Love System: Changing Destinies - 35 First Love: Mo Xue 33

35 First Love: Mo Xue 33

The ger is sitting inside the inner hall, listening to the Prince's concubines ideas. He have summoned those ladies to help him and understandably, those ladies comply. He, by all right, have the highest seniority in term of rank and couple with the fact that he have manage to eliminate two of the highest ranked concubines in the Prince's household, are enough to make those gentle lady obeys.

But the Consort didn't seems to misuse his power. He gently invite them and ask them to share his opinion, making the concubines lessen their contempt. To be honest, the ger is just lazy to think as he have other issue on his hand that requires immediate attention.

"Consort Jae, what do you think about this?"

The soul-changed Consort raise his head, smiling softly while in fact he's using his system to remind him what were being talked about.

"I believe it is a good idea, Concubine Ling. And perhaps we can combine it with Concubine De's idea as well. Can we have it ready before the princess comes?"

The concubines were enchanted with the ger's soft tone. They all have met with the ger, at least once before, and they knew how beautiful he is. However, the ger always look so pitiful and delicate, making him an easy target to bully.

Now, the ger have a sudden change in his personality. Still the same delicate being but his aura seems regal, making them unable to disagree with his command, despite how sweet and soft his tone is.

Their meeting was adjourned as they all received their task. The group of concubines were split into three. One group will be handling the food feast, to ensure the foreign princess get to experience their local specialty, while the second group is in charge of the various locations that they wish to show her. Most probably they will be going to the Jiang Wen Pavilion, a place where all the best jewellery and dresses were sold and the Ninwen Temple. As for the last group, they will be responsible for the entertainment, such as dances and musical show, to be presented on the welcoming banquet and the farewell dinner later on.

What about the ger?

As soon as the meeting was over, he was whisked away by the Prince, urging him to rest and take a nap. He can only helplessly smiles on his husband's action, stealing a peck on his cheek, before laying obediently on the bed. He have move back to the Prince's chamber, after they have reconciled from their mini fight.

The Prince has also receive the report, on the meeting of the princess and Shen Zhe, the second son of the Shen's household. Surprisingly, the report didn't come from his shadow guard, but from Jun Jin Lee, his bride's cousin.

"Why did tell me this?" the Prince asks.

"Your Highness, I'm not sure if you know, but Shen Zhe is a bit... petty. If it wasn't for the fact that he is somehow related to your previous concubine, I wouldn't care to track on him. I have been wary about him, and about any of the lady inside your household, Your Highness. Jae Hee might be Your Highness's Consort, but he is also my dear cousin and the Prince of Silla."

He subtly hinted to the Prince, about what he has been doing, silently urging the Prince to pay a close attention about those ladies that were living within his household. To be honest, the Prince has long intended to dismiss his harem, but due to some business, he have to hold it for the moment.

"But now, it seems like Your Highness's harem is in complete harmony? I've heard about how my little cousin delegating tasks to them for the princess welcoming banquet."

The cousin sips his tea after showing a knowing smile. The Prince, putting out his grim thinking face, starts to wonder, when will be the perfect time to get ahead with his plan.


"They have crossed path and now travelling together? Do you know what are they planning on, Zero Three?"

This was new. In the original plotline, Shen Zhe would never have an encounter with the princess. But then, in the original story as well, he wouldn't be coming home and will be staying abroad, continuing his study.

Oh gos.h.!.+ Just how many changes I'm responsible on? And those wolves? Where did they come from? There's no information about those.


"I can't determine what is Shen Zhe's plan, host, since he is alone. However, Jia Ru planned to use him to gain another set of supporter. She seems to know about what happen to the Shen Household."

"Then, she will be probably make use out of it. Hmm... Monitor their activity, especially when her man make contacts with her spies."

"Yes, host."

Over the past few day, after a.n.a.lysing the action of this woman in the original story, I've come to realize that she must have her own spies here in this kingdom. I mean, how on earth can she orchestrated the whole 'being attack by the local thug' scenario at the exact place where the Crown Prince will be?

And then, that Shen Zhe. I have never meet him and Jae Hee have only meet him once. But... if the information about him is correct, he will certainly do something to me. Perhaps, he has even planned to do so on his way back.

I look down to my stomach, caressing it slightly, thinking about little miracle that now's reside in my womb. I have to prevent anything from happening to me, so this baby can have a future with his father.

And for that, that Shen Zhe have to leave.

"... Host, about the wolves..."



No one knows when, but the young innocent man's heart that now reside within the ger's body has slowly blacken. But perhaps, it was due to his circ.u.mstances that the changes happen.

Two weeks ago, he's just someone that have nothing in his life to live for. But now, getting thrown into an unknown world, being force to survive just for the sake of having his second chance in life, he starts to change. With an innocent life now reside within him, he no longer tries to survive only for himself, but for others as well.

At first everything is just some means to an end. Completing the task, gain a thousand points and leave. But now, for his love and his baby, nothing can stand on his way.

"Xiao Er, can you send a message to my cousin, asking him to meet me tomorrow?"

He finally lift up his face from stirring absent mindedly on his sweet congee, flas.h.i.+ng a small smile towards his maid.

"Yes, consort." The latter replies, serving him another cup of hot tea.

"Oh, get me a paper and brush. I want you to deliver it as well."



I want to meet with Shen Li. Please bring him to Wu Fei Tea House tomorrow, after court meeting. I'll be waiting.

Hee Hee.'