John Baptist Jackson - Part 14

Part 14


_Melchisedech Blessing Abraham_, after Frances...o...b...s.sano [Le Bl. 1, N. 19]


22 15? inches.

Blocks, 4:

Buff, warm gray, brown, dark brown.

Inscription, lower right:

"_Per-ill.u.s.tri D.{no} D.{no} / +Joanni Reade+ / Tabellam hanc in ob?e-/quenti??imae reverentiae / specimen D. D. D. / J. B. Jack?on / ex Tabella penes / D. Jos{h} Smith._"



_Dives and Lazarus_ (The Rich Man and Lazarus), after Jacopo Ba.s.sano


22 15 inches (left sheet), 22 15 inches (right sheet).

Blocks, 4:

Buff, light brown, light brownish gray, dark brownish gray.

Inscription, lower left of left plate:

"_Per-ill.u.s.tri, ac Honorabili Viro_ / D:{no} D:{no} +Roberto Hoblyn+, / _Armigero, Magnaeq; Britan-/niae Consilii Conscripto Patri, / Artium, Scientiarumq; Cultori, / et Maecenati, sui ergo obsequii / dicabat_ / J. B. Jack?on."

Lower right of left plate:

"_Ab Exemplari, Jacobi de Ponte, quod Venetiis penes / D. Jo?eph Smith extat, ex?crip?it qui dicabat. / J: Ba?an P{x}._"



_Algernon Sidney_, after Justus Verus [Le Bl. 20]


13? 8 inches with letters, 8 7 inches (oval portrait only).

Blocks, 4:

Tan, light brown, light gray, dark gray.

Inscription, left and right under oval:

"_Zustus Verus, pinx: J: B: J: sculp; et exc:_"

In rectangle at bottom:

"_At the Time when_ M{r}. +Algernon Sidney+ _was_ Amba??ador _at that Court, Mon?ieur +Terlon+ the_ French _Amba??ador, had the Confidence to tear out of the Book of_ Mottos _in the King's Library, this Verse, which_ M{r}. Sidney _(according to the Liberty allowed to all n.o.ble Strangers) had written in it:_/

"Ma.n.u.s haec inimica Tyrannis En?e pet.i.t placidam sub Libertate quietem.

"_Though Mon?ieur_ Terlon _under?tood not a word of_ Latin, _he was told by others the meaning of that Sen- tence, which he considered as a_ Libel _upon the_ French _Government and upon ?uch as was then setting up in_ Denmark _by_ French _A??istance_ or Example."

Pref: to _Acco{t}. of Denmark_ 4{th} _Edit:P:23._

Another version with light red in place of light gray (Philadelphia, which also has set of progressive proofs).

Smithsonian Inst.i.tution (U.S. National Museum) Worcester, MFA, Fogg, Baltimore, MMA, NYPL, Philadelphia BM, Berlin-Dahlem, Brussels, Frankfurt, Hamburg


_Antique Bust of Woman_


14? 10 inches (irregular oval).

Blocks, 4:

Yellow-gray, greenish brown, gray-brown, brown.



_Lovers_ (facing right), perhaps after Piazzetta


15 10 inches.

Blocks, 5:

Light brownish gray, darker brownish gray, medium brown, cold gray, dark brown.