Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8354

Chapter 8354

Jiujianxian kept devouring,

However, it was not as expected.

Jiujianxian did not split, nor did he die.

He swallowed all those powers in.

how is this possible? How can you bear it?

Wan Qingshan couldn't believe it.

After Jiujianxian absorbed the opponent's power, he killed it again.

The black sword energy quickly fell, swallowing Wan Qingshan's figure.

Wan Qingshan moved and changed positions, and his speed was extremely fast.

Jiujianxian's sword just swallowed his afterimage.

However, his face is not pretty.

He found that Jiujianxian seemed real and could compete with him.

Damn it, isn't it that Jiujianxian is just a step-by-step God King, a level 50 or so cultivation base?

How can you compete with him?

Even if the opponent has the Devouring Sword, it can't be so defying!

Wan Qingshan's eyes were like electricity, and he stared at Jiu Jianxian firmly.

When he sensed the power of Jiu Jianxian's body.

He exclaimed.

Your cultivation base has reached a step of the **** king, level 90!

What happened to the other party?

The speed of this improvement is too fast, right?

Don't you know?

Does the Devouring Sword have a great advantage in cultivation?

In fact, I should be able to step into the second step of the king in a short time.

Jiu Jian Xian Dao.

This practice speed is too fast!

The Five Swords in the World are all extremely terrifying and each has its own characteristics.

Such as the Great Dragon Sword, attacking Wushuang,

Reincarnation sword, six reincarnations.

This devouring sword, in addition to being able to swallow the power of others and turn it into one's own use.

In cultivation, it is also very fast, far surpassing other swords.

After Wan Qingshan learned the truth, he roared.

He has to do his best!

Come on, who is afraid of whom?

Jiujianxian laughed and took out the wine gourd.

Open the lid of the gourd and start drinking.

Afterwards, he carried the gourd behind his back, Yujian Feixian, and killed him.

The two fight.


This is a battle of the two-step **** king level.

This force destroyed everything in an instant.

This area, except for the sacred flame furnace, was still intact.

Everything else was broken.

Lin Xuan also retreated quickly.

Even he couldn't bear the lingering power of this energy.

Too tough.

He watched nervously.

I don't know if the wine master can beat the other party?

The fighting here also attracted the attention of others.

Many gods and kings looked around one after another, and even gods rushed over.

The Wushuang God King descended from the sky, looking at the battle in the distance, also very anxious.

He originally thought that after Wan Qingshan came, he could push everything horizontally.

Unexpectedly, he would be blocked by Jiu Jianxian.

Several other **** kings are also hovering nearby.

Seeing the immortal Jiujian, he was on par with Wanqing Mountain.

They are also shocked.

Only a few hundred years ago, Jiujianxian was able to compete with the Second Step God King.

This cultivation speed is really too fast.

It's too bad!

It is estimated that the final winner can get the flame furnace.

They are out of play.

This flame furnace was either obtained by the other side, or obtained by God's Domain.

At this time, Wushuang God King looked at Lin Xuan, his eyes full of killing intent.

Feeling this killing intent, Lin Xuan turned his head and looked.

He snorted coldly: What? Do you want to do it?

Wushuang God King remembered the look he had been beaten before, his face was extremely ugly.

But soon, he gritted his teeth and said: You are less proud.

He said to those **** kings around him: It's better to join hands first.

Suppressed this Lin Wudi.

Right on my mind.

The King of Swallowing Sky rushed over,

The demon king stared at him.

The Lord of the Holy Fire is also murderous.

At the moment of crisis, the Dragon King, the Phoenix King, rushed to Lin Xuan's side.

They said coldly: If you want to do it, we will accompany you.

The two sides confronted each other.

The Dragon King said: Lin Xuan, stay with the green hills, not afraid of not having firewood.

Let's retreat first.

Lin Xuan possessed the breath of a **** king, which made the dragon king extremely pleasantly surprised.

It seems that their choice of Taixu Dragon Palace is indeed correct.

Lin Xuan really got his wish and became a **** king.

The Phoenix God King next to him was equally excited.

He said: Yes, they have many people.

If we really fight, we will be suppressed.

Why don't we leave first and wait for Jiu Jianxian to decide the outcome.

Let's decide, what should we do next?

Lin Xuan hasn't said anything yet.

A sword energy swallowed in the distance, but it slashed over fiercely.

The Lord of the Shenhuo Hall and the others hurriedly fled.

Jiu Jianxian did not make any more moves, he returned to the vicinity of Lin Xuan.

He stared into the distance and said: You guys, really stupid.

You are actually helping the other side, you are helping the other side.

Hmph, we can help whoever we want to help.

Who made you God's Domain so domineering?

Five swords in the world, you already have three swords.

You still want the fire of God, you are too greedy.

The King of Swallowing Sky gritted his teeth and said: If you give up the fire of God. We can consider joining hands with you.

Stupid things.

The wine master snorted: You don't even know the true face of the other side.

You help the other side now, and one day, you will regret it.

true colors? What's the real face?

The Demon King frowned too.

The other **** kings were also puzzled.

In their view, the battle between God's Domain and the other side.

It's because of grabbing territory and resources.

Apart from this, is there any deeper reason?

Even Lin Xuan and the others were surprised.

The wine master sighed: I have said it now, and you don't believe it either.

I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you.

You **** kings, don't look at the present, you can dominate the gods.

However, in the desolate period, you can't enter at all, the core of the family.

The core secrets of the deserted ancient times, and the true face of the other side.

How could you possibly know?

What do you mean? Are you looking down on us?

The King of Swallowing Sky and they were all angry.

Jiujianxian is too arrogant, right?

Even if you have the Devouring Sword, it is impossible, so belittle them.

The wine master is too lazy to talk nonsense.

He said to Lin Xuan: Let the guy do it first, I think he shouldn't get it. U U Reading

After Wanqingshan fails, we will do it together.

Later, he said through a voice transmission: Just throw it into your ancient place.

At that time, we can leave.

it is good.

Lin Xuan nodded.

Later, he asked: What is the true face of Bi An?

Is there another reason for their battle between God's Domain and the other side?

It's hard to say.

Now, it's not the time to talk about this.

After I go back, I will tell you in detail.

Jiuye looked into the distance and said coldly: Wan Qingshan, we don't need to fight anymore.

With the strength of the two of us, it would be difficult to distinguish the outcome after a few hundred years.

In this way, I will give you a chance, and I will let you do it first.

If you can get the furnace, then you are good.

If you can't get it, then we will do it.

Staring wide-eyed, to see how I collect the sacred furnace.

Wan Qingshan quickly shot.

With a big wave of his hand, the power of the law on his body flew out.

Turned into 81 mountains, they fell from the sky.

Surrounded by the flame furnace.

81 big mountains formed one, extremely terrifying formation.

The tyrannical force will suppress and seal the flame furnace.

The flame furnace began to counterattack.

The fire of God flew out and enveloped 81 mountains.

The two forces constantly collide.

Those **** kings around could not bear it again.

They retreated to the distance again.

Even Wan Qingshan and Jiuye kept backing away.

Wan Qingshan has just started and is extremely confident.

However, when really contending with the flame furnace.

He only realized that he underestimated the other party.

The power of this flame furnace was beyond his imagination.