Episode 5 (rotor, f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o)
「Jumu, jububu, jururu……」
In Mifuyu-chan's room, the vulgar sound of f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o resound.
Today too, I'm having the already undressed Mifuyu-chan to suck my meat stick like yesterday.
She just learned yesterday, but Mifuyu-chan's mouth technique has reached the level where it's enough to give me pleasure immediately.
Since her v.a.g.i.n.a still hurts, insertion isn't possible but if this much f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o is possible, I can look forwards to the day I can insert it to her
Mifuyu-chan doesn't resist the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, either……rather, when I frequently smile at her, the movement of her mouth becomes more intense with delight, so with that point, f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o is an excellent way to release libido.
However, in the middle of f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, the *pinpon* sound of the entrance's chime resounded
「n……Mifuyu-chan, stop a sec」
「nn……? Puhaa……」
Stopping f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, she separates her face from my crotch.
Mifuyu-chan wipes her mouth with the cuff of the pajama, looking a little disappointed.
I said "I'm off a bit" to Mifuyu-chan, adjusted my clothing and left the room.
Perhaps the one ringing the entrance's chime is the delivery guy.
The numerous goods I ordered 2 days ago come at a suitable time.
It has been a while since the last time I used the delivery service, but as expected, coming after 2 days is quite convenient.
While trying to calm down to relax my meat stick, I answer the intercom.
……As expected, it's the delivery service.
I rush to the entrance, open the lock and greet him.
Just like that, I asked the delivery guy to bring the package to the living room, thanked him and stamped the doc.u.ment.
The delivery guy confirmed that, said "thank you very much!" lively without showing his tiredness and left.
What a good person.
Having closed the door, I immediately opened the package's check (like checklist, or bill)
The voucher wrote 『Miscellaneous goods』, but the contents are all adult goods.
I opens and checks those adult goods one-by-one, which number reached 10 cardboard boxes.
Lotion, obscene underwears and clothes, adult's toys, contraceptives,……
For now, I unsealed the after pill among those, held those tablets and headed toward Mifuyu-chan's room.
「A, Sou-chan. Etto, is there a guest?」
When I returned, Mifuyu-chan greeted me while still in the previous posture.
While explaining "just a small package has come", I fill a cup of water at the washbasin and approach Mifuyu-chan.
「Mifuyu-chan, from now on, take this medicine after having a meal everyday」
「E, medicine?」
「Un, Hora, this is today's share. Drink it」
「U, un」
As if she's not good with medicine, Mifuyu-chan is a little perplexed but she receives the after pill and the cup from me, then drinks them
The thing I make her drink everyday from now on is of course, contraceptive
Since I s.n.a.t.c.hed away her virginity and as the same time, e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside, I made her drink the after pill this time. But from now on, she will use normal pills daily.
A pregnant woman with a mind of a child, that corrupted-like situation arouse me, but if that happens in real life, I'm done for. Also I don't have the hobby of violating a pregnant woman.
After confirming Mifuyu-chan has taken the after pill without problem, I caressed her head to praise her.
Mifuyu-chan has an embarra.s.sed smile, as if my hand was ticklish.
Mifuyu-chan then stopped my caressing and said while still smiling.
「Sou-chan, let's continue f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o」
As expected, Mifuyu-chan seems to considerably like f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, I completely can't feel the hesitation or negative emotions in those words.
Although I was attracted by Mifuyu-chan's proposal, since the package has come with great trouble, I decided to change the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o a little.
「Mifuyu-chan, wait a minute」
I leave Mifuyu-chan who has a face saying "why?" at the room and go the the living room.
In the living room, there are unsealed cardboard boxed and adult goods scattered disorderly, what a bizarre scene.
Among those adult goods, I try searching for something usable.
Something usable while doing f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, and also moderately stimulate Mifuyu-chan's s.e.xual feelings……
After several minutes of careful consideration, I picked up a certain thing.
If it's this thing, I can control the stimulus, and it's easy to handle too.
I set the batteries and went to Mifuyu-chan's room while holding that cheerfully.
「Mifuyu-chan, I've let you wait」
「n, Sou-chan…..that, what's that?」
When I returned, Mifuyu-chan easily noticed the thing I held in my hands.
Approaching the bed, I pa.s.sed Mifuyu-chan one thing among the two I held and taught her.
「This one is called rotor」
「Un, rotor. Isn't it cute with this pink color?」
「Un, this is, toy?」
「Oo, you know, huh? That's right, this rotor is a toy that you play to feel good.」
To my words, Mifuyu-chan opens her eyes wide to say "oo!", then she touches the rotor and begins to investigate how to play.
This rotor is the type that consists of a round, vibration part linked with the remote control part with a cord. When the k.n.o.b of the remote control is turned, you can adjust the power of vibration with 3 levels: strong, medium, weak.
The structure is simple, so Mifuyu-chan immediately discovers the k.n.o.b of the remote control.
Her slender fingers turned the k.n.o.b without hesitation.
The rotor vibrated, the low frequency sound of motor resounded.
Although Mifuyu-chan is surprised, she touches the rotor interestingly and checks the vibration.
I opened the tansu, took out the tender paper tapes that are normally used on the skin to fix the gauze and came up to Mifuyu-chan's bed.
Then, next to Mifuyu-chan who is in a sitting posture thanks to the reclining bed, I sit like pressing my shoulder to her.
「Sou-chan, how can I play this?」
Mifuyu-chan asks curiously.
I smiled at Mifuyu-chan, then took the rotor like borrowing it for a sec.
「The way to use the rotor is, for example……」
Holding Mifuyu-chan's shoulders in my arm, with the other hand, I push the rotor vibrating in 『weak』 mode to Mifuyu-chan's exposed nipple.
To the sudden stimulus, Mifuyu-chan was surprised as her body trembled *biku*
I increase the power of the hand holding Mifuyu-chan's shoulder to make sure she can't escape while continuing to tease her nipple with the rotor.
「naa, S, sou-chan」
Mifuyu-chan raises a slurping voice.
As expected, Mifuyu-chan's nipples are quite sensitive, she seems to feel more when her nipples are ouched than when her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are rubbed.
I continued to tease Mifuyu-chan's nipple until her face blushed, then finally separated the rotor.
「So? Does it feel good?」
「U, un!, this is, amazing……!」
Mifuyu-chan has no resistance towards s.e.xual things, she stares at the rotor in a trance.
Seeing Mifuyu-chan's state, while smiling *niyaniya*(grinning broadly) in my heart, I pick up the paper tapes I took out from the tansu a while ago.
「Pin it down with your hand is tiresome, so let's paste it with the tapes」
Mifuyu-chan opened the front part of her pajama by herself and presented her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to me.
I paste the rotors one by one to the tips of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, then stroke Mifuyu-chan's head as she cooperated with me and praise.
「Then, I will turn on the switches」
Mifuyu-chan's eyes are sparkling *kirakira* with expectation while she's waiting for me to turn on the switches.
I held the remote controlers of the rotors in my hand and tried turning the switches to 『weak』.
(Oo, awesome……)
The moment the switches were turned on, Mifuyu-chan leaks out an entranced voice.
To Mifuyu-chan's figure, I unintentionally opened my eyes wide with excitement.
The twisted body because of the pleasure is considerably obscene and splendid, but the impact of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s that tremble *buruburu* despite not being touched by anyone and emphasize its softness is too amazing that I'm unable to take my eyes off.
If I try the 『strong』 mode……
Just by imagining, I gulped my saliva *gokuri*
However, although she's healthy enough to enjoy masturbating, it hasn't been long since the time Mifuyu-chan woke up.
A too strong stimilus would be harsh to her stamina.
Thinking about that, I decided to try 『medium』, following the order.
While observing Mifuyu-chan's body which wriggles painfully, I turn the switches.
「nnaa!? Aa……aaa……!」
The moment the power of vibration changed to 『middle』, Mifuyu-chan let out a gasping voice because of the momentarily bewilderment, but she immediately surrendered herself to that pleasure.
Rather, it's me who can't remain calm.
The vibration of『middle』 mode make Mifuyu-chan's breaks vibrate larger than before, as if to appeal to me "look here"
While staring at Mifuyu-chan's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I can only think about changing the vibration to『strong』.
Because Mifuyu-chan is fine with 『middle』, she should be okay if I try
No, I should attempt, right?
I already unable to look at the remote controlers, while still looking at Mifuyu-chan's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I switched to 『strong』.
「nhyaaa!? Auaa……! Naaa……!」
This is, amazing……
Mifuyu-chan's face bends backward with drool, she grasps the bed sheet tightly and gasps.
Then, as her face bended backwards, the pushed out b.r.e.a.s.t.s shakes *buruburu* larger than before because of the vibration of 『strong』 mode. It, together with the *biku*, *biku* convulsion of her whole body, seduce me.
To that temptation, my meat stick unintentionally fires up.
If I'm shown this erotic figure, I can't remain an unpa.s.sioned man anymore, right?
(Yos.h.i.+……in this situation, let's try f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o……!)
I stand in front of Mifuyu-chan, where my meat stick matches the position of her face exactly.
Then just like that, aiming at the opening mouth of Mifuyu-chan, I pushed my waist.
To the sudden invasion of the meat stick, she opens her closed eyes with surprise.
However, she immediately noticed my intention and began the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o.
「Juburururu! Jubo! Jubo!」
(Uooo……! A, amazing……!)
Although I expected that her mouth technique would be perfunctory because of the rotors, Mifuyu-chan entangles her tongue with the meat stick with pa.s.sion like expressing the pleasure she receives, her head shakes.
Together with the excitement from a while ago, I felt like I would immediately reach my limit.
「Mifuyu-chan! Good! It feels amazingly good!」
I unintentionally shout, even swing my waist and boost my meat stick (高めていく)
I can feel that my meat stick is. .h.i.tting considerably deep inside Mifuyu-chan's mouth, but as if Mifuyu-chan is also being absorbed in, she gladly accepts my meat stick without minding it.
「Jububu! Jubu! Juchuru!」
It's like the rotors have s.n.a.t.c.hed away the composure, drool is hanging on the tip of Mifuyu-chan's mouth , together with her feverish expression, it is quite obscene.
I can't see from here, but I'm sure that the bed sheet is dirty with the overflowing love juice from Mifuyu-chan's secret place.
To that disordered figure of Mifuyu-chan, my mind and my meat stick become excited.
Then, when I notice that the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n is approaching soon, I shout to Mifuyu-chan.
「Mifuyu-chan, it will come soon! I will e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e inside Mifuyu-chan's mouth onahole!」
「Jumu! Muchupuu! Muju! Jupu!」
Whether she hears it or not, Mifuyu-chan continues the violent f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, guiding my meat stick to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.
I was cornered by Mifuyu-chan's mouth movement without any spare time to endure and began to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e, as if spiting out.
Doku! Doku! Doku!
「nmuu!! Nn!! Nnn!!」
As usual, it's the pleasure that make my head pure white.
From the pleasure came from my meat stick, I know that the inside of Mifuyu-chan's mouth is occupied with s.e.m.e.n.
Mifuyu-chan is also brave as she held the rampaging meat stick which spreaded s.e.m.e.n in her mouth to the very end and received everything.
「Haa, haa……Mifuyu-chan, you are great……」
My e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n finally finished, when I stroke her head, although Mifuyu-chan's body trembles *bikubiku* because of the pleasure from the rotors, she smiles happily with a melted expression while still holding my meat stick in her mouth.
(As expected, Mifuyu-chan is the best……)
To Mifuyu-chan's too erotic smile, while embracing that thought I slowly pulled my meat stick out from her mouth.
「Hora, Mifuyu-chan. Move the s.e.m.e.n to your p.u.s.s.y」
「nmu……! Aa……!」
She moves the hand that grasped the bed sheet tightly to her mouth and finishes the a.s.signment of spreading s.e.m.e.n to her secret place, although her body is trembling due to the pleasure.
There was a heavy flood at her secret place just as my imagination, so the smeared s.e.m.e.n was immediately washed to the bed sheet, but Mifuyu-chan, who was at her limit due to the vibration of the rotors, didn't seem to notice.
After Mifuyu-chan tried hard to smear the s.e.m.e.n deep inside her v.a.g.i.n.a, I turns off the rotors' switches, stroke Mifuyu-chan's head again and praise her "good, good".
As expected, Mifuyu-chan had a worn-out face, but she smiled happily
I laid Mifuyu-chan down and left the room, sorted the various adult goods that scattered in the living room and put them away.
While doing so, I read each of the goods' instruction carefully to master their usage.
It was alright since the usage of the rotors used today was simple, but if by any chance I make a mistake of their usage and Mifuyu-chan gets hurt, it will be serious.
Mifuyu-chan's body is important in a s.e.xual meaning, but before that, Mifuyu-chan herself is someone irreplaceable to me, to the point that no words can describe it.
Although I'm aware that my love is distorted, I polish the next plan of the training.
Then, what should I do next?