drawings from time to time, and sometimes looked up, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, Helen asked with a little doubt in her eyes: "President, the entire Miranda star shell is also made of metal, can we combine the two into one and build the Death Star based on Miranda Star In this way, a lot of time and cost can be saved. The only things that need to be overcome are the Death Star's drive engine and the laser star destroyer.

After Link heard Helen's conjecture, his mind went blank for a while, and there was only one thought left - Helen's thoughts are really getting crazier, even more than the previous mechanical mistress!

Although the Death Star is called the Death Star, it is actually a purely man-made celestial body built entirely by mechanical engineering, huge human resources, and science and technology.

Right now, the Miranda star where they are located can at most be regarded as a star that has been transformed by technology, and the essence of the core of the planet is still that of a natural celestial body.

But now Helen wants to replace the core of this natural star with an artificial core technology engine, which can no longer be described as simply crazy.

But when you think about it, Helen's idea is not without reason.

First of all, the size and shape of the Death Star and the Miranda star are very similar, both are small stars less than 200 kilometers;

Secondly, the Miranda star has been transformed, and the outline of the outer body is all made of metal. It can be said that the construction of the most important part of the structural frame of the Death Star has been completed.

The difficulty of this idea lies in the transformation of the interior of the planet. The core engine of the Death Star is a natural pure mechanical drive, which is an extremely advanced supermatter reactor.

As a normal planet, Miranda star has hot magma inside the core and an extremely hard solid metal core.

If the two exist at the same time, it will definitely form a complex disorder.

No matter which energy wants to drive the planet, it must confront the other.

Therefore, the current situation is obvious, and only one of the two can be left.

However, the current strength of the Umbrella Foundation cannot create a controllable core generator. The construction drawings of the Death Star already contain the core part of the engine, which can be used directly after research.

This faces another problem, they need to actively cool the core of the planet to make it useless. Then install a new driver core, which is equivalent to a new "heart" for the Miranda star.

This project just sounds epic.

"Your idea is not impossible, but the possibility of the specific operation requires your professionals to calculate and certify. I still say that as long as you can draw the correct conclusion, then the cost of the expenditure will be covered by me. Come take it!"

Link has always been open to Helen's research and ideas.

Now Helen is like a runaway horse, and her thoughts are completely unable to come back. That being the case, then use her nature and let her think in her own way.

After all, the ideas of genius should not be controlled by mortals.

In the mechanical system, Link is just a step-by-step apprentice, but the girl in front of him is a master of reform and innovation.

"Okay, it's enough to have the president! I'll go to other people to discuss the specific feasibility and details, and I will give the president an answer whether it is successful or not."

Full of joy, Helen walked away with the drawings and files.

Design blueprint for the Death Star, using information space overlay technology.

It looks like only the thickness of the photo frame, but in fact, the drawings and technologies inside use information overlay, integrating tens of thousands of drawings, information and knowledge into a small space.

Helen has been assigned a heavyweight assignment. Although Helen's potential is extremely high, such a grand blueprint cannot be completed by one person. There are at least a few professional mechanics responsible for the bottom layer and core architecture like this! Then there are construction members and professionals in each module.

Every drawing and design needs to be conquered in order to realize its results.

Now Helen has proposed to transform Miranda Star to make Miranda Star become a Death Star. This idea is more bold and imaginative, and it is difficult to realize it.

Link still has a clear understanding of turning the Death Star from a blueprint into a reality in the short term, which is by no means a task that can be accomplished in the short term. Instead, treat it as a long-term investment.

Although the version has entered 4.0 now, it is different from the 4.0 Star Alliance version that Link was familiar with in his previous life. In fact, the plot of version 5.0 Forbidden Land has been completed, and the biggest BOSS in the version is now "hanging the wall", not to mention in the physical universe. There was a storm, and he was nailed to the wall of origin, and he couldn't even lift his hands and feet.

Also unable to appear is the 6.0 version of the big boss Paul the Great. At this moment, he has become a neighbor with Ibilis, the demon of desire, and can talk about the house every day.

Link has no goals and clear enemies. What he can do now is to solve the current situation, constantly accumulate his own strength, and adapt to changes without change.

After solving Truman, the demon of a thousand throats, Ibilis was "hanged on the wall", and there was no news in the physical universe.

Link is in charge of the development alliance's solution to the evil gods in outer space, and even the rotating chairman Doom has only the right to understand, and Link is solely responsible for the final interpretation and action rights.

Link also only arranged some people symbolically to pay attention to the abnormal information in the universe, and then hand it over to the special outer affairs department to filter and understand the authenticity of the unannounced visits.

Although the demon of desire, Ibilis, has been "squeaked", the outer space is so big that there are other evil gods who are just around the corner. Under the pressure of high-dimensional demons, they choose to come to the physical universe to try their luck.

Internally, Link and the forces entered a period of rapid development.

The stable internal and external environment and the continuous trade of large portals made Miranda Star one of Dysom's most active planets.

In particular, players can quickly travel to and from Miranda, Omega, Qunxinggang, and Mustafa. Liquidity brings activity, and activity brings more material and news circulation.

With these nodes as the center, a fast and complete business has been established.

Originally, the Vatican Galaxy was one of the most remote and barren areas in the Second Sector Universe, but since the connection with the Miranda star was established, it was once the hottest galaxy in the borderland. Even the Tusi galaxy next door has a lot of power and trade flowing into the Vatican galaxy. The establishment of an office or branch in Mustafa seems to have the posture of becoming a border business center.

The same is true for Star Harbor and Omega.

The Port of Constellation is the center of the Morvor galaxy cluster, but it is not well-known in the entire Karl supercluster of galaxies.

However, after it was announced that Link was a member of Qunxinggang, and there were two large flying gates in the Morvol galaxy cluster that could reach Dysom, these two locations suddenly became the most lively places in the Second Sector Universe.

Qunxinggang itself has its own background. Although they have been prepared, Pansy, Shinra and Fizz still have misjudged the situation of the universe. The carrying capacity of the entire mechanical star ring is used for docking, so there is still an endless stream of cargo ships applying to enter the port, and the application list has hundreds of pages.

Although Omega is a newly rising planet, it has received more attention because it is directly connected to Miranda and is under the name of Link of the Umbrella Foundation.

Omega Star has experienced two months from scratch, and now it is prosperous, which is no worse than Qunxinggang.

In addition, with the foundation of the old Omega civilization, the major forces and financial groups in the interstellar space have come to Omega to invest in construction. Except for the Omega body planet, many planets in the galaxy have entered the development stage, and the entire planetary belt is full of hot scenes. .

There are not a few people who reach Miranda through Omega's teleportation gate to conduct business transactions.

However, in this turbulent and turbulent universe, long-term peace and development has always been an extravagant hope, and something must suddenly happen to break this peace and tranquility.

Link was working in the office when he suddenly felt a burst of energy escaping.

This crimson-red energy visible to the naked eye, like the ripples of a stone thrown into the water, spread across the Miranda star.

Under the impact of this energy, some strange things began to happen.

The injured and exhausted people are impacted by the energy, the wounds on the body gradually heal, and the exhaustion of the body is swept away.

Plants are bombarded with energy, and their growth begins to accelerate, growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Link felt the strong life factor energy under the impact, and his eyes quickly turned to a manor on the planet.

At the same time, Link's mental awareness was connected to a voice: "Link, come here, Miranda suddenly fainted with an explosion of energy!"

Link disappeared from the office in an instant, and came to Misty Mountain Villa the next second.

Coming to the Misty Hills, Link immediately saw Miranda being held in Grace's arms.

Miranda's whole body has fainted, and there is still fire-colored phoenix energy on the surface of her body.

Grace's eyes were full of help, and there was no longer the usual arrogance on her face. What was just a mother's helplessness when facing her child's suffering.

Link immediately felt the phoenix energy brewing and rioting in Miranda's body.

Sean's attention was on his sister, but his body was shaking slightly.

It was an act of forbearance.

Now that the power of the phoenix is starting to strike, there is shadow energy in Sean's body, and he also has the power of the phoenix.

"Sean, you rest with Miranda."

"Troy, help me get Graves, Gamesh, Antonidas, and Ivan over here."


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