Memories Of The Night - 187 Chapter 187: Marcellus Acciden

187 Chapter 187: Marcellus Acciden

"Mr. Wilson, there is a traffic jam at the corner of Miss Miller's house. Miss Miller got out of the man's car and is walking home alone." The man informed him in detail.

Aaron gulps down a mouthful of red wine. "Follow her and make sure she gets back home safe."

Katrina is dating another man while Aaron is alone at home, drinking wine to vent his sorrows. Although it's only a few hours, he is devastated and worried about what would happen while they are together.

It's a depressing thought, and his life is getting worse. He wanted to scream out all the pain he felt right at this moment.

Unfortunately, Aaron can't actively pursue the woman he likes. He is afraid she will only hate him even more, so he decided to retreat for a while and sent someone to follow her.

His bad mood improves slightly as Katrina's date ends. At least for now, he doesn't need to worry that the man will take advantage of her.

After the man reports Katrina's whereabouts to Aaron, he looks up and sees Katrina crossing the street.

Her apartment is across the road. Katrina will get home after she crosses the road.

Just then, a van without a license plate appears out of nowhere, zooming in Katrina's direction at a tremendous speed.

Katrina doesn't seem to realize the imminent danger as she keeps walking obliviously on the road.

"Katrina! Be careful!" Marcellus shouted at her.

Suddenly, a strong force pushes Katrina away.

A loud bang rings in the quiet night, and the smell of blood is in the air.

Katrina falls to the ground roughly. When she turns her head, she sees Marcellus on the ground a few meters away from her, lying in a pool of blood.

The hit-and-run van has already disappeared from the scene.

Katrina is frightened at sight.

As a police officer, she has seen a lot of accidents. But when the person closest to her is lying helplessly in front of her, she can't help panicking.

"Marcellus!" Katrina cries, rus.h.i.+ng to Marcellus and falling to her knees. "Marcellus! Please be okay!"

Didn't they just say goodbye?

Didn't Marcellus drive back home?

Why is he here now?

Marcellus must have been really worried about her. He escorted her all the way back to make sure she gets home safe. When a car rushed over, he pushed her aside and was knocked down in her place.

How could Marcellus stupidly risk his own life to save her?

Katrina isn't that good. She doesn't deserve his devotion.

Horrified, she stares at Marcellus's body in guilt.

Lying on the ground, Marcellus looks at Katrina with a small smile. "Katrina, are you okay? That's all that matters."

Marcellus looks very badly hurt. He seems to be in so much pain that his brow twists slightly. He is obviously too weak to speak.

But he still struggles to talk because he is worried about her.

"I'm fine! I'm okay!" Katrina hurriedly rea.s.sures. "Marcellus, please hold on! I'll call an ambulance right now! I'm calling now!"

Katrina frantically takes out her phone. With trembling fingers and a great effort, she dials the emergency number. "H-h.e.l.lo, my boyfriend was. .h.i.t by a car! Please come over immediately!"

Although trained in handling high-stress situations, Katrina gets fl.u.s.tered when she sees her boyfriend lying b.l.o.o.d.y and helpless on the ground.

After calling the hospital for help, Katrina kneels on the ground and clutches Marcellus's hand.

"Marcellus, you can't die. You have to hold on, do you hear me?"

Katrina can't let him suffer from an accident because of her. She can't watch him leave her.

She owes him so much.

She hasn't even kissed him yet.

He can't just leave like this!

Katrina would rather be the person lying injured on the ground than watching Marcellus lying in a pool of his blood helplessly.

She feels completely useless.

No matter how strong or independent she usually is, in the face of such a situation, she is nothing but a fragile crybaby. Her eyes are turning red, beads of crystalline tears falling down her cheeks.

Seeing her tears, Marcellus squeezes her hand with all his might. "Katrina, I'm fine. Don't worry, I'm fine. Don't cry," he pleads.

Marcellus must be in a lot of pain just to say these comforting words. His voice sounds very weak.

Not wanting to make him exert any more effort for her, Katrina quickly wipes away tears and tries her best not to cry again.

Marcellus will be fine.

He has to be fine.

Marcellus is such a good person. He will be alright.

Standing nearby, the man witnesses the accident with his own eyes as soon as he hangs up the phone. He stands still, body frozen in shock and disbelief.

How did this happen?

How did it suddenly turn out like this in just a few seconds?

No one could remain indifferent in the face of such an accident.

The man picks up the phone again and dials Aaron's number. "Mr. Wilson..."

"Is she back?"

"No... Miss Miller, she's still outside."

On the other line, Aaron's gradually calming state flares up again. His fierce voice barks, "What? Is she not back yet? What is she doing outside?"

Why is she still outside with that man?

Are they not willing to part yet?

The man takes a deep breath and tries to stabilize his emotions. "Mr. Wilson, there was a serious car accident. A speeding van nearly hit Miss Miller. The man rushed over and saved her, but he was knocked down."

A car accident?

At the news, Aaron gasps sharply and becomes nervous. "What about her? Did she get hurt?"

"Miss Miller didn't get hurt, but she is crying now. The man seems to be seriously injured."

"d.a.m.n it!"

Aaron hangs up the phone, changes his clothes, and gets his keys.

After what Katrina just witnessed, she must be feeling very helpless and desperate now.

In the end, he can't stop caring about her.