Episode 3 (Masturbation)
「Etto, is it fine to sleep?」
「Un, Mifuyu-chan can do anything she wants」
Having undone all the b.u.t.tons of the pajama's coat, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are exposed in front of me.
I also pulled the lower part as well as the diaper from her ankles, her secret place and the tender legs were exposed too.
Although I check it again properly, Mifuyu-chan's body has the ideal shape, it has the liveliness appropriate for a 18 year-old girl.
Despite having her defenseless appearance exposed, Mifuyu-chan didn't show her bashfulness as she only stared at me.
「Yos.h.i.+, then let's see the state of your crotch's injury」
Mifuyu-chan opened her legs into M character, entered the position where her secret place can be seen well.
Because I hasn't wiped it yet, Mifuyu-chan's secret place is similar to what I saw this morning, become dirty with dried s.e.m.e.n.
「Sou-chan, my crotch, why does it hurt?」
Maybe it was embarra.s.sing to remain slient, Mifuyu-chan asked curiously.
I answer while carefully enlarging her secret place with both hands.
「This was a wound from the airplane accident. It isn't healed now」
It doesn't seem to be that painful, Mifuyu-chan replies so while receiving my hands.
I gulped my saliva *gokuri* after seeing the red mucous membrane appear from the l.a.b.i.a's gap, then I continued.
「Therefore, I must smear the medicine properly everyday and check its condition. It might be difficult but please endure」
「Then, I will insert my finger a bit. It may be painful, but it's fine if you can't hold your voice, okay?」
Saying so, still opened her secret place using my left hand's index finger and middle finger, I soak my right hand's index finger with saliva and insert it.
Mifuyu-chan raises her voice due to the unknown sensation.
I slowly push the finger forward to the inside.
「H, hurt! S, Sou-chan, it hurts!」
As expected, since she just lost her virginity, the intrav.a.g.i.n.al doesn't seem to have recovered yet.
Then I stopped the insertion and pulled the finger out.
Being released from the pain, Mifuyu-chan lets out a sigh of relief.
I moved near Mifuyu-chan's pillow and gently brushed her hair to comfort her.
「Sorry, it hurts, right? There seems to be plenty of wound left」
「U, un……my crotch, still hurts……」
While brus.h.i.+ng her hair, I told the complaining Mifuyu-chan, as if to admonish
「Mifuyu-chan, the place I touched a while ago is not the crotch, it's called omanko (p.u.s.s.y)」
「E? Omanko?」
「Right, p.u.s.s.y. Cute name, right?」 (both the omanko above are in hiragana, this one is in katakana, since author mainly used katakana from now on the hiragana word will be keep as it is)
「n-……un! Somehow, it's like doggy (w.a.n.ko), cuter than crotch」
Nodding grandly at my words, Mifuyu-chan is pleased with the obscene name 『p.u.s.s.y』
To Mifuyu-chan who innocently accepts and remembers the obscene word, I felt an immoral-ish joy.
(There's this way of enjoyment, huh……is this the so-called dirty talk, or something like that……?)
Certainly, among the things I searched on the Internet a while ago, this kind of play should be there too.
It didn't feel quite attractive only by seeing through the screen, but I see, having a girl say that in reality is really stimulating.
(Let's add "dirty talk" to the notebook after this……)
Muttering so in my head, I stop the hand that's brus.h.i.+ng her hair, I will teach Mifuyu-chan not just the words but also the real pleasure.
「Mifuyu-chan, let's quickly cure your p.u.s.s.y, okay?」
「U, Un. If I endure then it's not that hurt, I want to cure it quickly after all……」
「Then, to cure it quickly, how about getting your p.u.s.s.y wet. If it gets wet then the recovery will be fast」
「Get wet……? By spraying water?」
「Uun, normal water is not effective. Getting wet is, not with water, it's getting wet with love juce (aieki – 愛液)」
「Love juice?」
Mifuyu-chan is once again puzzled at the word she doesn't know, but I smile at her and gently rub her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
「n……Sou-chan, why do you rub my b.r.e.a.s.t.s……?」
While letting out a ticklish-like voice, Mifuyu-chan asks curiously.
I told Mifuyu-chan.
「The thing called love juice is, when I touch your b.r.e.a.s.t.s or p.u.s.s.y, it's the water coming out when Mifuyu-chan feels good」
「nn……is that so? It's strange」
While chatting, I continue rubbing Mifuyu-chan's voluptuous b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
I strengthened the way I rub, Mifuyu-chan suddenly twisted her body, as if unable to endure the ticklish.
「nkya……! Ku, kufufu……! S, Sou-chan, do, do the water really come out with this?」
「It's not water, it's love juice」
「n……! L, love juice, coming……?」
I corrected the word and slowly trained her dirty talk, then answered the question.
「The good feeling is not sufficient yet. I will make it a bit more intense」
Saying so, I bring my face near Mifuyu-chan's b.r.e.a.s.t.s and suck her nipple.
「nn!? S, Sou-chan, milk won't come out though?」
Mifuyu-chan looks at me curiously, but I don't care and continue to suck.
The time I first violated Mifuyu-chan, I should have gotten her secret place wet with this.
「nn~! Nu~! Haa! Afu!」
Just as planned, matching the suction, Mifuyu-chan's voice gradually become sweet.
I continued for a little while, then chose the time Mifuyu-chan's face became red to separate my mouth.
「So? Mifuyu-chan, it feels good, right?」
「Haaa, fuuu……s, somehow, it's a bit different from ticklish, it feels *muzumuzu*……」 (sfx: feels itchy)
「That's feeling good. Hora, try to touch your p.u.s.s.y」
I take Mifuyu-chan's hand to her secret place to check its situation.
「A! it's wet!」
Mifuyu-chan's red face has a happy smile, she innocently reports to me.
While grinning inside my heart, I smiled gently and replied.
As expected, she doesn't seem to evade s.e.xual things at all, then perhaps it's good to make her aware of more pleasure.
I'm pleased that things are advancing smoother than planned, then move to the next level.
「Then Mifuyu-chan, this time how about trying to feel good with your p.u.s.s.y?」
「E? But, my p.u.s.s.y, it's injured……」
「The inside will hurt, but it's surely fine on the outside. Hora, I will teach you how to touch.」
「U, un」
As if remembered the pain a while ago, Mifuyu-chan is a bit scared, but I raise the reclining bed just a bit, make it easy for Mifuyu-chan to touch her secret place. (wasei english, it’s normally called adjustable bed)
Then, I temporarily moved Mifuyu-chan's hand which was put on her secret place, then as an example, I caressed like tracing the line of her secret place.
As if the stimulus was strong, Mifuyu-chan lets out a strange voice.
While caressing Mifuyu-chan's head gently, I simultaneously rub the line up and down slowly.
「nnn! nnn!」
Since it's a good feeling she hasn't experienced, Mifuyu-chan closed her mouth to endure.
I use a gentle tone to order Mifuyu-chan.
「Mifuyu-chan, it's fine not to control your voice. Hora, open your mouth, try to let out the "a-"」
「U, un. A-……! Aa-……! Aaa……!」
It was crude, but Mifuyu-chan obeyed my words and began letting out her gasping voice
I want to make her let out her s.l.u.ttish gasping voluntarily soon, but this is the best I can do now.
I stopped my hand, then clapped Mifuyu-chan's cheeks *pechipechi*, who is frowning painfully and closing her eyes.
「Mifuyu-chan, did you understand how to touch?」
「Haaa……u, un……」
「Then this time, how about trying doing it yourself? I will watch over, so don't be scared and try touching」
I says so like an extremely rea.s.suring supporter, then guide Mifuyu-chan's hand to her secret place.
Then, holding her index finger, I rubbed her line up and down using that, similar to a while ago.
「Hora, Mifuyu-chan, put more power into your finger. Don't be scared」
To my words, Mifuyu-chan courageously puts more power into her finger and begin the self consolation (自慰 means masturabtion/self consolation, but the masturbation on the t.i.tle is onani, so I used this one)
I grasped the hand that doesn't touch her secret place, made her feel relieved and focused on self consolation.
「Aaa……! Aaa……!」
As she can adjust the pace of her own finger, her face is more entranced than when I touched.
With this mood, she seems to be pleased with self consolation.
「Mifuyu-chan, what happened to your p.u.s.s.y? Does it get wet properly?」
「U, un……! It, it feels good, so, look like love juice come out properly……!」
I made a guts pose in my heart because of Mifuyu-chan's answer, and continued muttering.
「Then, how about using this hand too? Mifuyu-chan, your b.r.e.a.s.t.s, try rubbing them yourself」
「U, un」
Moving Mifuyu-chan's hand to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I open her fingers and grab it
When I put power to my hand above her hand and rub it, Mifuyu-chan also began to voluntarily put power to her fingers immediately.
「Aaa……! Aa……! Aaaa……!」
Although I remove the supporting hand, Mifuyu-chan's hands which are touching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and secret place do not stop.
Mifuyu-chan was already immersed herself in self consolation.
(I can feel any resistance toward erotic things, girls are this easy to become lewd, huh……!)
Since Mifuyu-chan's training is advancing with a more than expected speed, I can't stop *niyaniya*-ing in my heart. (grinning broadly)
With this mood, it doesn't look hard for her to become a s.e.x addict, hard plays seem to be possible immediately.
「Mifuyu-chan, making yourself feel good like this is called masturbation. Is it good?」
「Aaa……! O, onani? U, un. I, love, masturbation」 (onani here is in hiragana, onani = masturbation = in katakana)
「Then when you are bored from now on, kill time by masturbating, okay? The injury in your p.u.s.s.y will also be healed if you do so」
To my absurb words, Mifuyu-chan nods many times and continues her self-consolation.
It seems like when a monkey learns self-consolation, it will only do that all day long. Perhaps, it feels similar to the current Mifuyu-chan (not sure about the last part サルなんかは自慰を覚えてしまうと一日中自慰しかしなくなったりするそうだが、この様子だと美冬ちゃんもそれに似た感じになってしまうかもしれない)
「Aa……! Haa, haa……!」
However, that favourable training seems to reach this far today.
As if because she forced herself too much just after waking up, Mifuyu-chan's breathing roughen, her fingers' movement become slow.
I must not break my important Mifuyu-chan, so I immediately stopped her self-consolation.
「Mifuyu-chan, looks like you were tired, how about taking a rest and having lunch? Hora, take a deep breath」
Catching Mifuyu-chan's hands, I separate them from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and secret place.
Although Mifuyu-chan had a bit reluctant face, she knew that she has used quite the stamina and meekly obeyed me.
Gently wiping her secret place with a towel, I put clothes on her and she returns to the previous pajama figure.
After that, I left Mifuyu-chan on the bed and went to the kitchen to make a meal.
The content of the meal is liquid food as expected, but I try adding a little consomme flavour.
It would be easier to eat with this, the salt she lost through sweating should be absorbed a little.
I placed the liquid food on a tray, then immediately returned to Mifuyu-chan's place.
「I've let you wait~」 (omatase)
I open the door with my leg and enter Mifuyu-chan's room.
Then, when I'm about to boast about adding consomme flavour into the liquid food――、
(……arara, she has slept)
Because of the tiredness from masturbation, Mifuyu-chan was sleeping on the bed while letting out *suusuu* sleeper's breathing.
I let out a single sigh and quietly approached her, placed the tray on the table near the bed.
Only Mifuyu-chan's comfortable sleeper's breathing sound resound in the room.
As expected, this sleeper's breathing is different from when she was in vegetative state, I can feel the vitality somewhere and is relieved.
(Although she was in vegetative state for 10 years, to wake up like this, I'm really surprised……)
Sitting on the chair, while staring at Mifuyu-chan's sleeping face, I absentmindedly think about such a thing.
The feeling I extremely want to express is boiling up, but this feeling is something that can't be expressed with words, it's the feeling that only I, who devoted 10 years for Mifuyu-chan alone, know.
While keeping that valuable feeling inside my chest, I forcibly showed a grinning smile
(Ma, since I said I would make that Mifuyu-chan a meat slave, I'm more like a brute. Kukuku)
Changing my mind, while trying to think about Mifuyu-chan's training, I quietly wait for Mifuyu-chan to wake up.
Waiting for her to wake up was quite simple because I got used to it.
「Hai, a-n」
Really meekly, Mifuyu-chan opens her mouth when I submit the spoon.
When an hour has pa.s.sed after that, Mifuyu-chan woke up, noticed that I was waiting and panicly apologized.
Although I was surprised by Mifuyu-chan's polite side, we began having lunch.
「Sou-chan, this is super tasty!」
「Haha, thank you」
She seems to prefer the liquid food added with a little consomme flavour, I say my thanks while feeling proud inside my heart.
But after all, liquid food shouldn't be that tasty, so Mifuyu-chan's words contain quite the amount of flattery.
While cleaning the tableware, I ordered Mifuyu-chan to go to sleep.
As one would expect, thinking that I've made her use too much stamina on the first day she woke up, I must avoid forcing her too much and causing harm to her body.
As if knowing that herself is tired, Mifuyu-chan immediately closes her eyes without any complains and begins to sleep.
Then, the first day Mifuyu-chan woke up pa.s.sed.