Episode 4 (f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o)
Next day's morning, after confirming today's plan carefully in my room, I headed to the kitchen, prepared liquid food for breakfast and went to Mifuyu-chan's room.
This morning's liquid food was added with chocolate's flavour, which is kids' favorite, so Mifuyu-chan should be delighted too.
Having arrived at the room, I opened the door with my legs as my hands were occupied by the tray.
「Aaa……! A, S, sou-chan, good morning……naa……!」
I unintentionally become speechless.
Lying on the bed, Mifuyu-chan was in the middle of masturbating although it was just early morning.
Moreover, although she greets me, she doesn't even try to stop her hands' movement.
(S, surely I did say she should m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e when it's boring but……. ……Maa, rapidly becoming lewd is according to the plan too……)
I approach Mifuyu-chan who continues to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e and put the meal on the table.
Mifuyu-chan immediately noticed it was breakfast time, so she finally stopped masturbating.
「Waa……! This is, chocolate?」
「Un. I think it's sweet and tasty. Hora, wear your clothes properly and let's eat」
*gosogoso* Mifuyu-chan changes her pajama. (sfx rustling sound of clothes)
After the preparation, Mifuyu-chan put her hands together and said "itadakimasu"
「Hora, a-n」
She seems to be able to eat by herself in particular, but since I want to look at the one I desire, I take care of her meal as a service.
Whenever Mifuyu-chan ate the liquid food, she had a happy smile.
For her to be this happy, it's really worth making this
Mifuyu-chan continued to eat with a good pace and completely consumed the liquid food.
If she has this much appet.i.te then it's fine to deinstall the intravenous drip.
I tidied the tablewares, then brought the TV in Mifuyu-chan just as promised after that.
Without connecting the broadcasting line as planned, I wired it with only a recorder which had some harmless anime instead
Having finished the work after 10 minutes, *waa* Mifuyu-chan's face brightened at the room with a TV installed safely.
When I vaguely try to playback as a test, the no-problem anime is shown on the screen.
To her desired amus.e.m.e.nt, Mifuyu-chan fixed her eyes upon the screen with an earnest face.
(The appearance is of 18 year-old, but seeing this figure, you can actually feel she's just a 8 year-old child after all……)
Harbouring that thought, I quietly left Mifuyu-chan's room.
Let's have the breakfast immediately.
I headed to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast suitable for myself.
「Mifuyu-chan, it's physical examination timeー」
After finis.h.i.+ng the breakfast, I come to Mifuyu-chan's room again.
It's time to begin the examination.
「A, Sou-chan……Un, wait a sec」
Mifuyu-chan noticed that I had come, she turned of the TV although it hasn't finished yet and went toward me.
I come close to her and remove her clothes while she's lying.
I feast my eyes on Mifuyu-chan body, which is beautiful whenever I see it.
「Then, show me your p.u.s.s.y today too, okay?」
「Un, here, Sou-chan」
Mifuyu-chan voluntarily opened her legs into M-character, exposed her secret place to me.
Just like yesterday, while opening her secret place with my left hand, I wet my right hand's index finger with enough saliva and insert it.
「nn! Hurtt……!」
As expected, the intrav.a.g.i.n.al hasn't recovered yet, Mifuyu-chan complains about the pain.
To know the degree of painful, I asked Mifuyu-chan.
「How much does it hurt? Like yesterday?」
「Compared to yesterday, it becomes better considerably……」
「So?……Then, maybe it will heal just a little longer」
I decide to endure, not to start the plan to insert my meat stick into the v.a.g.i.n.a which still has a few injuries remained.
As expected, while enduring the pain, she can't feel good and her own body will dislike s.e.x.
(Aa……I must quickly heal her p.u.s.s.y……)
Longing for the sensation of the v.a.g.i.n.a I tasted that night, I look forwards to the day I can have s.e.x again.
Without showing that thought on my face, I pulled the finger out and moved to another training.
「Then today, let's practice f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o」
As if it has become every time's custom, Mifuyu-chan has a curious face with the apprearance of a new word.
I smile gently at Mifuyu-chan and tell her the lie I thought beforehand.
「f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o is necessary to take out the medicine called s.e.m.e.n to smear it into the p.u.s.s.y」
「A, that reminds me, we haven't smeared the drug to my p.u.s.s.y today」
「Un. Therefore let's take out the s.e.m.e.n with f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o right now, and smear it to your p.u.s.s.y」
It's an explaination that would make other people stunned if they hear it, but I continue with a deadly serious face.
This is fine if Mifuyu-chan is deceived.
「Then, I will explain how to f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o. Despite saying that, it's simple, Mifuyu-chan can immediately memorize it」
「nn……Un, I will try my best to memorize it!」
Mifuyu-chan makes a lovely clenched fist.
I nodded to that, brushed Mifuyu-chan's head and praised her.
「Ehehe……then, the thing called f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, how do I do that?」
「Un, I will prepare a bit, just wait」
Saying so, I raise the reclining bed to the limit and make Mifuyu-chan sit like L character.
Then, while saying "excuse me for a bit", I went up to the bed, sat near Mifuyu-chan like sticking to her shoulder.
「……? Sou-chan?」
As if not understanding what I'm going to do, Mifuyu-chan lets out a surprised voice.
Laughing at Mifuyu-chan who turns away, I explain how to f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o.
「Mifuyu-chan, the thing called f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o…….you can just lick this」
Saying so, I lower my pants' chuck and expose my erect meat stick
「……E? T, this is, d.i.c.k (ochinchin), right……?」
「That's right. f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o is, to lick the d.i.c.k」
「Eeee….!? Isn't it dirty? B, besides, somehow, Sou-chan's d.i.c.k is strange……」
As if knowing that a man's meat stick is the organ for excretion and the condition of my meat stick is not normal, Mifuyu-chan seems to be quite surprised by my words.
However, I explain the addition to Mifuyu-chan to change her recognition.
「Haha, don't worry, it's not dirty. When a d.i.c.k is big like this, pee won't come out, and s.e.m.e.n will come out instead if the body is feeling good.」
「Eee, is that soo……!」
Mifuyu-chan says as if she's impressed with my explaination, then observes my meat stick with great interest.
After checking that I had successfully deceived Mifuyu-chan, I moved my hand around her shoulders.
「Then, let's try doing f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o. Hora」
I increase the power of my hand and pull Mifuyu-chan's upper body down, her position is similar to sleeping on my lap
*punipuni* Mifuyu-chan's cheek sticks to my meat stick, Mifuyu-chan lets out a strange voice.
Mifuyu-chan puts both hands on the ground and raises her body up a little, but naturally, before her eyes――、
Surprised by the intimidating air of the meat stick she saw nearby, Mifuyu-chan lets out a confused voice.
However, I can't feel the unpleasant feelings in that voice, she doesn't seem to have the resistance against f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, too.
「Hora, Mifuyu-chan, firstly, try to stretch your tongue and lick the d.i.c.k. Like licking ice cream」
「U, un……n-……rero……rero……」
Mifuyu-chan's tongue awkwardly stimulates the glans
Honestly, the pleasure isn't that much, but the fact that Mifuyu-chan is licking my crotch make me feel the emotinal pleasure.
However, I can't simply e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e like this and can't be satisfied.
「Mifuyu-chan, licky licky is already good enough. This time, how about opening your mouth and trying to hold the d.i.c.k? Be sure not to hit it with your teeth」
「Rero……un, understood…… ……amuu」
Because of the warm, *nurunuru* slippery feeling of saliva inside Mifuyu-chan's mouth, I unintentionally let out my voice.
Still holding my meat stick in her mouthn, Mifuyu-chan is surprised by my reaction and looks at me questioningly.
I felt somewhat embarra.s.sed for a moment. However, noticing that I must not feel embarra.s.sed when my partner is Mifuyu-chan, I spoke frankly while giving new instructions.
「Sorry sorry, It felt so good that my voice leaked out. s.e.m.e.n can't come out if the body doesn't feel good, so let's feel better from now on……Then, since it already entered, let's put the d.i.c.k deeper inside your mouth」
Still holding it, Mifuyu-chan nods *kokuri*, then while still lowering her head, she gulps down my meat stick.
The feeling of my meat stick being wrapped by warm mucous membrane and the visual stimulus of Mifuyu-chan - a beauty - burying her face to my crotch unite, my admired voice leak out naturally.
Finally, Mifuyu-chan stopped after gulping down about two-third of my meat stick.
This is the limit, huh?
As if not knowing what to do from now on, Mifuyu-chan keeps her position while being silent.
However, it doesn't seem more painful that I worried.
I instruct Mifuyu-chan to continue, guide her to the optimum way to hold my meat stick.
「In that position, try to suck the d.i.c.k with all your strength, purse your lips……like that, splendid. Try to lick the d.i.c.k just with your tongue just like that……oo! Good」
After instructing minutely many times, the inside of Mifuyu-chan's mouth has changed into something lewd that gives pleasure to my meat stick rapidly.
After preparing the inside of Mifuyu-chan's mouth properly, I gulped my saliva *gokuri* and instructed Mifuyu-chan. (そのまま満足のいくまで美冬ちゃんの咥內を整えると、俺はゴクリと唾を飲み込んで美冬ちゃんに命令した)
「Yo, yos.h.i.+……just like that, still sucking like you are pulling it, raise your face」
Mifuyu-chan nodded silently again and slowly raised her face as instructed.
The rough tongue and the saliva-covered mucous membrane rub against my meat stick thoroughly.
This is a completely different sensation, quite resemble the insertion that I had tasted before.
To that pleasure, I unintentionally raised my shout of joy.
「Oooao……!! A, amazing Mifuyu-chan. While continuing that, raise your face!」
As if having a good mood because of my voice, Mifuyu-chan exhaled *fufu* like laughing, then she began moving her head as I told
「aa……good……this way……」
My meat stick can't help but swelling as she continues the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o while creating vulgar sound.
I was worry that whether she can abruptly do something like servicing with her mouth, but luckily, Mifuyu-chan is quite a genius.
Honestly, I didn't think f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o feels this good.
While gently stroking Mifuyu-chan's head which is moving up and down, I put a little more strength and hasten the movement of her head.
「njuu, jupoo, jururu……」
It seems somewhat painful, but Mifuyu-chan courageously tries her best.
To e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e as soon as possible to respond to Mifuyu-chan's tenacity, I accept the pleasure without resistance.
「Good, Mifuyu-chan……! I will let the s.e.m.e.n out……!」
Because of this first-rate pleasure, my meat stick easily reaches its limit.
With the incoming e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, I instructed Mifuyu-chan with an excited voice.
「Mifuyu-chan, the s.e.m.e.n will come from the tip of the d.i.c.k……! D, don't separate your lips!」
At the same time I finish telling the instruction, while looking at Mifuyu-chan's head which is moving up and down with disheveled hair, I begin ejaculating, following my insticnt.
Doku! Doku! Doku!
「……nbu!? Nnmu!?」
While hearing Mifuyu-chan's surprised voice, I'm intoxicated with the pleasure of s.e.m.e.n e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.
The waves of pleasure appear many time amazingly, even myself understand that I've released a large amount of s.e.m.e.n.
However, as I told her, Mifuyu-chan didn't separate her lips and caught everything inside her mouth.
After reaching a point to stop ejaculating, I sighed *fuu* and instructed Mifuyu-chan, who is still burying her face at my crotch.
「Mifuyu-chan, the thing came out just now was s.e.m.e.n. Since it's your precious medicine, try raising your face without spilling it」
*kokuri* Mifuyu-chan nods, then she purses her lips as I told and spits out my meat stick while trying not to spill the s.e.m.e.n.
Then when my meat stick has come out completely, she raised her body while closing her lips.
「……Mifuyu-chan, open your mouth withou spilling it, I will look at the inside of your mouth」
To my voice mixed with excitement, Mifuyu-chan silently opens her mouth slowly.
(Uwaa……! T, this is erotic……!)
The inside of Mifuyu-chan's mouth was covered with cloudy s.e.m.e.n.
Her cute tongue and the beautifully lined-up lower teeth are completely covered by my s.e.m.e.n because I released a really large amount.
Then, Mifuyu-chan grimaced a little because of s.e.m.e.n's taste but she was still silently showing me the inside of her mouth. Seeing that expression, I felt the excitement that suppa.s.sed everything up to now.
「Mi, Mifuyu-chan, then let's smear the s.e.m.e.n in your mouth to your p.u.s.s.y. Hora, try to scoop it out with your fingers and do it yourself.」
「Fai……」 (hai)
Mifuyu-chan replies to my instruction and puts her fingers inside her mouth.
Then she scooped the s.e.m.e.n on her tongue up and brought it to her secret place.
She smears the s.e.m.e.n like tracing it on the line of her secret place with her fingers, that stimulus makes her gasp while still opening her mouth.
While seeing the unpleasant, grimacing expression from a while ago changed into a melted one, I instructed Mifuyu-chan to repeat that action.
Following that instruction, Mifuyu-chan once again thrusts her fingers into her mouth and carries the s.e.m.e.n to her secret place.
(Mifuyu-chan, too erotic……!)
Although I ordered her, the corrupted-like scene of a beautiful girl smeared her own secret place with s.e.m.e.n e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed in her mouth makes me feel the excitement that even makes my head dizzy.
While knowing I'm too excited any my voice is trembling, I demand Mifuyu-chan further.
「Mi, Mifuyu-chan. It might hurt, but push your finger inside the hole of your p.u.s.s.y properly and smear the s.e.m.e.n there」
「Fa, fai……」
Nodding to my words, Mifuyu-chan inserts her finger into her v.a.g.i.n.a.
Mifuyu-chan's expression distorted for a moment, but she endured the pain and courageously sunk her finger inside, provided her intrav.a.g.i.n.al with s.e.m.e.n.
「That's the way. Good job」
When I caress her hair, Mifuyu-chan's expression loosens as if she was distracted from the pain.
Then she put her finger inside her mouth again and moves the s.e.m.e.n to her v.a.g.i.n.a.
She repeats that action about 10 times, then I finally release Mifuyu-chan,
s.e.m.e.n is still remained in her mouth, but since her body is already good, I say another lie and make her swallow everything remained.
(I should stop here for today)
I pour a cup of water at the washbasin and make Mifuyu-chan drink it to remove the bad taste, then stroke her head gently and mark the end of today's 「physical examination」.
Just like that, the second training finished.