Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8355

Chapter 8355

The 81 sacred mountains ahead are under the power of the fire of the heavens.

It just kept falling apart.

There are big cracks everywhere, and seeing these sacred mountains, they will become ruins.

Wan Qingshan's face was ugly, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He also felt a crisis.

He roared and waved his hands.

Above his palm, another big mountain appeared.

Eternal Youth Three Seals.

This is a kind of jerkiness on the other side.

This big mountain is extremely majestic, with the power of the gods above it.

Compared with the previous 81 sacred mountains, combined, it is even more terrifying.

Wan Qingshan dragged the sacred mountain, moved forward, and threw it fiercely.


The void was smashed in an instant.

In this eternal green hill, everything has turned into nothingness.


The majestic mountain fell on the furnace of the **** of flames.

The flame furnace was shaken.

The metal sound vibrated and shredded the void.

Those **** kings were almost shocked to the point of bleeding.

They quickly closed their hearing.

They have lingering fears: too strong.

The power of the two-step **** king is completely above them.

If this big mountain falls on them.

I'm afraid they will, and they will be wiped out.

Great, it's going to be suppressed.

The corner of Wan Qingshan's mouth raised a smile.

He found that the flames above the flame **** furnace had become dim.

It was completely suppressed by the eternal green hills.

He proudly glanced at Jiu Jianxian.

He said: You better speak up, this thing belongs to me!

Jiu Jianxian also frowned.

I didn't expect this guy to have such a terrific knowledge.

Haven't waited for what he said.

Lin Xuan beside him exclaimed: Jiu Ye, look.

Jiu Jianxian turned his head and looked around, then he laughed

It turned out that the eternal green hill in front was swallowed unexpectedly.

That flame **** furnace, after being suppressed by the eternal green mountain.

The flames above were almost extinguished.

But at this moment, the lid of the Shenlu opened.

Appeared from inside, a vortex of flames.

In an instant, the eternal green hills were collected.

The next moment, the lid of the Flame God Furnace was closed again.

The majestic sacred mountain disappeared.

Wan Qingshan spit out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale as paper.

He shook his body and almost fell.

How could it be like this? His unique knowledge was broken.

Elder Qingshan, how are you?

Wushuang God King rushed over and held onto Wanqing Mountain.

Wan Qingshan's face is extremely hard to see.

He gritted his teeth and said: Look down on this as a sacred furnace.

Unexpectedly, it was so terrible.

Wushuang God King said nervously: Would you be able to gain the Tao by Jiujianxian?

Wan Qingshan shook his head.

Will not.

Although Jiujianxian has a devouring sword, his cultivation is not as good as mine.

Before he used the Devouring Sword to tie me.

I can't get it, nor can he get it.

I'm afraid no one can get this sacred furnace.

Unless, there is a more terrifying strong awakening.

Hearing that no one could get it, Wushuang God King breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they didn't get it, they weren't a loser either!

Wanqingshan, you can't, next, it's up to us.

Jiu Jianxian came over.

Lin Xuan also came, beside Jiu Jianxian.

Together, the two looked forward.

Let's do it!

Jiu Jianxian swallowed a sword, a huge whirlpool enveloped the world.

The flame furnace was also shrouded.

The Flame God Furnace resisted again, and the flame pierced through those whirlpools.

At this time, Lin Xuan made a move.

He didn't use the Reincarnation Sword, but instead used the Great Dragon Sword with all his strength.

A giant dragon flew out, roaring between heaven and earth.

Shenlong strikes.

Where the sword gas passed, those flames were crushed and almost extinguished.

But soon, more fire from the heavens flew out of the furnace.

Begin to contend with the dragon sword.

Lin Xuan felt a tremendous pressure, and the Great Dragon Sword was blocked.

Not only that, the power of the flame flew over and enveloped him.

His body made a roaring sound.

He quickly cast the Golden Light Curse to resist.

Isn't it okay?

When other people saw this scene, they sighed again and again.

Wan Qingshan snorted coldly.

All this was in his expectation.

Lin Xuan also frowned.

It's not that the Dragon Sword and the Devouring Sword are not strong, but that their cultivation base is not yet home.

After all, this flame furnace, but the peerless **** king, left behind.

That's the Four Step God King!

Is completely above them.

However, it was impossible for Lin Xuan to give up like this.

In his hand, there is another hole card, that is Xiaoyuer.

Xiaoyuer, but the place where the Emperor of Heaven refining his troops.

If you can let the little fish, swallow this flame furnace.

Definitely able to take it away.

Only before, he also tried.

Xiao Yu'er was stopped by those fires of heaven.

Can't get close at all.

Lin Xuan said: Can the wine master create a chance for me?

Let me approach the flame furnace.

The wine master said: Yes, but only for a moment.

As soon as you get closer, your physique can't bear it.

Even if you don't die, your body will be severely injured.

It's okay, it's not that I approached, I let the little fish approach.

In short, wine master, you believe me.

it is good.

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, Jiu Jianxian roared.

The Devouring Sword was fully urged.

Another peerless sword aura fell.

Wherever he went, swallow all the fire of God.

The body of the flame **** furnace emerged, and there was no more flame around.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan immediately started.

He summoned the little fish and threw the little fish at the flame furnace.

He said: Little fish, swallow it.


Xiao Yu'er stared, spitting bubbles, and came to the flames of the God of Furnace.

It seems to sense the power of God's fire.

It may also be felt that this flame furnace is a peerless magic weapon.

He directly spit out a bubble, covering the flame furnace.

The next moment, the flame furnace was enveloped in bubbles.

The rapid gradual change, the shellfish was swallowed directly by the little fish.

what's the situation?

Everyone was blindfolded when they saw this scene.

Such a terrible flame furnace. Even the Devouring Sword and the Great Dragon Sword can't help it.

It was swallowed by a fish!

What kind of fish is this?

The immortal fish?

Peerless fish?

These people all feel crazy.

Wan Qingshan's eyes were almost staring out.

After living for so many 10,000 years, it was the first time he saw such a thing.

Even the wine master was extremely surprised.

Is this Xiaoyuer? It's really amazing!

Little fish, come back soon.

Lin Xuan waved quickly.

Xiao Yuer hiccuped and flew towards Lin Xuan.

Its tail swayed, but its speed was very slow.

It's as if you're eating up.

Seeing this, Wan Qingshan rushed over quickly.

Although I don't know, what's the matter with this fish?

But let's get it first.

With a big wave, 81 sacred mountains resurfaced, killing Xiao Yu'er.

not good.

Lin Xuan's complexion changed drastically.

He quickly rushed towards Xiao Yu'er, and Jiu Jianxian also shot.

Cut out with a sword, blocking 81 mountains.

81 mountains descend from the sky, trying to suppress everything.

However, under them, countless black vortices appeared.

Slowly swallowed 81 mountains.

Jiujianxian, dare you stop me?

Wan Qingshan roared frantically.

His eyes are red, this is a good opportunity to seize the peerless Shenlu.

What about stopping you?

The wine master snorted coldly.

Wan Qingshan knew that in a short period of time, he couldn't win Jiujianxian.

To the Wushuang God King and others, he said: I will deal with Jiujianxian.

You all fight to take that fish.

Who gets it, who gets the thing?

Hearing this, the eyes of the surrounding **** kings became red.

They were crazy and rushed towards Xiaoyuer.