Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028

Link's system got a prompt, showing that Truman, the Demon of Thousand Throats, had been completely annihilated.

"You successfully killed Trumen, the demon of a thousand throats, and completed the mission [Seal Trumen, the devil of a thousand throats]!"

"You get Lie Fragments (Purple), 100 Potential Points, 70 Million Cosmic Coins, Sophon Design Blueprint (Fragments) x1,"

Link glanced at the reward. Lie Fragments were materials obtained from Truman, the Demon of Thousand Throats, at the purple epic level.

What surprised Link the most was the fragment of the blueprint designed by the Tomoko. Unexpectedly, he got another one for this level quest. Now Link has 5 fragments of the blueprint in his hand, and he is only halfway away from obtaining the complete Tomoko. Fragments of blueprints. Although it cannot be said to be far away, it can be regarded as within easy reach.

The rewards for potential points and Cosmos coins were all seen before.

Looking at the energy mask that had vanished into nothing, Chairman Doom couldn't help but sigh: "The killing process of the Demon of Thousand Throat is indeed a bit dangerous. If there is no guidance from Consultant Lin, if we directly destroy it, I am afraid it will be controlled by him. Sure enough, professional things should be left to professional people to do."

The other leaders also praised it a lot. If there is no seal for Link, it may bring a lot of trouble to the Development Alliance.

No wonder Link said that the fragments of the spiritual barrier were the most important material for dealing with Truman, the Demon of Thousand Throats.

Without this, they would all become puppets of Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throats.

"Now that Truman has been resolved, there is only one Ibilis left." Ulysses sighed.

The next enemy, according to Link's words, is the most difficult to deal with, the strongest evil **** in outer space.

Everyone gave Link a look of expectation and trust.

At the same time, after Link's interface was rewarded, the system issued the next task.

[You triggered the level mission [Threats in Outer Space]]

[Quest Progress: Third Ring [Destroy the Demon of Desire Ibilis]]

[Task reminder: After solving the Thousand-throated Demon Trumen, you learned about what happened in the extraterritorial dimension. The war between the evil gods and the high-dimensional demons in the extraterritorial dimension gradually heated up, and many evil gods considered running away. The death of Trumen, the demon of a thousand throats, sounded the alarm for other evil gods, so that they would not dare to openly invade the physical universe. But the demon of desire, Ibilis, is recognized as the strongest in the extraterritorial dimension, and his existence and attitude will still encourage the extraterritorial evil god. Only by completely destroying their strongest, can the desire of others be blocked. ]

[Quest reward: Mysterious blueprint x1, 150 potential points, 80 million universe coins, mysterious equipment x1]

When Link saw this task, he fell into a sluggishness.

If he remembered correctly, Alfred told him that Ibilis, the demon of desire, had been caught on the Wall of Origin.

Although still alive, it is no different from death.

From this point of view, there is no way to succeed in this task in the short term.

Only by accumulating enough strength can you have the capital to go to the Wall of Origin to talk to Paul the Great and explore the mysteries behind the Wall of Origin.

After dealing with Trumen, the demon of a thousand throats, all the leaders are in a good mood. Although the expression on his face was still in a lingering fear, the joy in his eyes almost jumped out, and he did not hide it.

As for the news that the demon of desire Ibilis was designed by Afu, the news cannot be made public for the time being, so Link can only pretend to nod.

In the face of everyone facing the enemy, Link said with relief: "Now we have obtained the fragments of the spiritual barrier, and we have another trump card that can fight against Ibilis. So everyone doesn't have to be too heavy. The thing to be afraid of now is Ibilisi."

With Link's words, the expressions of the other leaders finally improved a lot.

Doom, the rotating chairman, said, "Consultant Lin can make full decisions on issues related to outer space in the future. The entire Development Alliance is your weapon!"

Link has proven that he is very good at solving the evil gods in outer space with his strength one after another, and his friendship with Link has enabled the Development Alliance to get help from many aliens.

From Mustapha to Star Harbor, to Omega.

The Inhumans under Link have all shown great abilities.

In the past, the Development Alliance also hired some mercenary chapter forces or organizations to help, but the mercenaries were capable of very few tasks, and the scale and number could only be used to perform individual special tasks.

But the aliens are different. The number and scale of aliens are huge, and their abilities are also strange, so there is no need to worry about the pension after death.

It can be summed up in four words - "very easy to use".

Although there are still many mysteries in Link that have not been solved, this does not prevent everyone in the Development Alliance from believing in Link.

Chairman Doum took the lead in reaching out: "From today, Consultant Lin is a full member of the Development Alliance. In addition to having absolute right to speak in outer affairs, he also has the right to make decisions in daily development alliance affairs. All of us unanimously welcome you to join us!"

After Doom finished speaking, the other leaders all stood up and applauded in celebration.

Link's identity has also changed from a special external affairs consultant of the Development Alliance to a full member of the Development Alliance.

To put it simply, it is from a working executive to a founder, and enjoys the right to participate in speeches and decisions on various major events of the Development Alliance.

Of course, the most important point.

Once you become a full member, you have the right to vote and be elected, and have the opportunity to become the rotating chairman of the Development Alliance.

During the reign of the rotating chairman, the power can definitely be regarded as the first person in the entire sector of the universe!

After the first crisis was resolved, and Link's rhetoric assured, everyone increasingly felt that outer space would no longer be a problem for them.

Before leaving, Doom once again looked at the situation inside the super fortress and sighed: "I'm really curious about the special ability of this super fortress in your mouth. But since you said that you will know in the near future, then We'll just have to wait and see.

After sending Doom and the Development Alliance away, Link came to the main control room of the Super Fortress.

There is a huge and all-round observation field. You can sweep the angle of 200 degrees in front of you at a glance, and even you can't see it completely at a glance. You need to swing left and right to bring all the scenery of the observation window into your eyes.

At this time, Ah Fu walked in and asked, "Boss, in fact, you can tell the news that Ibilis was dealt with just now."

"speak out?"

"And then, how am I going to explain your relationship with Paul the Great to them? This will only add to more troubles and cause mistrust on both sides."

"Besides, Ibilis didn't really die, but was dragged into the wall of origin. When I have the strength to see Paul the Great, I will definitely solve it first. As for now, I will put my head in Paul the Great first. Over there."

After the mission, Link suddenly lost his short-term goals.

Originally, the demon of the Thousand Throat went out, and the next step was to prepare to deal with Ibilis, the demon of desire.

But now Ibilis has been tricked into "going to jail" by Afu.

The villain of version 6.0, Paul the Great, has also emerged, but he is now "in jail", and it can basically be concluded that he will not see each other in the short term.

For the future version, Link's past memory experience has finally come to an end and is useless.

I lost my goal for a while, and the whole person fell into a deep confusion.

Link glanced at the tasks currently in the task list.

1. S-level mission [Heart of the Swarm]

2. Hidden tasks [Learn the past, explore the truth]

3. S-level mission [Pillars of Creation]

4. level mission [The threat of outer space] - the third link [Destroy the Devil of Desire Ibilis]

Link currently has only four missions, but each mission is a mainline or hidden mission, and it is not so easy to complete.

After reading it, Link asked: "A'Fu, since you have regained the memory of Paul the Great, then tell me about him, and according to the information I got from the wasteland, the desert prince It should be under Paul the Great."

Link and A'Fu came to the largest lounge in the superpower fortress. The layout and layout here are a little better than those in the mechanical fortress. They can be used in almost daily life, and even office requirements. Because there is everything.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a top standard aircraft carrier. In the design, everything that can be encountered and thought of is fully considered, and reasonable arrangements are made with scientific design.

All in all, it can be summed up in two words - comfortable!

"I didn't get all my memories, but after I got my real name, part of my memory was poured into it. The rest was learned from my relationship with Paul the Great. According to my analysis, a lot of key information was hidden. ."

Afu took a sip of water, and then began to tell everything he knew: "The desert prince is indeed the subordinate of Paul the Great. The purpose of appearing in Sandu is indeed to guide you on the path he wants."

"And based on the information I know of the fragments, I feel that the several pastoral cosmic observers who appeared in the Vatican galaxy may also be inextricably linked with Paul the Great. It is very likely that their existence is for observation and correction. The direction of the development of the planet's story, the reason why they do this is not because they observe the big events of the universe, but to ensure that the plot is indeed as planned by Paul the Great, and if there is a deviation, it will be corrected.

At the same time, when the boss completes some key plots or has enough strength, it will trigger to give you some rewards. These are all to keep you going on the planned route. "

"Now that the boss has come this far, it has greatly exceeded the expectations of Paul the Great, but he has also begun to get out of his control. I am sure that he still has cards that can affect you, but it is unknown what it is."

After that, Ah Fu also chatted with Link about some things he knew, but it was nothing more than some influence and interference.

Link listened patiently, but didn't fully believe what Alfred said.

It's not that Link doesn't trust Ah Fu, but it is very likely that these contents were deliberately "disclosed" to Ah Fu by Paul the Great, and Link can only judge his useful information from it.

Link has been in a passive position since he learned the truth.

If according to what Paul the Great said, everything was that he manipulated Link in a certain direction through various elaborate settings and deliberately arranged plot manipulations at the beginning, then it can only be said that this guy has an astounding scheming, and needs to have extreme Strong logical ability.

But Link is not without advantages.

His advantage is that he has players as a solid backing. It is not clear whether he can be resurrected after death, but it is true that players can be reborn at will after death. Since it is within the rules of this universe, as long as Link grasps it well, he can have a powerful "undead army".

The second advantage is that his Zerg worm nest will soon exceed 50%. Once this number is exceeded, all the creatures and Zerg he synthesized will obey Link's orders. This is also an extremely large biological army. Even according to A'Fu, the Zerg worm nest fragments were deliberately spread by Paul the Great in order to allow Link to quickly increase his strength and deliberately prepared for it, but once the percentage exceeds half, Link will be able to master the Zerg dominance.

The third point is that Link has the memory of his past life. Although it has stopped abruptly at this stage, he still has an understanding of the strength of Paul the Great. Moreover, the Paul the Great in this life is a weakened version, trapped on the Wall of Origin, and there is no Zerg hive, which is beneficial to Link.

After considering these three points, Link's depressed mood improved a lot.

In this way, he is not without advantages.

Of course, the most important thing is that, following Al's narration, several new lines of prompts appeared on Link's system.

"You completed the S-level mission [Pillar of Creation], the first link [Wall of Origin] mission."

"You get 5 million experience, 100 potential points, heart of shadow (purple)..."

The previous rewards can be understood. UU reading can understand according to the task completion comparison, but when Link saw the last reward, he was suddenly stunned.

Death Star Blueprint (Orange).

When Link saw the design blueprint of the Death Star, he casually looked at the information and data on it, and the whole person fell into a huge shock.

This was a blueprint that he had never heard of or seen even in his previous life.

You must know that aircraft at the level of mechanical fortresses and sun whales have been hailed as super-large aircraft by the forces of cosmic civilization, and they are the embodiment and symbol of advanced civilization.

However, these two aircraft were like dust in front of the "Death Star", so small that they had no status at all.

Just a few random words about its stats...

It takes enormous wealth and time, and the core energy that drives the Death Star is the metaphysical reactor.

The Death Star is about the size of a satellite in the ordinary universe, and it is both a planet and a combat space station.

With a diameter of more than 160 kilometers, it is almost comparable to the Miranda star.

Construction requires millions of technicians, hundreds of thousands of drawings of various sizes, all integrated in this blueprint.

The weapon on the Death Star is also extremely top-notch. It is a laser star destroyer. The energy of a star destroyer is enough to destroy the land surface of a normal planet, reaching the level of "biological extinction".

It is unequivocal to say that the fighting power of this Death Star is comparable to that of digital level powerhouses!

"I already felt that the existing military strength was enough, and I was satisfied with the super strong fortress and mechanical fortress, but at this time, a blueprint for the design of the Death Star came, this..."

P.S: The data of the protagonist is in the author's words. You can take a look at Link's updated data!


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