Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2407

Chapter 2407

? Wanlong nest, is it really there?

Hey yes, it is said that this is the land of the dragon clan.

Xiaolong, does it really exist?

Many people exclaimed.

Like, a wave appeared again in the sky, everyone raised their heads again, and there were others!

Indeed, there are still people coming.

A **** ship, flying fast in the sky.

Surrounded by endless black light, the magic clouds rolled, as if coming from the underworld.

What kind of power is this?

Everyone frowned, and the other party only came with a **** ship. It can be said that the scene was much smaller than the former ancient family and holy place.

However, the breath emanating from this **** ship is extremely terrible.

So for a moment, people are confused.

The **** ship flies in the air again, and sheds thousands of lights.

Its appearance has attracted the attention of many people.

For a while, many people pointed and talked.

This ship is the black demon ship that Lin Xuan and others are riding on.

The figure above was shaking, looking down, and also exclaiming.

There are so many people below me!

very scary! That's Kowloon cart!

Xi Cangtian, that's the Ye family!

A loud noise sounded.

Xun Xingtian also stood up and came to the door of Lin Xuan, saying congratulatingly, "Lord, here we are.

Got it. Lin Xuan's voice came from the room. The next moment, the door opened and Lin Xuan came out.

This is the breath of the power of the five elements! Xingtian felt the breath left on Lin Xuan and was surprised.

In my opinion, Master Shao should practice the Five Elements Sword with little success.

I honestly, he was so shocked.

Although he knows that the young master has a good talent, it is too fast. After all, the Five Elements Sword is a heavenly order.

It takes decades to get it done.

Alas, it was surprising that Lin Xuan had been trained in a month or two.

After Lin Linxuan came out, the dark red dragon on the side also came out.

It laughs like an old monster: Haha, the emperor has finally developed a few new formations!

Boy, let me show you how powerful they are!

I go, this is !

He did not wait for Lin Xuan to reply, and the dark red Shenlong exclaimed.

Not only him, but many people on the Dark Demon's boat looked sideways. After all, Kowloon pulled a car, this scene is really spectacular.

Nine giant dragons hovering in the void, their scales blooming cold, as if cast by **** iron.

Which family is this? Lin Xuan asked.

Aside, Xing Tian said, it was the Ye family. The runes on that chariot are proprietary to the Ye family.

Abandoned ancient family, Ye family! Hearing that, Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

Prior to that, he had dealt with Ye family members. He also had a relationship with one of the Ye family's Tianjiao.

The man is called Ye Wudao. I wonder if this time he is here?

In addition to Ye Wudao, there are ancient three links of the ancient family.

He is the first maiden of the first sacred place to help him take his place.

In addition, there are several enemies.

For example, the Holy Son of Wanlei, and other people in the Holy Land of Wanchu.

Tuoba family. and many more.

I thought of this, Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile, I wonder if these old people have come?

The next moment, he asked, who was here?

Returning to the Lord, there are many people coming this time.

In addition to the Ye family, Yaoguang, Yaochi and other holy places have come. Not only that, but those great religions also came.

It can be said that the heroes come together.

Are the people from the ancient family here?


Oh yes, are there any people in Zixia Holy Land? Lin Xuan asked. Because he remembered Shen Jingqiu, the other party entered the Holy Place of Zixia.

I figured, he had not seen this little girl for a long time.

I haven't seen it yet, but I think I will come again. Xing Tian said.


Lin Xuan nodded, his eyes flickered.

It seems to me that this time the tomb of the saint really caused a lot of movement. However, he knew that a large part of it was caused by Wanlong Nest.

After all, just a saint's tomb is not enough to shock the whole world.

His eyes glanced downward, and the light in his eyes grew sharper.

In my opinion, the trip to the tomb this time may not be too simple. Because there are too many strong people below.

Even, some are not weaker than Xiandian.

Zhe Linxuan's eyes flickered, and the black demon ship floated in the void and did not come down.

The people below me are extremely confused.

Hey, what is this guy doing?

Indeed, they were puzzled. Because, until now, they did not recognize what the other party was.

The other party neither sent nor landed, but floated in the sky.

At this moment, a tall man rushed up and asked coldly, who dare to come from where?

Puxian Temple.

Zhe Lin Xuan looked down and said lightly.

what? Xiandian!

When I heard this, everyone was stunned, Xiandian, what kind of organization is this? Never heard of it!

In the name of Xian, it seems that it is not easy.

They talked a lot.

I ca n't help it. Xiandian was very low-key before. Although it was powerful, not many people knew it.

So at this moment, many people are confused when the name comes out.

Originally, they thought it would be a great religion, or a holy place. But I did not expect that the other party was not.

I am an organization that they have never heard of.

What fairy hall!

At this moment, some people sneered, and even the wild ancient family did not dare to use the name of immortal. What kind of thing do you dare to call an immortal palace?

I just do n't know if there are any immortals in this world. You use the name of Xiandian, aren't you crazy?

For a while, many people sneered.

I came here all from the top forces in the world, and they were naturally unconvinced.

Why would the other party dare to use the name Xiandian, even the wild ancient family did not dare to do so!



After hearing these words, the people on the Black Demon Ship ~ ~ Xiandian frowned.

Lin Linxuan snorted even more. The next moment, he was sharp behind him, and his body suddenly disappeared.

A few screams came from the crowd below.


Huh ah!


A few heads flew up and blood sprayed.

This scene caused panic below.

Humph! At this time, the ghost's voice also sounded, dare to challenge the Xiandian, kill without pardon.

What a killer!

Seeing this scene, everyone around was shocked. The others are angry, **** it, do you want to go to war with us?

This sight caught everyone's attention.

For a moment, all the holy places, the great religions, and the family clan all looked towards this side.

Among them, the saints and virgins looked at this scene, and frowned. What was the origin of the Xiandian, dare to start directly?

Moreover, the opponent's strength turned out to be pretty good, killing several geniuses in an instant. I'm afraid this should be a terrible killer.

However, the families killed were angry.

What's the joke about it, the other party dare to do something to them? Really looking for death!

And even more hateful, this is hitting their faces in public!