Meeting Again - 95 Don't Give Them The Satisfaction 2

95 Don't Give Them The Satisfaction 2

"The tea is very tasty and fragrant. You should have it" she said taking a seat opposite to me on the bed.

I looked at the tea which had a yellowish green tinge. The fragrance released by it was very fresh. I brought it to my lips and took a small sip. It really was delicious. I took few more sips, when I heard Tanya speak

"Feeling better?"

I looked at her. She was smiling brightly at me. I remembered Mr. Jonas's words, that she put a facade of fake smile and false cheerfulness to be acquainted to people but still maintain a distance. I couldn't help wondering if it was her way of saying to not ask?

She noticed me staring at her and placed the tea cup down. She looked at me with an embara.s.sed look before exhaling loudly and speaking slowly,

"In school, there was a bully group of five. The leader was of it was Brian. An arrogant pampered Alpha, son of the famous actress Barbara Madison. I wouldn't say he was an Omega hater but rather he just love bullying those younger to him or his own cla.s.smates. I was one of the two Omega of the cla.s.s and just like any other Omega, I was either ignored or hara.s.sed by my cla.s.smates. Brian was two years older to me and took a fancy to me, however, I hated him. His arrogant pompous a*s was just not my taste!" she said giggling softly

Her eyes now moved away from me and she look down. I saw her hands coming together, her fingers interwining, like she was going to pray. She spoke, trying to keep her voice light,

"Brian was angry at my not liking him back and started bullying me. Vandalising my desk, throwing my books in the toilet, dropping mud water on my outfit and what not. Once, he stole my cellphone while I was about to leave for home. I chased after him to the school backyard to take it back but he wouldn't return. He threatened me that if I don't accept his confession, he would break my phone. But I still didn't agree, so he got furious and pushed me down on the floor and as luck would have it, my heat started at the very same time" Tanya went silent after that narration

My eyes opened wide in horror. My grip on the tea cup became so tight that the cup almost broke. s.e.xual hara.s.sment and abuse was common among Omega but hearing such a case first hand from someone made the reality of it even more grim. I didn't needed to know what happened next, I could already guess. Tanya spoke again, now looking at me with a sad smile,

"I was fifteen"

I kept my tea cup away as I don't think my stomach could take it after hearing such a terrible tale.

"But you know what was worse? His mother said that it was my fault for not taking my suppressant and seducing his son by my pheromones on committing such a deed" she said. I could trace a faint tremble in her voice.

"I am so sorry" I said, unable to believe that Tanya had gone through such a horrid experience.

I suddenly felt ashamed to have thrown such a fit over what happened to me when I am a full fledged adult and in position to handle the pain but she was a minor. What must have she gone through? How did she even cope with it? I didn't need to think much as Tanya spoke again,

"I became a recluse....almost! I shut myself up and won't talk to anyone or go out. I went into severe depression. I hated my Omega ident.i.ty, hated having this accursed body, hated being looked down upon, hated this biased society, hated seeing my culprits walk free without a single punishment, hated this unfair treatment of Omega.....basically I hated everything. I had suicidal thoughts almost everyday. Had it not been for mum and dad, you might not have seen me here. I stayed closed in my house for half a year"

I looked down. I couldn't believe my ears. I didn't realize it but I had actually held my breath. It was not until I got short of breath did I noticed I was not breathing. I quickly breathed, my heart beating in my mouth. I felt a touch on my hand and saw it was Tanya who had placed her hand over mine. Her face a bit flushed,

"Do you know how I got over it?"

I shook my head, still feeling queasy.

"It was because of dad. He came to me after four months of my being shut in and sat with me. I didn't want to talk to him or anyone. I felt n.o.body would understand, n.o.body would get what I was feeling (I looked at her on hearing this) or how much pain I was in. But dad didn't say anything sympathetic but rather only asked me,

'How long are you gonna mop around?' "

That was really unexpected. I looked at her startled but she only chuckled and said,

"Shocked? Even I was. But dad then told me

'World is not fair, it never was and it never will be. It will always oppresses the weak and wors.h.i.+p the powerful but does that mean we should stop living? Or give up and mop around? Does being upset and beating yourself over it change anything?' "

She smiled at me as if asking me the question. I didn't know what to say and could only stare. Tanya laughed lightly and said,

" No, Tony, it wouldn't change anything. What happened was not your fault neither was it mine but the society would always put the blame on the weak because it is spineless, it cannot fight the powerful. So, we have to fight it. We can't let it defeat us. You can't let those moronic perverted jerk have the satisfaction of seeing you suffer!! That's what they want! You are not alone, there are many who had gone through such terrible experience. It is painful, heart breaking and really tough to get over it but unlike many, you are blessed Tony. Chef Sam, Mr. D'Souza, CEO, Mrs. Walker, Twen, and me, we all love you a lot and will help you with it. We are all there for you"

The lump in my throat seemed to have doubled in size. I swallowed three times before speaking, as my voice broke,

"Would they-would they really? They wouldn't be repulsed by me? They would really not leave me even after I acted like such a jerk?"

Tanya came close to me, kept her tea cup aside and hugged me affectionately, speaking softly near my ears

"Yes! They all want to help you. They all care for you. No one is repulsed by you and no one will leave you. So, don't wallow in self disgust and pity anymore, Tony. I know it is is hard to forget such an ordeal but only by facing it can you overcome it and we will all help you with it"

I put my hands around, tears rolling down my cheeks, "Thank you!"