Blocks, 2:
Buff, black.
Inscription, upper left and right:
"Ill{mo} atq; Excell:{mo} D:{no} D:{no} +Philippo Fa.r.s.etti+ n.o.b. Ven.
/ _Tabellam hanc a _t.i.tiano Viccellio_ jam depictam in / gratissimi animi, cultusq; perpetui testimonium, / Mecaenati, ac Sospiti munificentissimo / humiliat, et consecrat _J. B. Jack?on_._"
Center of picture, on wall:
"+t.i.tia.n.u.s Faciebat+"
Bottom center:
"_J. B. Jackson Del: sculp:&c. 1742._"
Niccol Boldrini's woodcut after t.i.tian's drawing of the lower half of this subject (Le Bl. 12) evidently inspired Jackson to transcribe the entire painting as a pen-and-ink drawing in t.i.tian's style, with a tint block added.
_The Descent of the Holy Spirit_, after t.i.tian [Le Bl. 13, N. 1]
22? 15? inches.
Blocks, 4:
Buff, light gray-brown, light yellow-brown, dark brown.
Inscription, upper left and right:
"_Perillu?tri, ac n.o.bili Viro D:{no} D:{no} +Jacobo Stewart Mackinzie+, / Honorabili Magnae Britan-niae Con?ilii Con?cripto Patri / Opus hoc, quod ex_ t.i.ti-ani Viccellii _Pictura, / ex?cripsit, in humillimi ob?equii testi-/monium devo-vebat_ / J. B. Jack?on."
_The Finding of Moses_, after Veronese [Le Bl. 2, N.14]
22 15 inches.
Blocks, 4:
Buff, light brown, light violet-gray, dark gray.
Inscription, lower right:
"_Ill{mo} et Excell{mo} +D: D: / Everardo Fawkener+ Eq Aur / pro Mag: Brit: Rege ad Turc: Imper: / Legato. Elegant: Artium Moecena-/ti Munificentis: in sui Obsequii. Ar-/gumentum humill: D: D: / J: B: Jackson._"
Lower left:
"_Ex Tabella / a Paulo Calliari Veron{s}. / depicta penes J: +Smith+ Ven / J: B: Jackson Del Sculp & excud / 1741._"
_The Raising of Lazarus_, after Leandro Ba.s.sano [Le Bl. 6, N. 7]
23 14? inches.
Blocks, 4:
Buff, light reddish gray, gray, dark cold brown.
Inscription, upper left and right:
"_Ill:{mo} D:{no} D:{no} +Vincentio Riccardi+, Marchioni / Florentino, amplissimo Senatori, / amnarum litterarum scientiarumq; excultori / peramantissimo, Tabellam hanc a / +Leandro+ de +Ponte+ colori-/bus expressam veluti exigu-/um obser-vantiae suae / specimen_ D. D. D. / J B Jackson"
Center bottom:
"_J: B: Jack?on Del. Sculp. &c. 1742._"
_Christ on the Mount of Olives_, after Jacopo Ba.s.sano [Le Bl. 8, N. 6]
22 15? inches.
Blocks, 4:
Buff, medium brown, gray, dark brown.
Inscription, bottom:
"Ill:{mae} atq; Excell:{mae} D:{nae} D:{nae} / _Paulinae Contarenae / n.o.b: Venetae, aviti sanguinis ingenti splendore clarae, sed Virtutum n.o.bilitate longe clariori, piissimum / hoc Christianae Fidei monumentum, exiguum obsequentissimae servitutis suae signum, quod ex pictura / _Jacobi de Ponte_ delineavit, et ex?culpsit, generossimae Patronae, et Auspici dedicabat J: B: Jackson._".
A trial proof of the key block is in the Rosenwald Collection, National Gallery of Art.