Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8356

Chapter 8356

Except for Wan Qing Shan, all the **** kings present rushed towards Xiao Yu'er.

This scene is really shocking.

Xiao Yu'er also seemed to feel the danger and swam desperately towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan broke out at an unprecedented speed.

Came here in an instant, Xiao Yuer's side.

With a wave of his hand, the little fish was put away.

However, there were several terrible attacks from behind him.

They are all great powers.

Lin Xuan waved his sword to block,

There was a loud voice.

Sword spirits are flying all over the sky, and all kinds of avenues are sweeping the wasteland.

Lin Xuan's figure was shrouded by the dazzling power.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he opened the eternal land.

Take the little fish and enter inside.

When the sky's supernatural power disappeared, the front had been beaten into nothingness.

In that nihility, there is some divine blood floating.

Lin Wudi was injured.

When he saw this scene, Wushuang God King was extremely happy.

The Lord of Shenhuo Hall snorted coldly.

So many **** kings shot together, the other party would definitely not be able to stop them.

Her eyes are like electricity, searching for each other.


The Lord of Shenhuo Palace found that Lin Xuan was no longer visible.

If you can't run away, everyone joins forces to seal off the world.

The Lord of Shenhuo Hall roared, and the golden flame on the center of his eyebrows flew out.

Turned into a sea of flames.

The other **** kings also shot one after another.

The Dragon King and the Phoenix God King were extremely nervous.

The scene just now happened so fast that they didn't have time to make a move.

When he reacted, Lin Xuan was already enveloped by strength.

Now, Lin Xuan disappeared even more, making them worry.

You won't be directly beaten up, right?

It should be impossible.

The Dragon King thought for a while and found it unrealistic.

After all, Lin Xuan owns the Great Dragon Sword and the Reincarnation Sword.

The power of a desperate blow is extremely terrifying.

It's absolutely impossible, it just fell.

However, the opponent should be injured.

It is estimated that it is hidden in the void.

The two of them are also looking for quickly.

What's the matter, you have to help Lin Xuan escape from here?

After looking for a circle, the two dragon kings were blinded.


Damn it, where did you hide?

The Lord of the Shenhuo Hall was anxious and depraved.

Wushuang God King said: I won't be beaten to dust by us, right?

After hearing this, the Lord of Shenhuo Hall rolled his eyes.

Lin Wudi is dead. But the power of the Great Dragon Sword and the Samsara Sword could not be wiped out.

Now they didn't see the Great Dragon Sword at all, nor Lin Xuan.

This shows that the other party is still alive.

They are not reconciled and continue to look for

I looked around and found nothing.

When the wine master saw this scene, he was overjoyed.

He knew that Lin Xuan should be safe and had entered the land of eternity.

It seemed that it was time for him to leave.

Two fellow Taoists, let's go.

Jiu Jianxian waved his hand and greeted the Dragon King and Phoenix God King, and they left.

Stop him.

Wan Qingshan is not calm anymore.

Originally he thought that they had the upper hand and could control everything.

But now, things are completely beyond their control.

Jiu Jianxian didn't have it at all, and went to look for Lin Xuan, but left calmly.

This shows that Lin Xuan should be in no danger.

They almost overturned this world.

Did not find the other party either.

Where can the other party escape?

Even the great void technique of the ancient family is in front of them.

It is impossible, there is no clue!

How do they know that there is an ancient place in Lin Xuan?

Those **** kings around also wanted to intercept.

As a result, Jiujianxian flew out with a sword.

The gap is too big.

In addition to Wanqingshan, it can compete with Jiujianxian.

Others are not opponents at all.

Even if they work together, it won't work.

Jiujianxian did not fight again.

After sweeping away these **** kings, he took the dragon king and the phoenix **** king.

Yujian Feixian flew to the distance.

Those people Wushuang God King didn't chase after him.

They are still searching nearby.

On the other hand, Wan Qingshan chased him crazy.

But after chasing to the realm of God's Domain, he also failed to leave Jiujianxian.

In the end, he could only stand and watch Jiujianxian return to the ancient city.

Damn, you wait for me, this matter is not over.

Wan Qingshan roared wildly.

The Dragon King and the Phoenix God King were puzzled: Where is Lin Xuan?

Didn't you save Lin Xuan?

Jiu Jianxian smiled mysteriously, and said: Lin Xuan has returned safely long ago.

Two people, let's go to rest first, and later, I will take Lin Xuan to see you.

I'm back, how did you come back?

The Dragon King and the others were stunned. It seemed that Lin Xuan had a place they didn't know about!

Wan Qingshan was hovering near God's Domain, wondering if there was any chance to make a move?

Those people like Wushuang Divine King had no clue, they had no choice but to give up.

In their opinion, Lin Xuan should have returned to the ancient land.

They went, looking for other fragments of the gods.

However, they didn't know that Lin Xuan was still in the flames.

Lin Xuan just hid in the ancient place.

Although it is safe here, he has no choice but to return directly to God's Domain.

Unless, he came out of the eternal land.

After waiting for a long time, I think it's almost done.

Lin Xuan shot out, an eye of heaven, searching the Quartet.

Sure enough, there were no people around.

He just came out of the ancient land.

Hiding his breath, he turned into a sword light and flew into the distance.

Before, it was too dangerous.

Lin Xuan was injured by these gods, but it was not fatal.

During the time he stayed in the ancient land, he was almost recovered from his injuries.

He was extremely happy.

This time has gained a lot from the realm of God.

First of all, he broke through and became the King of God, greatly increasing his strength.


He got it again, this flame furnace.

The fire of God inside is really too much.

Not only he can practice.

Take it back, those genius experts in God's Domain can cultivate.

Now, only he and the wine master are the kings of gods.

He felt that his cards were not enough, and he had to let other people become the king of gods.

Among them, the Golden Lion King and the Queen.

The two are not far from the realm of the **** king.

If two people absorb the fire of God, there is a great possibility for a breakthrough.

In addition, the younger generation, Ye Wudao, ancient three links, Yan Ruyu.

They also have a great opportunity to break through the King of God.

As he thought about it, he speeded up.

When he soon returned to God's Domain, he found that Wan Qingshan was still wandering there.

He can only go around once.

From the other direction, back to God's Domain.

Shangqing City.

The wine master is waiting. Calculating the time, Lin Xuan should be almost the same, and he will be back soon.

Sure enough, after waiting a few more days, Lin Xuan came back.

The wine master rushed over and asked: "Little guy, are you okay?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: Nothing.

I was injured a bit before, but all have recovered.

Things are in hand too.

That's good.

Next, the wine master took Lin Xuan to meet the Dragon King and Phoenix God King.

Thank the two for their help.

At the same time, they promised that they would send them off, each with a fire to heaven.

After the two listened, they were also extremely excited.

This kind of flame also has a great effect for them.

Next, Lin Xuan and the wine master discussed.

Where to put this sacred furnace of flames?