Meeting Again - 96 Unexpected Visi

96 Unexpected Visi

Tanya had been inside Tony's room for quite sometime. I wonder what's going on. Hopefully, she can talk him out of his miserable state of mind. I had been quite useless in that regard. Twen was sitting on mum's lap reading a book. He had been getting very impatient waiting to see Tony,

"Granny Ash, why can't I see mommy?" Twen asked in an upset voice

Mum patted his head, "Honey, your mum is a little busy. His friend had come to visit him"

Twen blinked innocently, "Friend? Is it Uncle Fred?"

Mum laughed breezily, "No it's Tanya. Do you wanna meet her too?" mum asked to see Twen's upset expression replaced with a bright look.

Mum just mentioned it and I heard a click on the door. Tanya came out along with Tony who looked extremely nervous. Before I could react, Twen bounced down my mum's lap and cried excitedly,


Tony's anxious expression cleared on seeing Twen. Twen went running to him followed by my mum and wrapped his little arms round his waist. I saw Tony smile for the first time in days. He got down on his knees and hugged him,

"Sorry Twen...sorry to worry you" he said

I was surprised at the sudden change in Tony's behaviour and looked at Tanya. She was smiling at him but her complexion had a strange greyish tinge. I was just wondering why she looked so oddly sick, when she turned towards me. I guess she felt my gaze, then smiled at me broadly and winked. Her greyish sickly pallor fading in comparison to her glowing bright smile. I blinked not sure how to respond but I saw her sneakily showing me a 'thumbs up' putting her hands out of Tony's vision. I got the message. She was able to talk him out of his overthinking and misery. I smiled at her gratefully.

Mum spoke to Tony, who had picked Twen on his arm, patting his shoulder length hair and smiling sunnily, "You look better with your hair properly combed. Are you hungry, dear? I can ask Pince to get you a meal"

Tony smiled slightly, saying in a hoa.r.s.e voice like he had just cried, "Yes...yes mum"

Mum's eyes twinkled on hearing him. She patted Twen on his head and Tanya's arm before quickly walking out of sight. Tony raised his head to look at me. I don't know why, I suddenly felt nervous and glad at the same time. I took three long strides and covered the distance between us.

"Tony" I said

I saw Tony's lips trembling. Tanya and Twen looked at me and then at Tony. Tanya's eyes sparkled as if she had thought of some mischievous idea. She suddenly spread her arm to Twen and said in a jolly voice,

"Hey Twen, wanna see my latest mobile game?"

Twen looked tempted but clutched on to Tony's collar tightly, saying poutily, "Aunty Tanya, I want to stay with Mommy" he muttered

"Ohh you stay with Mommy the whole day, can't you stay with Aunt Tanya for a few minutes" Tanya said with mock upset voice and even had her lips pulled down

I looked at this exchange between Tanya and Twen amused. I gently stroked Twen's head and said with in breezy happy voice,

"Twen, your mommy won't go anywhere. Why don't you go and see the exciting new game Aunty Tanya esp wants to show you?"

"But..." he looked at Tony with confusion

"Its ok Twen. Enjoy with Tanya. I will be here only" Tony smiled

Twen's confused look cleared. He looked at Tanya and spread his arm to her getting on her shoulder. Tanya looked at us both and spoke in a friendly tone,

"Get the air clear, both of you" and walked away talking to Twen animatedly.

Tony was giving me a slightly embara.s.sed look,

"Tony I-"

"Robbie I-"

We both started together and immediately stopped. I chuckled, put a arm around his shoulder and pulled him to the couch.

"You go first. I am dying to hear you talk" I said, after we both took our seat

Tony looked at me again, a little red in the face,

"I am sorry for behaving so ridiculous this past few days and worrying you, mum and Twen"

"NO! I won't say I can understand what your going through, because I don't, but I know it must have been a terrible ordeal and I...I am so sorry that you had go through it because I selfishly wanted to enter your life" I said exhaling

Tony squinted at me as if he had heard me wrong. I continued, "Tony, you have every right to be upset with me. Because of me you had to face the horror of losing your son and the torment of Mr. Olsen-"

"Stop!" Tony stopped me mid way, "I never thought it was your fault. Yes, intially I was angry that you were forcing your way into my life but later I realized, I was happier with you around. Robbie..." he called my name in such a loving voice that I froze, "when Mr. Olsen-"

"Tony, it's don't have to force yourself to talk about it-" I said hurried only to be interrupted

"No, listen" Tony said putting a hand on mine, "Robbie when Mr. Olsen was...was, well, doing me...I...I realised that...." he look me in the eye. This look was too full of emotion...too full of care. My body immediately siezed up. I was extremely weak at this look of his. He swallowed softly and spoke, his voice still hoa.r.s.e, "I realised that I had always.... ALWAYS only wanted you in my life. I had only seen my future with you which is why I couldn't give my heart to anyone else. Robbie, you don't have to make me fall for you, I had always only loved you"

I was speechless. Did Tony just made a confession to me? I stared at him blankly. Maybe, Tony realized I was out of words since he came closer and kissed me softly. I was again surprised but this was a happy surprise. I closed my eyes feeling his warm lips on mine. But he quickly drew back. I opened my eyes feeling slightly put down. Tony was looking nervous, he tightly entwined his finger and bit his lips. He mumbled,

"I-I hope your not repulsed by me"

I frowned feeling irritated. I grabbed hold of his collar and pulled him close. Tony's eyes widen as I came close enough to feel his breath. I said more aggressively than I had intended,

"Repulsed?? Do you really think some perverted j*rk can ever make my love for you vanish? If you thought so, then you underestimated my feelings for you. Haven't you noticed it yet, Tony?? You are the only man in my eyes and you always will be. There is no one I want as my life partner other than you. And no Olsen can make me change my view. Now, that you have accepted being mine, then don't you dare say MY Tony is dirty or repulsive!! Got it?"

Tony looked stunned, but the next moment his eyes welled up. He nodded unable to say another word. He wrapped his arms round my waist and put his head on my shoulder. I let go of his collar, a smile pulling up the corner of my lips. I sighed, gently stroking Tony's head but got interrupted almost instantly by Alice's (my mother's a.s.sistant) voice.

"Mrs. Ashley....Mrs. Ashley....Oh...I- I am so sorry to interrupt"

She said turning around at the doorway, a little flushed. Tony turned red and quickly tried to move away but like I was going let him. It was not easy to get this moment with him. I held his head on my shoulder, whispering "It's okay" and then raised my voice asking Alice, "What is it, Alice?"

"Oh..." she paused awkwardly, "Uhmm nothing-" she said trying to avoid the subject and trying to leave

"Tell me!" I drawled lazily

"That..." she hesistated, then sighed heavily, "Mr. Walker, you father is here with his lawyer. He wanted to meet Mrs. Ashley"