Love System: Changing Destinies - 34 First Love: Mo Xue 32

34 First Love: Mo Xue 32

"My dear~"

"I want~ Xue Er, I want~"

You dare to prevent me? You wish.

I almost explode in anger listening to my system's report, stating that the Prince is pet.i.tioning to let the Emperor revoke his command on me being the one to entertain the princess. I mean, that fake princess.

I have to ask, no... beg, my system to manipulate the mind of this dumb prince to 'accidentally' slip up on this or else he would keep mum on it. It's not that easy. Zero Three told me that the Prince's mind power is absolute. If it wasn't for the fact that the system is a cheat, it will not work. Plus, the cheat eats up the rest of my points, and I'm having negatives now!

My precious points~

No, mister! I wouldn't certainly let you do such thing. Do you know how hard it is to get this one chance to meet that scheming b.i.t.c.h?

"My dear, you're pregnant. You'll be tired. Please listen to me."

I'm pregnant, not disable. Stupid Prince!


The soul-changed Consort resorted to blackmail. Emotional blackmail that is.

At first, he would sulk and refuses to eat on his husband's lap. Then while visitors come and congratulate the couple on their child, the ger would ignore the Prince blatantly, striking conversation with everyone but him. And when the Prince summoned them all out due to jealousy, the ger ultimately move back to his own chamber, commanding his maids to stop the Prince from entering, threatening to stop eating if they don't.

The ger knows that he's acting childish, but that is the only way that he can think of. He would simply blame his pregnancy for his actions later.

"Hee Hee, His Highness cares for you. Can you just relent on this one?"

The Prince is on his wit's end, hence the cousin. It was the last day of the celebration, when most people from around the city have already come, paying their visit and bringing gifts. A mountain load of precious treasure and herbs are taking up some s.p.a.ce inside the ger's chamber, while some of them are already being stored somewhere.

The ger is having his afternoon snack, while his maid is brewing a pot of sang ji sheng and sweet egg, which is good for expecting persons, when his cousin comes to visit.

More like giving a lecture.

"Big Brother," the ger started, before switching to Silla's, "Oraboni, I'm pregnant, not disable. Does he want me to be kept hidden here inside this chamber? Am I his trophy wife? Or... is he embarra.s.s of me?"

The ger lamented pitifully, faking his sadness to the other's. He knows the cousin would immediately report back to the Prince, so he might as well take advantage of it.

The cousin frowns hearing such things. He starts to understand why his little cousin is so keen to throw a tantrum over this matter. Later, when he meet up with His Highness, he starts to lecture the Prince on how he have made the ger feel insecure and demanded him to just comply with what he wants. The Prince want to refuse the notion but the cousin uses the ger's pregnancy as a factor, making the Prince submit.

"Thank you, Xue Er."

The ger lovingly hug him when the Prince come by the next morning, saying that he would agree for him to entertain the visiting princess. To be honest, he partly blame himself for slipping up in front of his bride. He starts to wonder, when have he become so muddle headed.

"But, I expect you to relax and not to strain yourself. You can command the maids and servants to do your bidding."




"I promise, Xue Er."

I grab his hand and starts linking our pinky together, promising. Finally! My prayers have been answered. Wow, to be honest, I don't think this trick will work. No wonder those female lead in those drama would act such way, because their male partners isn't immune to such pitiful state.

Wait. Why did I just categorized myself with them?


I keep hugging him, while I'm planning inside my mind. I mean, I kinda miss him after two days of shunning him. Sigh. So, I let him carries me on his lap, and let him feed me breakfast, while I snuggle closer to him.

Gos.h.!.+ I even miss his scent.

Anyway, the first step is done. Next, and the most important thing is, to organize the event. The Prince will organize the whole welcoming ceremony, while I will be in charge of the entertainment. But still, I wouldn't let any of them, nor the Prince or the Crown Prince, to receive that woman when she comes.

Since there is no Crown Princess nor its candidate and the so called princess is not on the highest degree to deserve a welcoming from the Empress, I would become the best choice to receive her, due to my status that is.


"Zero Three, regarding the task of not letting that woman meet with the Crown Prince, do I have to prevent them from ever meet or just that one initial meeting?"

Well, I have to ask. I do believe it is highly impossible to prevent them from ever meet unless, I sent the Crown Prince somewhere else. It's great though, since the answer I got benefits me. I only have to prevent their first meet, the one that have been predestined in the original story line.

The meet should be happening on the second night of her 'visit'. They would '' with each other, when the Crown Prince is on his way back and that woman, is being hara.s.s behind the main street. The Crown Prince was ready to help when he sees this but that woman displayed her combat skill and defeat the attackers.

And.... As legend call it, the Crown Prince was so enamoured by her bravery and yada yada yada. The Crown Prince proceed to tell it to the Prince, making him develop a sudden interest to her as well.


If one ever wonder to stop and think, it was utterly ridiculous. Why would someone attack a royal visitor and even then, why would she, some princess, would walk at night, in a foreign country no less, all alone?

Huh, those two are really stupid that time!


"My dear? What's wrong?"

The Prince raise his question upon hearing his bride's snorting in disgust. He put down his spoon and pay full attention towards his pregnant ger, keeping an eye on his emotion. The ger pout cutely, definitely unsatisfied with something.

"Can you tell me, my dear? Is the food is not to your liking?"

The ger hook his arm around his husband's neck, hiding his face on the crook, mumbling under his breath.

"What is that again, my dear?"

"I don't want you to go and meet with that princess." The ger repeated, loudly this time, still sound m.u.f.fled.

The Prince let out a small smile, thinking how his adorable bride is jealous of the princess. He tighten his hug, rubbing the ger's back. While the winter have slowly pa.s.sed this last few days, it is still slightly chill.

"Then who will receive her?"

"Me. I want to go."

"My dear~"

The Prince coax his bride to finish his breakfast first while the ger is playing his pity and jealousy card to ensure his plan will work.

Meanwhile, the 'princess' entourage is having a break somewhere in the wood. They were preparing dinner after setting up their tents when a loud howl thunder across the forest. The guards are instantly alert as they heard the pitter patter come nearer to their camping ground.

Out of a sudden, a pack of wolves starts to emerge from behind the tree. One, two, twelve, large wolves, grey in colour, with the size of a grown man starts to approach them slowly, while the biggest wolf, most probably the pack leader, is standing a bit further, eyeing the procession.

Without notice, the pack starts to attack, lunging towards the guards. Fight erupt between men and beasts, as those men are trying to survive and those beasts are trying to get their meal.

The fight continues for a few moment, with the beasts seems to be winning, overpowering the men with their brute strength. Most of the men suffer some heavy injuries, being clawed and torn apart. A couple of men have already died.

Out of nowhere, slas.h.i.+ng sound can be heard and flas.h.i.+ng blade is blinding them. A stranger march forward and beheaded a few wolves, making the leader of the pack howl in agony. The stranger instantly taking the front line, facing the wolves that are now whimpering, edging to fight back. The stranger lock his eyes with the leader, unblinking. Few seconds later the leader give out another howl, calling his pack to retreat.

The stranger keep standing there, until the last of the wolf hind disappears from their sight. As he turns around, those men finally got to see a clear view of this stranger. A young man, a handsome one nevertheless, carrying a n.o.ble but playful air around him.

"Thank you for your help, young master."

The stranger turn his attention toward the sweet voice, coming from the large tent behind those man. The tent flap was raised and a lady, in her western gown steps out, instantly mesmerizing the stranger.

"This princess name is Jia Ru, from the Western Empire. If young master please, may this princess know your name?"

"Greeting, Princess Jia Ru. This humble person's name is Shen Zhe, from the Tian Mo Kingdom."