Memories Of The Night - 185 Chapter 185: Marcellus Confession

185 Chapter 185: Marcellus Confession

Marcellus calls, "Katrina."

Katrina turns to see Marcellus looking down at her. His dark eyes are s.h.i.+ning like the stars in the sky.

"Katrina, I love you." Marcellus says in a low voice, heartfelt and sincere.

At Marcellus's confession, Katrina suddenly realizes that the bright lights on the building are referring to her and Marcellus.

Katrina is shocked and amazed by Marcellus's romantic confession. She never imagined that one day, while walking along the river, she would see her name appear in the highest building in Abbe City.

She never expected such romance from Marcellus.

Girls are sensitive people, and such a sweet surprise would definitely move them.

Katrina always feels that Marcellus gives a lot more than she does in their relations.h.i.+p. Marcellus is so kind to her, valuing their relations.h.i.+p so much that she has to go all out.

"Marcellus, I... "

Katrina wants to respond to Marcellus's confession by letting him know how moved she is. But right now, she still can't bring herself to tell him that she loves him.

After a pause, Katrina finally says, "Marcellus, thank you. I really like it."

Marcellus doesn't seem to notice Katrina's hesitation. If he does, he probably thinks that she is just too surprised, so he doesn't take it to heart.

When Katrina says that she likes it and her eyes s.h.i.+ne brightly, Marcellus can clearly see that his surprise deeply moves her. He gets a big smile on his face.

Katrina likes it.

As long as she likes his surprise, Marcellus is happy to do more.

Probably because of his mother's harsh words, he can't wait to prove his feelings for her. By expressing his love to her, he is also encouraging himself not to give up.

It's an undeniably romantic atmosphere.

The view of the river is pleasant, and there's a gentle breeze. On the soaring building across the river, the bright letters are still flas.h.i.+ng beautifully.

Marcellus holds Katrina's shoulder and looks at her beautiful face, his eyes drawn to her lips as enticing as bright red cherries. Captivated, he approaches closer to kiss her.

Feeling Marcellus's warm breath getting closer and closer, Katrina's heartbeat races in nervousness. But she tries to relax, inwardly encouraging herself.

She has been in a relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus for so long, and Marcellus's feelings for her are clear in her eyes.

Marcellus loves her.

He respects her enough not to make a move on her.

Why does she refuse him so much?

Why can't she wholeheartedly accept him as her boyfriend?

Probably because Aaron left a shadow in her heart, Katrina subconsciously rejects any sort of intimacy from a man.

But she can't go on like this. She should try to be more receptive to Marcellus.

Maybe when she bravely takes this step, she can completely leave this shadow behind.

It's been so long. If she rejects Marcellus this time, she might hurt him. Will she make him feel like she doesn't like him enough?

Katrina closes her eyes, persuading herself not to evade Marcellus's kiss. But all she can do is accept it, and she can't reciprocate.

Meanwhile, the man Aaron hired to monitor Katrina is holding his phone towards the couple. The video call enables Aaron to see what is happening from afar.

On the other end of the phone, Aaron can clearly see Marcellus and Katrina sitting on the bench, as well as the huge flas.h.i.+ng confession opposite the river.

Aaron blows up when he sees the two people on the bench, getting closer and closer. They are clearly about to kiss each other.

This d.a.m.n woman!

She is closing her eyes and waiting for another man to kiss her!

Why won't she refuse?

No, Katrina will not refuse. She says that she likes the man. Aaron is afraid that once they kiss, she will be more receptive to intimate actions from the other man.

d.a.m.n it!

Aaron growls angrily to the phone, "I don't care what you do! Stop them from kissing now! If they kiss, you won't have a place in Abbe anymore!"

The urgency in Aaron's tone is undeniable.

He can't bear to see Katrina betray him for another man. Unable to take out his anger on the couple, he vents it out on his heeler.

Hearing the anger in Aaron's voice, the man answers fearfully, "Yes, Mr. Wilson! I'm going to stop them at once!"

With that, the man quickly searches his surroundings in a panic. He needs to find a way to stop the couple from kissing.

Should he pretend to be the woman's ex-boyfriend and deliberately make trouble for them?

No, he doesn't have the guts.

For this woman, Aaron painstakingly hires someone to watch them. Seeing them together makes him go violent with rage.

If he pretends to be the woman's ex-boyfriend, he will die on the spot.

What can he do?

Unless he stops the couple from kissing, he is going to regret it.

While the man starts to sweat from nerves, at a loss with what to do, he suddenly notices several empty beer bottles lying nearby. One of the bottles is half-empty.

Someone must have failed to throw the contents in the garbage can.

Lighting up with an idea, the man walks to pick up the half-empty bottle.

But at that moment, a pair of dirty hands also grab the bottle.

Looking sideways, the man sees a tramp collecting waste staring at him with some disdain.

The well-dressed man is making a living by collecting rubbish, stealing wine bottles on the roadside from him. A man without money shouldn't pretend to be rich. If he needs to pick up bottles of wine by the side of the road, why is he so concerned about his image and looking decent?

What a proud beggar!

Isn't he afraid of getting his clothes dirty while picking up bottles?

Noticing the disdain in the tramp's eyes, the man knows he is being misunderstood somehow. The tramp looks at him like a psycho.

But he doesn't have time to explain himself.

It's humiliating to be caught robbing a discarded bottle on the roadside from a scavenger.