Love System: Changing Destinies - 36 First Love: Mo Xue 34

36 First Love: Mo Xue 34

Those words keep ringing inside a certain Prince's mind as he walks home, heading towards his chamber. Yes, his bride had willingly moved back to his chamber, a day after he give his permission for his bride to be in charge of a certain event.

The handsome Prince was with Jun Jin Lee, when the latter received the message from his cousin, the Prince's Consort. The letter was fully written in Silla's, but the content has been spilled out by the handsome delegate. They both were surprised by such thing. Why would a married ger want to meet with a guy outside? And to make thing even weirder, he wants to meet with the guy who's family had tried to kill him?

When the Prince enters his chamber, a whiff of plum blossom flairs to his senses. He knows, his delicate pregnant ger is having his afternoon bath right this moment. He walks to the back chamber, where he saw a line of maids are waiting outside the silk screen. He put his index finger to his mouth, silencing their greetings before waving them out. One by one, the maids walks out, taking care to step out faster, but silently.

The said Prince then proceed to walk behind the silk screen, watching his bride leaning inside the tub, currently relaxing within the hot bath. He approaches his bride slowly, taking away his robe and inner cloth, as usual, while keeping his eyes on his bride's serene features. The ger have a small smile on his face, with his eyes close, looking adorably tempting, as his skin glisten pinkishly.

"Xue Er~"

The ger has long realized that he was being watched. It's nothing new, but one might marvel at how keen the ger's senses are. To tell the truth, he have a cheat called Zero Three, the Love System's manager. Ever since he was ambush before by the said Prince, the soul-changed Consort has asked his system to alert him when the Prince come again during his bath. At least, he won't be as surprised.

"My dear, you always seem to know that I'm here."

The handsome Prince lift up his muscled leg, entering the tub, while his... junk, is hanging proudly between his long legs. As we know, this is not something new, but the ger would always sported a shy look, immediately s.h.i.+fts his gaze to somewhere else.

The Prince smiles in amus.e.m.e.nt, seeing such look on his bride's face. He submerge himself inside the tub, sending the water to ripples around the tub and break when it reach the ger's porcelain skin. He scoot closer and engulf his bride within his arm, clamping his waist on the side. The latter, glowing pink with the heat and embarra.s.sment, lean his head to his husband's broad shoulder, sighing happily to meet the familiar warmth.

"My dear~"

The Prince turn his bride, making them face each other. The bride pout, dissatisfied when his leaning pose is being disturbed, but instantly melt upon seeing his husband's devilish look.


"May I? The doctor says it okay."



I can understand what he's implying to. He wants... that. We haven't been... doing... that... for the past few days, all in regards to my pregnancy. So...

I can feel my blood rush to two different directions. One is up to my face and the other... southward.

I can't look at his eyes anymore. It's too... blinding! I can sense his stare, his need and his l.u.s.t, even when I'm avoiding it. To be honest... I kinda miss him too.

I have only given out a small nod, when all of the sudden, he pulled my chin up and crush my lips in a scorching kiss.

"Mhh~ Ahh~"

I can't help myself from moaning, as if it was waiting behind my vocal cord. As soon as I open my mouth to stop him, his slick tongue slides in, chasing mine around before capturing it. I can barely register it when he pull my legs and straddle me on his laps, when he starts to rub our length together.

"Ahhhhnn~ Xue Er~"

He trail his kisses down to my jaw and my neck, making arch my head backward, giving him more s.p.a.ce. It has been days, since the last time he mark me, making my pale skin in now clear as a white canvas, ready for the painter to draw his masterpiece.

I climb my hands up from his arms, snaking it to his shoulders, trying to anchor myself from the pleasure. Hearing myself moaning a mess makes me dizzy, as he pumped faster, forcing me to reach. b.u.t.terfly kisses trails down until it reaches my nubs. I arches my body even further, letting him play with those beans, licking them wet, sucking them swollen.

"Ahhhhnn.. Ahhhhnn... Xue- Ahhhhh!"

My arms falls from his neck with my whole body tenses, climaxing hard. The only thing that keep my position is his arm, holding on my waist. He pulls me back towards his embrace, plastering our body together. I can feel the stickiness on our abs, it must be from the release before.

He's saying something to me, but I can't understand any of it. I rest my head on his shoulder, suddenly tired out of the blue.


A single digit snake inside my hole, making me unconsciously clench it, feeling foreign. He kisses my temple, hus.h.i.+ng me to calm down as he slowly force another digit inside me.

"Still so tight after all this time, my dear. Loosen up a bit."

Feeling save once again, I give out a nod as I relax my body, then the finger slide to its third digit. The feeling of his long calloused finger feels a bit different from before, as it slowly swirl inside me, loosen up my hole.

Why? Not that I'm rejecting it though as it felt... heaven.


The poor ger doesn't know, but his husband has struck his nerve point behind his neck, increasing his level of sensitivity. He have his own reason for that, for later purposes. However for now, he just wants to devour his little pregnant bride.

The Prince keep peppering kisses, marking his bride's body, nibbling on his lobe while whispering lovely nothing's to him. His fingers are working harder, thrusting in and out within those warm hole, slightly grazing the sweet bundle of nerve, itching the ger to the point of desperation.

"Xue Er.... Ahhhhnn..."

The poor, teased ger subconsciously moves his hip, up and down, trying to chase the feeling, but his cruel husband kindly deny it.

"Ahhhhnn... Xue Er... please... please..."

"What do you need, my dear?"

The Prince continues his torture, scissoring the sweet hole to ensure it can accommodate his long and hard jade stick. His low growl is sending s.h.i.+vers to ger's spine, making his mind hazy with desire. A sudden switch snap within his soul. He didn't even realized what he's doing as he suddenly stands up, letting those fingers slide away from his sacred hole, shocking his husband.

Taking the hardened stick of his husband's, he look into his eye's, before saying one word.


Outside the ambiguous back chamber of a certain Prince, far away from the kingdom, a group of 'visitors' and her 'guest' is making plans for the next day's journey. An eastern looking lady, wearing a western attire is having a light hearted conversation with a certain man, the handsome stranger that once saved her entourage from wolves.

"Then, why did you cut your study short by going home?" The 'princess' asks.

"My family have stumble upon some problem before." He replied, "I'm not sure what I can tell you..."

"Please, Mister Shen. You are my benefactor. If I can help you in some way, I will."

The handsome stranger smile inwardly, before recalling his tale, taking notes to frame a certain ger, thinking that the lady have fallen for his charm. He plans to use the lady status, to help him get his revenge.

Little that he know, the lady, who have long known about the real truth, is laughing at his stupidity inside. She have plans for him too, a plan that might just bring him to the brink of death.

They both churned their own plans while their supposed to be 'victims' are having their time in heaven, intertwining their bodies together, in a slightly cooled down hot tub, without any care about the world.