Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Link walked over to Miranda and checked her physical condition.

The original seal in Miranda's body has now been shattered, like a fence that was forcibly broken free, decaying everywhere.

"Did Miranda's mood fluctuate violently today?" Link asked.

Sean endured the pain and shook his head: "It's been normal these past few days, but just now there was a sudden attack without warning..."

Link frowned and put his hand on Miranda's body. Immediately, he felt an extremely repulsive force that emerged from Miranda's body and shook Link's hand away.

It was difficult for Link to even touch her. Looking at Grace who was holding Miranda, her body was constantly competing with this power, but she refused to let go. This almost paranoid love allowed her to help these two children. make any sacrifice.

The power of the phoenix in Sean's body was less, Link put his hand on Sean's shoulder, and his spirit began to sense the power of the phoenix in his body.

Link entered the introspective mode, and suddenly the scene in front of him changed dramatically.

In the dark inner vision space, a fire suddenly ignited, and the fire seemed to have life, forming a circle of fire that surrounded Link.

"Intruder, you dare to trap the power of the universe in the cage without authorization, and now you will pay for your actions!"

Amidst the walls of fire, a body made of pure flames was vaguely visible behind him.

The one who can control the real fire of the phoenix and exist in Sean's consciousness, who else is not the cosmic phoenix?

Although Link and other powerhouses have suppressed and sealed the Phoenix True Fire in Sean and Miranda, Miranda can also control her emotions well, but Cosmic Phoenix has known about Miranda's existence a long time ago , I have been thinking that one day the power of the phoenix will be reborn from this body, and I will completely absorb it and restore the fundamental power.

It's a pity that Link and the people from the Umbrella Foundation took good care of Miranda and never gave Phoenix a chance to conceive.

The energy in Miranda's body was maintained at a stable level, but it suddenly exploded. Obviously, this energy has been affected by the cosmic phoenix itself.

Immediately, a terrible thought occurred in Link's mind.

The energy explosion this time is not an accident, but the cosmic phoenix releases information and coordinates through the diffusion of the explosive energy. devour it.

As a combination of the initial life and flame energy in the universe, the cosmic phoenix has extremely powerful attributes. It belongs to the first batch of intelligent creatures in the universe along with the firstborn and the titan.

At the beginning of the birth of the universe, the flame of life of the cosmic phoenix swept the universe, and the flame of life spread all over the galaxy, providing opportunities and energy for each planet to nurture life.

In the process, the cosmic phoenix lost a lot of energy.

These flames of life scattered in the interstellar universe have gradually transformed into different life forms in the long years. And because of the unique characteristics of life flames that tend to be prosperous, this energy will actively approach some existences with life potential or powerful strength, allowing them to use part of the phoenix energy to become extraordinary existences.

In the place of life, the cosmic phoenix will "selfless" release these life energies, but now the universe is prosperous and prosperous, the phoenix's strength weakens after Nirvana, and it will produce a very strong attack type, recovering these scattered flames of life energy to grow itself.

The phoenix and the universe also cycle back and forth in this kind of death, nirvana, death, and nirvana. In this process, life is also reborn, destroyed, and cyclically reciprocates. This is the true meaning of life, the cycle of reincarnation and endless life.

The truth is this truth, but when it comes to the relatives around you, no one will agree with the truth of this life cycle.

Right now, the power of the phoenix in Miranda's body erupted, and the energy of the power of the phoenix spread like ripples. When the cosmic phoenix senses this wave of energy, it can lock Miranda's position and come to take back its "gift".

Once the cosmic phoenix arrives at Dysom, the energy of the source of the phoenix will attract the true phoenix fire within Miranda and Sean. By then, the two will be completely swallowed by the phoenix flame, return to the phoenix, and become part of the cosmic phoenix itself.

Now that the energy has spread out, it is like the reflected wave of the radar. When the cosmic phoenix senses this signal, it will chase after it.

There is not much time left for them.

Link did not choose to respond to the will of the universe phoenix. The more he said, the more wrong he would be, and he would also let the universe phoenix find some clues.

Withdrew directly from Miranda's consciousness, Link saw Grace holding Miranda helplessly, with a strong begging in her eyes. At this moment, she didn't know what to do, and could only wait for him to be the backbone.

"Sean, take Miranda to rest first, and leave the rest to us."

Sean is still relatively mature, knowing that some things are inconvenient to tell them, and at the moment, he is the only one who can take care of Miranda not to be hurt by the power of the phoenix in her body.

Sean struggled to carry Miranda into the room, leaving Link and Grace outside alone.

"What are you saying when you put the children away?"

Link nodded heavily: "This time, I'm afraid we have to prepare for the war."

Grace's expression suddenly became tense, her hands even grabbed Link's arm unconsciously, and she asked with a slightly trembling voice, "Speak more clearly!"

"This is the cosmic phoenix looking for the power of the mature phoenix scattered in the universe. When the power of the phoenix is detonated, it is like throwing a pebble into a calm water, and it will stir up ripples. And the cosmic phoenix will rely on the spreading ripples, Find the release point and regain your phoenix power. During this process, the host and the phoenix power in the body will be completely absorbed by the phoenix body and disappear."

Grace's brain buzzed, only to feel the world spinning blank.

The power of the cosmic phoenix itself is extremely terrifying. As the heaven and earth creatures born in the same batch as the first-born and the Titans at the beginning of the big bang, they themselves contain powerful cosmic energy.

Now the cosmic phoenix is ready to take back its power, and with their power it is like a man's arm.

"However, there is still room for change in this matter. Now we don't know whether this detonation is specifically for Miranda, or is it randomly selected. However, at the speed of the cosmic phoenix, we may only have one or two months left. ."

"And since the cosmic phoenix intends to recover energy, it means that it has just experienced a rebirth not long ago, and its current strength is not at its peak level. We may be able to fight!"

Link's words gave Grace another hope.


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