Love System: Changing Destinies - 33 First Love: Mo Xue 31

33 First Love: Mo Xue 31

The servant of various household are running around, filling their water supplies to the brim, no longer worried about the lack of water. All around the kingdom, the frost has already began to melt completely and the frozen lakes and water sources has been thawed.

The winter cut short for Tian Mo Kingdom, marking the beginning of spring.

Inside a certain chamber, on a certain household, two peoples are seemingly unaware of the celebration outside. The Prince adoringly holds his bride in his arm, leaning together on his bed. His bride, the ger, is sleeping soundly next to him, curling cutely like a kitten.

The Prince would lazily play with his bride's hair, brus.h.i.+ng ever so slightly on his beauty spot behind his ear. The ger would snuggle closer to him, seeking for warmth.

The soul-changed Consort is really asleep, mentally tired with the overload of information regarding his pregnancy. He have known about the possibility of him being pregnant, but he didn't know it will be so soon. The moment his husband break the news to him the ger cries again, for a whole lot of reasons.

Frustration, fear, pain and love ultimately exhausted the poor ger, making him fall to deep sleep within the Prince warm embrace. The Prince no longer panic when his bride went limp yet again. The physician has told him that pregnancy will effect a person's hormones and emotion.

He simply pull himself down to lay with his bride, waiting for him to wake up. The Prince still keep him happy smiling face, thinking about his future child. He didn't mind whether it's going to be a boy or a girl, all he wants is for them, the child and his bride to be safe. It startled him a bit, thinking that, no less than two weeks ago, he have no interest in having a family but now. Yes, now, all he wants is to have a family, not with just anyone, but only with the beautiful ger in his arms. His bride. His consort.


No sooner than that, he feels the ger stir restlessly. He immediately rub his back, calming him down, dropping a chaste kiss on his bride's hair, as he look down. The ger grudgingly open up his peach blossom eyes, looking up and share a stare with his husband. Their gaze were kept still for a few moment, until a small rumbling sound hit their ears. The ger instantly look away, but his newly tinted pink cheeks didn't escape his husband's.


The ger can only nod, highly embarra.s.s with hearing such teasing tone of the Prince. The Prince call up a few maid to serve the meal as he have already instructed them to keep the meal ready and warm for his bride. Gently, he scoop his bride up, much to the latter surprise, rising up his brows firmly when the ger wants to be put down. He resorted to fake-drop his bride to make the latter clasp his neck firmly before heading to the table.

The table is already filled to the brim with a whole lot of nutritious food, suitable for expecting persons. The ger can only put out a helpless look, seeing how his husband is busy filling up his bowl and feeding him, while sitting on his lap. The ger watch his husband's face, carefully, as his heart starts to strain in pain yet again, seeing such happy features.

"My dear?"

A trickle of tear trail down the corner of the ger's eyes, without him knowing it. The Prince stop his action, wiping away those tear, finally taking a good look at his bride.

"What's wrong?"

"Xue Er..."


"Are you... happy?"

"I am."

The Prince take hold of his bride's hand, kissing before placing it on top of the still flat stomach.

"This child, my dear, is the seed of my love to you. I know my feeling towards you and I know you are feeling the same too. I'm happy. I'm truly am."

And with that, the tears come falling down on the ger's face, as if the dam that holds it breaks through. He embrace his husband, collapsing himself within the front of his warm body, crying his resentment away. The ger, no, the soul-changed Consort is having a change of heart, finally willing to accept his feeling, finally willing to try and get it through.

"Thank you."


"Thank you for being here. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you..."

'for believing that you love me.'

I can't leave. I can't.

Not when this child is here. At least, not until the baby is born.

I'm not sure what will happen to Jae Hee's body when I leave, but I've read too many transmigration based novels to know that I will die before moving to next world. If I leave before giving birth, this baby will die too.

He says he loves me, he believes so.

He's right, this baby is the seed of our love. At least, I can leave him with this token of my love. Only because I can't...

"Zero Three."

"Yes, host."

"I can't bring this baby with me, can't I?"

"No, host. You can't bring any living beings. However, you are allowed to bring non-animated objects from this world to keep it within the s.p.a.ce or bring it with you to next world, host."

"Zero Three."

"Yes, host?"

"About my request from before...

cancel it."


The ger went to sleep after dinner, which was a hard task for the Prince. Due to his fluctuating emotion, the Prince have to coax his bride to eat, as he calms him down on the dinner table.

While laying on the side of his bride, the Prince spied a moving shadow from the corner of his eyes, making his body alert. Upon realizing that it was from his shadow guard, he drop a kiss on his bride's hair, tucking him up before leaving the bed.

He walks out of his chamber, wearing only an outer robe on top of his sleeping wear, walking briskly to his study chamber. In the middle of it, Yi, his shadow guard, is already kneeling on the floor, waiting.

"Pardon my intrusion, Your Highness."


The Prince take a seat behind the table, while the guard stands up, taking out a piece of parchment and put it on the table.

"Your Highness, there is indeed an entourage at the neighbouring state, claiming to be from the Western Empire. They are currently residing inside the mayor's manor. As they have received the permission from the Emperor, they will most probably head out the next morning."


"There are thirty people, including the princess. However, half of them are of the eastern nationalities and the rest are westerners. But, all of the easterners are an accomplish martial artist, including the lady maid and their lowest foot servant."

The Prince face turn frosty while listening to the report. The drums his fingers on the table, while reading the parchment paper. It contains the list of supplies that the visiting princess wish to obtain.

"Half of this supplies are obtainable from that state. Why does it still on this list?"

"Your Highness, according to our resources, those supplies are either run out of stock due to famine, or the stores have fallen into some sort of catastrophe before the princess's entourage arrive."

"How convinced. Proceed to report to the Crown Prince. Remind him to be wary with these supplies stores and keep a tight reign on security."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The Prince is already standing up, urging to head back to his bride. However, his shadow guard is still standing at the middle of the chamber, slightly fidgeting.

"Anything else?"

"Your Highness. Regarding the Emperor's command on Your Consort-"

"Don't worry about it. He's pregnant now. This Prince is sure that Royal Father will understand."