Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2406

Chapter 2406

In the sky, the twin kings of Zhongzhou held the five-colored light and laughed. Ignoring Wen Xiao said that?

Then everyone saw it clearly. The colorless light was a fragment. It seemed that a shield was broken and left behind.

Qi Guang is a fragment that can block the attack of the Kings of Zhongzhou. It is conceivable to what extent a good shield can be scary?

Don't think about it, this should be the old castle found from the nearby ruins.

Hurry and find it again!

The people around me were thrilled. If they could find such an ancient treasure, then they would be rich.

So many people are looking for it.

In the sky, the twin kings of Zhongzhou also snorted limply, fluttered in shape, and sank into one of the ancient ruins.

Seeing the Zhongzhou Geminis gone, everyone was relieved.

There is no way, the breath of the other side is too powerful, like the combination of the devil and the Buddha.

However, less than half a column incense, the sky changed again.

A breath of horror came from a distance, just like the waves, slamming the Quartet.

The sound is very loud, as if all kinds of thunder are beating.

All warriors around the catfish all looked up and looked into the distance.

Then they exclaimed.

Because there is a sky full of light shaking in front of him, just like the **** red, flying fast.

The large clouds rolled and a roar came.

What a terrible breath, the vast world.

This is a monster!

Some old man exclaimed, others were scalp numb. Is it possible that the demon is here?

At this moment, everyone narrowed his eyes.

I soon hummed, not a demon, you see, there are people sitting on the monsters.

He is human!

Oh Cangtian, who is this force who rides such a terrible demon king?

These people were stunned.

In the sky, the demon kings came quickly, and they were frightened by their feet and wearing auspicious clouds.

I waited until they were close, and all the people found that these monsters were huge.

Each one is like a mountain, exuding terrible breath all over and around.

Not only that, they were all covered with armor, and it was clear that this was the demon king tamed by humans.

In front of me, a wind beast.

This is a kind of monster bird, very huge, with blue body, surrounded by terrible winds.

The wings spread and the green light surrounds.

Standing on top of it, there was a young man wearing a blue armor with a strong breath.

Not only that, but behind him, a banner was also inserted, waving in the wind.

The banner is tens of kilometers long, surrounded by runes, and it looks like a terrible treasure.

this is?

Eyes of everyone looked down the big banner. Soon, they saw the words flying above the banner flying in the wind.

Shake the light.

This is the Holy Land of Shaking Light!

Everyone's scalp was numb, and Donghuang's people couldn't be more familiar.

The people on the other continents also changed their faces.

Alas, they have all heard the rumors of shaking the Holy Land.

This is a terrible sacred place. It is the only sacred place that has not had an emperor but possesses awesome weapons.

After I came to the vicinity, hundreds of demon kings in the sky quickly landed, and the people below spread out automatically, and a large vacuum zone appeared.

Don't look at just a few hundred demon kings, but many people come.

Because some demon kings can stand on hundreds of people.

For example, a flying python, nearly 10,000 meters in length, hovering in the sky, like a pterosaur.

Among them, the most noticeable one is similar to Qilin Demon King.

There was a young man sitting on top of him. He was surrounded by 108 auras, like a god, very dazzling.

Shake Light Son!

Everyone exclaimed.

Yes, that youth like the **** of heaven is the peerless Tianjiao who is very famous in Donghuang, and shakes the Holy Son.

He is next to the demon king similar to Kirin, with a green hawk, surrounded by glow. There was also a woman sitting on it, beautiful.

Hit her, she is a sacred lady.

As soon as the maiden appeared, it attracted the attention of countless young geniuses. No way, because the maiden is so beautiful that people can't notice.


But at this time, the sound of thunder came to mind in the distant sky. Everyone's eyes moved away from Shaking Light Saint and headed away.

Is that a dragon?

Many people exclaimed.

Because of the distance, there are nine huge black shadows, each of which is several kilometers long, and the aura of light flashes on it.

Open your teeth and dance.

Surrounded by auspicious clouds, this scene is like a dragon.

Do not. Soon, an old man shook his head, not a dragon, but it was almost the same.

I am a dragon.

Driving in Kowloon!

Wu Cangtian, which family is this? It 's too scary, right?

I actually pulled the car with the dragon! What a luxury!

What a big deal!

Many people exclaimed again and again.

At this moment, the Sons of the Holy Lands turned their heads. The shook light shrine and other people who just landed also looked into the sky.

Behind the nine dragons, they pulled a mighty chariot toward this side.

Above the chariot, the runes flashed, forming a mysterious ancient character.

Loquat leaves.

I'm Ye Family!

Abandoned ancient family, Ye family! They even came!

Everyone exclaimed.

The Ye Ye family, but the family of the emperor appeared. It is a terrible family of wild ancients.

All of a sudden, everyone's mind was dignified.

Roar! !!

Howling Howling Howling!

Nine nine dragons came near and stopped in midair.

They roared in the sky, and the terrible sound shook Jiuxiao, and the blood and blood rolled beneath them.

What a terrible dragon!

Everyone's heart trembled, but the sacred shrine that just landed, those terrible demon kings, also made roaring sounds, as if they were protesting.

In the sky, like all beasts chanting together, even terrible cracks appeared.

Shake the light, you come early! Just then, a magnificent voice came from a chariot in the sky.

Ye family, it's not too late. Below, among the wild beasts, there was also a voice of response.

Peerless characters!

Although is just two sounds, it is more terrifying than the beasts of the past.

Everyone's heart trembled, don't think about it, these are two extremely scary characters.

I didn't expect that Yaoguang and Ye's family came with such terrible characters.

It seems to me that for this saint's tomb, it is inevitable.

Alas, this is not over.

After the Ye family, there are countless glows flying.

One by one the terrible holy places, the great religion, the family, came one after another.

The sky is full of light ~ ~ Countless monsters roar, the gods of the sky land, and the chariots are full of wildness.

This is really a flourishing age.

Alas, those terrible scenes existed for a while, and those with great influence began to land.

Explore the ancient ruins around.

So, the sky gradually recovered.

However, everyone's mood cannot be calm.

I'm almost here already. A few young people were relieved. Although there was no war yet, just this scene made them enthusiastic.

This is just the ancient tomb of the saint. If the Wanlong Nest appears, the scene will be a hundred times more magnificent.

Wanlong nest, is it really there?