Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1027

Chapter 1027

For the first time, the biochemical metal Leviathan felt that weak gamma rays no longer tormented its body, and that he could rely on his will and energy tubes all over the body to transfer weak gamma rays, and even launch weapons!

Since being hit by a gamma ray burst, the biochemical metal Leviathan has never felt so comfortable.

Without the torment of gamma rays, the body has finally gained a moment of peace after suffering for a long time.

The biochemical metal Leviathan spirit is connected to Link, and at this moment Link can clearly feel the joy in his heart, almost jumping out of the body.

The position of the head of the super strong fortress, that is, the eyes of the biochemical metal Leviathan, are two dark red lights.

In the super strong fortress covered with metal, these two dark red lights make the entire super strong fortress look like some kind of mechanical monster, the top predator in the starry sky. It is possible to ambush in the dark at any time and give the enemy a fatal blow.

"Thank you, Lord, for relieving the pain I have suffered for tens of thousands of years. I thought that I might have to spend this life in the torment of gamma rays, and I was completely mad at the end..."

Link is also extremely satisfied with the Super Fortress. Such a super-large aircraft, whether it is the attack of the main body or its strategic significance, will greatly improve the Umbrella Foundation.

Link entered the inside of the super strong fortress and found that the internal shape has also changed a lot.

He also boarded the Sun Whale class before, and now the internal structure is no longer the "square" cover of the angular cover, but a very sci-fi biological metal state.

Inside the superpower fortress, you can clearly see the metalized biochemical metal Leviathan ribs, and when you look up in the hall, you can see the exposed part of the spine, with a technologically alien style and a different kind of cult beauty.

Soon, the leaders of the Development Alliance were invited to Miranda to participate in the task of solving Truman, the Demon of Thousand Throats.

But when they approached Miranda Star and saw the Super Fortress, everyone showed a surprised expression.

"By the way, the big guy on the orbital dock should be the sun whale, right?" Doom, the rotating chairman, opened his mouth in disbelief.

Even in the Development Alliance, there are not many aircraft carriers like the Sun Whale.

One of the active ships was directly given to Link.

The other leaders also looked at the peculiarly shaped super-large aircraft in front of them and were amazed.

They could all see that the novel aircraft in front of them had the shadow of a sun whale.

However, just a few hours ago, the Sun Whale had just returned from a mission outside, and it was still the same. This was what they saw with their own eyes in the conference room.

It has been so long that it has changed its form, which is really surprising.

"Yes, although the appearance has changed, from the shape, tonnage, design points and weapon modules, it can still be seen that it is a sun whale."

Among these leaders, Ulysses should be the first to know Link, and said, "It should be the masterpiece of Consultant Lin. As long as he can fuse the mechanical fortress with the nine-pattern dragon, it will be transformed into a second fan. It is the same as the feared Black Throne in the district. Link should have transformed and fused the Sun Whale to become what it is now."

Ulysses pondered for a moment, and put his hand to his chin: "If I didn't expect it, Link should have combined the mayfly giant whale and the sun whale."

Link wants to go to the mayfly giant whale from the museum of the Development Alliance, and now there is a super strong fortress. The two are very similar in both appearance and size. No wonder Ulysses has this conjecture.

But knowing that he knew, Ulysses carefully looked at the super strong fortress on the orbital dock, as if he was admiring some exquisite craftsmanship.

Super Stronghold combines the biological characteristics of the mayfly giant whale with the advantages of mechanical construction.

Although the angular beauty unique to machinery has been lost, there are also some biological rationales in many places.

This sigh is more obvious after the ship enters the orbital dock.

The superpower fortress in front of them is completely visible, and more details are reflected.

"The skeleton of the giant mayfly and the sun whale complement each other, especially the various passages and pipelines of the aircraft carrier, which are all inherited in the ribs and blood vessels of the giant mayfly. The entire fortress is based on bionics. It is a model of the combination of biology and technology!"

The leaders of the Development Alliance are all leaders in the super power system, both in terms of vision and vision, they are all first-class.

Even they all praised, showing that the uniqueness of Super Fortress is enough to be called "artwork".

When the ship is docked in the dock, the automatic interface of the dock connects the ship with the safe entrance of the super strong fortress, and the leaders come to the inside of the super strong fortress.

As soon as he entered the Super Fortress, he saw Link's figure.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was attracted by the grandeur and magnificence of the Super Fortress.

"Although I don't know how, Consultant Lin, you combined the mayfly giant whale and the sun whale class, but the feeling of this strange and orderly steel creature ship is full of strangeness and shock, which is really amazing."

"Compared to this combination, what I'm more curious about is the combat power of this new warship. Is there anything novel about the combat mode?" Chairman Doom asked.

As an level powerhouse with dual cultivation of magic and science, after seeing the superpower fortress, he became interested in his firepower system and internal structure layout.

However, Link deliberately sold out, and did not answer Doom directly, but said with a smile: "Except for some special effects, other abilities are basically what the Sun Whale comes with. I believe it won't take long for the chairman to know about those special effects. Effect."

Although Link euphemistically did not reveal it, he still gave Doom enough face, which made everyone present look forward to it.

In the brief contact, the leaders of the Development Alliance knew that Link was a person who rarely talked big. Since he said that he would see it in a short time, he must have foreseen some things in advance.

Then, under the leadership of Link, the leaders came to the research institute of the Super Fortress.

The torso of Truman, the Thousand-throated Demon, placed in the laboratory of the institute.

Under the orders of the leaders, their followers took out the sealing materials and placed them in the laboratory.

Now as long as Truman is sealed and erased, Truman will no longer be able to come to the universe in physical form. The doors of the entire physical universe will be completely closed to it.

Ah Fu was the last to appear, holding the fragments of the mental barrier and placing them on the experimental bench, then Link turned his head and said to the crowd: "When we are disinfecting, the energy of Truman's body will form a miniature wormhole-like energy. Thing, energy will pour frantically from outer space to the physical universe through the medium of the torso. At the same time, the consciousness and energy of Truman, the Demon of Thousand Throat, will spread. At that time, everyone should be prepared and not fall into the false words of Truman. in fantasy."

After Link finished speaking, the other leaders suddenly blushed.

Last time, they used their mental awareness to test the remains of Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throat, and they all made a fuss about each other, and they almost couldn't hold it.

Now this time, facing the final counterattack of the Demon of Thousand Throats, Chumen, no one wants to be embarrassed in front of so many people.

All the idlers were driven out, and only the leaders of the Development Alliance were left in the laboratory.

Doom applies enchantment and protection spells to the entire laboratory and sealed area.

After all, the enemy is the evil **** who made his name in outer space, or the evil existence second only to Ibilis, the demon of desire, so he must be on guard.

After setting up the defense, Link started the ceremony.

The energy of various materials was extracted. Under Link's guidance, the leaders fused the energy of the materials together to form a hood-like thing that tightly wrapped the tentacles of Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throat.

The dangling energy shield showed a strange alternate turn of white and purple, and Link's eyes signaled Doom to remove the restriction he had placed before.

Several gears representing magic technology appeared in Dumu's hand, like a key, the chain of restrictions that revolved around Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throat, was broken and untied layer by layer.

With the disappearance of the ban, Truman's body, which fell into "sleeping", also became ready to move.

The tentacles, which were originally motionless, began to squirm slightly at this moment, as if life were reviving from the melting ice in winter and spring.

"The man who thinks he's behind the scenes is actually a marionette."

"Three promises, two of which were false, and only one was deceived."

"The sacrificed will be reborn in a new way."

"The end of enlightenment, the end of life..."

The voice of Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throat, was like a narration, and it immediately aroused everyone's attention.

Such ambiguous words are the most seductive.

The words are vague and obscure, which makes people unconsciously associate them, or bring them into familiar things.

"Everyone calm down!"

Link gave a low voice, signaling Doom to start tightening.

Everyone suddenly woke up, and immediately controlled the energy cover to shrink.

The tentacles of Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throat who were trapped in it, collided with the energy mask, and a dazzling white light suddenly stirred up, like a burning magnesium bar, dazzling.

The Thousand-throated Demon Trumen let out a shrill scream, but the space for it to move became smaller and smaller, more and more white rays of light rose up, and the tentacles of the Thousand-Throated Demon Trumen became more and more in contact with the energy mask. Come less and be burned to ashes.

"The entire universe will fall into a huge and inextricable abyss! Your actions are accelerating this irreversible process, everything will end in destruction, and all life will return to its original state!"

The words of the Demon of Thousand Throats can shock people's minds, especially when it involves words such as cosmic chaos, irreversibility, and destruction, which are even more attractive.

It's just that at a critical moment, no link can fall off the chain.

Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throats, is also struggling.

It understands that once its last physical body is erased from the physical universe, it will have no chance to invade the physical universe in the future.

Coupled with some things that happened inside outer space, it can be said that this physical body is the most important support for its advance and retreat.

In the outer space of the Thousand-throat Demon entity, the energy began to take effect from the body along the fissure. The sharp-toothed mouthparts on the tentacles of the Thousand-throat Demon spurted out a strong terrifying energy, which was extremely penetrating. , and directly act on the mind of man.

A deep voice filled the laboratory, and everyone heard the voice, and a picture similar to an illusion appeared in front of their eyes.

It was a scene of the end of the universe, the stars withered, civilization no longer, life was devastated, and the entire universe was dead silent.

Just this picture brings endless despair.

Many people can no longer maintain their energy, and their eyes show helplessness and pain.

As the leader of the Development Alliance, the votes and attitudes of everyone present can determine the development and fate of the entire sector universe.

They have always been responsible for the development of the sector universe, and they are all very responsible characters.

But when they saw this picture, that kind of brutally smashing and tearing apart their most cherished things and ideas in front of their faces and completely destroying them, that kind of violent blow was difficult for even level powerhouses to accept.

Everyone has weaknesses, and these strong men who are committed to guarding the peace of the sector universe are also the biggest fetters.

Link picked up the spiritual barrier fragment and injected his own energy into it.

The alien energy was suddenly stimulated, and the fragments of the spiritual barrier began to blast energy outward like in the head of the god.

The strong energy and the energy released by Truman were intertwined, destroying the illusion constructed by Truman and pulling everyone out of despair.

Many people had sweat on their foreheads, their eyes were slack, and they were even confused.

But some people adjusted their status immediately after recovering and started to increase their efforts!

The fragments of the spiritual barrier are constantly interfering with the energy waves of Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throats. How could the power of the gods born in the universe in the past be resisted by a mere extraterritorial evil god.

After the interference, Truman's abilities were almost completely disabled.

Even though it was still plausible, trying to spread the crisis and the horror of the apocalypse to everyone present, the destroyed energy wave has long been unable to fully explain its thoughts and will, and the scattered and chaotic "visual" fragments have become absurd and bizarre, and some are even in the A picture of outer space.

It was a space full of dark primal aura. UU reading www.

There are a large number of evil gods, such as the most desolate virgin forest, and the creatures inside hunt and kill each other to form a real and cruel food chain. But now the original food chain suddenly broke into the outsiders. The invasion of high-dimensional demons broke the "peaceful and stable" life of the evil gods. This group of immortal demons also from other dimensions started a protracted battle with the evil gods. fighting.

The picture that appeared in front of everyone became more and more fragmented.

In the extraterritorial space, high-dimensional demons and evil gods are existences that cannot be resurrected.

Originally, they should have mastered one dimension each, but for some unknown reason, they are suddenly fighting because of territorial issues, and they are not even dying.

In the end, all the pictures turned into a flash, passing quickly.

Along with this, the energy shield became smaller and smaller, and the energy ball was reduced to the size of a fist, and the burst of light even dyed the entire laboratory into a light curtain.

The brightness is so high that some of the light projected from the porthole of the laboratory can even be seen clearly on the ground of the planet under orbit.

When all the light dissipated, there was nothing in the energy cover.

The last bit of body that Trumen, the Demon of Thousand Throat, left behind in the physical universe also vanished.

And the energy of backlash will also affect Truman's body along the energy channel that spans dimensions.

In outer space, all the light energy returns to Trumen's body. This is a terrifying and powerful energy. When consciousness and energy return, the plump and plump tentacles can no longer support such terrifying energy.

The energy in the body is released outward, tearing the body, and finally in the entire dimensional space, the light that dyes the entire space into daytime burst out...


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