Memories Of The Night - 186 Chapter 186: He Feels Restless

186 Chapter 186: He Feels Restless

As the man speaks, he takes the bottle, pours some beer on his hand over his body, and then walks straight in the direction of Marcellus and Katrina.

Behind him, the tramp looks at the money in his hand then at the strange man. He shakes his head in pity.

It seems that the man's illness is really serious.

The money he gave is enough to buy a case of beer.

Keeping her eyes closed tightly, Katrina steels herself as she clutches her fists to her clothes tightly. She can feel Marcellus's breath as he gets closer and closer.

In the next second, Marcellus will kiss her on the lips.

Katrina doesn't know why she feels so nervous and panicked.

Marcellus likes her, and she obviously likes him back.

But why is her body subconsciously rejecting Marcellus?

Why can't she accept his kiss as other lovers naturally do?

In a word, Katrina persuades herself to accept the kiss as if she is completing a task.

Marcellus's lips are merely a centimeter away from her. Katrina can clearly feel his warm breath.


Katrina suddenly hears a strange sound and the smell of alcohol, and then she feels Marcellus's breath move farther away just as he is about to kiss her.

The sudden noise causes Katrina to open her eyes unconsciously.

When she looks up, she sees that Marcellus's s.h.i.+rt has turned soggy. A drunk man hiccupping with a nearly empty bottle of beer in his hand stumbles to stand closer to Marcellus and says, "Oh no! I'm sorry, sir! I didn't mean to. Let me clean this for you."

It turns out that a pa.s.sing drunk accidentally b.u.mps into Marcellus and soaks his clothes.

Under such a romantic and beautiful atmosphere with the person he likes, Marcellus almost-kisses Katrina, but an accident occurs all of a sudden, destroying the previously romantic atmosphere.

Drenched in alcohol and smelling strongly of beer, Marcellus is quite depressed.

How could Marcellus let the drunkard clean him? Seeing the bottle in his hand as the drunkard approaches him, he becomes wary.

What if the drunkard suddenly throws up on him?

Marcellus quickly reaches out his arm to stop him. "No! You don't need to! I'm fine, I don't need you to clean it," he says urgently.

He doesn't have to look for trouble from a delirious drunk just because he poured some beer on him.

Although his s.h.i.+rt is very expensive, it's nothing he can't afford. He won't ask a drunk to take responsibility and have him pay for his ruined s.h.i.+rt.

He just wants the drunkard to leave.

"Sir, you're such a good man!" the drunkard praises. "Your girlfriend is very beautiful."

Finally, the drunkard leaves.

But Marcellus is no longer in the mood to resume where they left off.

The romantic atmosphere has been completely ruined.

What a depressing turn of events.

He was about to kiss Katrina!

Instead of rejecting his approach like last time, Katrina closes her eyes and is ready for his kiss.

He feels disappointed to lose such a great opportunity.

It doesn't seem comfortable for Marcellus to stand in an alcohol-soaked s.h.i.+rt. Katrina looks at her watch with a frown. "Marcellus, it's getting late. Let's go back."

Despite his disappointment, Marcellus gently nods. "Okay."

As a bit of a neat freak, he can't stand to walk around in a beer-splattered s.h.i.+rt. After driving Katrina back home, he can also go back home to take a bath and change into clean clothes.

Marcellus and Katrina stand up and walk back along the road towards the parking spot.

Meanwhile, the man who pretended to be a drunkard just now is hiding in the dark and watching the scene in secret. He clutches his chest in fear.

Fortunately, he dashed in at the last minute to into the man and interrupt the kiss.

He can't imagine how Aaron would react if the couple had actually kissed.

Trembling, the man pulls out his cell phone and calls Aaron again. "Mr. Wilson, I was able to interrupt them in time. They are now leaving the riverside and are ready to go back."

On the other line, Aaron is dressed in sleepwear. His tall figure is sprawled on the soft, luxurious sofa, his slender fingers holding a gla.s.s of red wine. His expression is aloof.

"Keep following them."

"Yes, Mr. Wilson!"

Marcellus drives Katrina home.

There are stop signs near Katrina's home, where several traffic enforcers are standing to intercept traffic.

Surprised, Marcellus stops the car and lowers the window. "What's going on?"

The young traffic enforcer replies, "There was an accident at the intersection. It's being handled, but the intersection is temporarily closed."

Cars can't get through the roadblock, but pedestrians and cyclists can pa.s.s by.

Marcellus turns the steering wheel to turn the car around and take a detour. He will circle to the other road to take Katrina home.

Katrina grabs his arm. "Marcellus, forget it. It's only a few blocks away from my house. I can walk home."

If Marcellus takes a detour to bring her home, he will have to go out of his way just to drop her off. She doesn't want to cause him any more trouble.

"It's okay," Marcellus says with a laugh. "It's a lot faster than walking. It won't take me a long time to get you home."

"Marcellus, it's really inconvenient for you. Don't worry, I'll be fine. When I get home, I'll call you."

At Katrina's insistence, Marcellus can't resist anymore. "Okay, Katrina. Be careful."

"You too. Go back home to get an early rest!" Katrina says happily, getting out of the car. She waves at Marcellus, then walks through the roadblock and down the street towards her home.

Marcellus watches her retreating back uneasily. He doesn't know why he is so worried, but he feels restless for some reason.

He parks on the side of the road and gets off the car, silently following Katrina to escort her all the way back.

Although it is only a few blocks away, he can't let Katrina walk alone. He knows that she is concerned about him and does not want to trouble him. But he can't rest easy until he sees that she is safe and sound at home.