Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2405

Chapter 2405

This man's body is very tall, three meters in length, and even more weird is the opponent's four hands and two heads.

It seems that two people share a body.

this is? Zhongzhou Twin Kings!

I did not expect that even they came.

Many people are frightened and have scalp tingling.

Others were shocked when they heard the name. what? Are they the twin kings of Zhongzhou?

Legend says that they are terrible and very strange coexistence.

My elder brother is kind and has a bright breath. The elder brother has a dark breath. They share the same body, but they can practice each other.

I can say, very weird. I'm afraid the whole world can't find a second one.

At this moment, not only those older figures, but also the sons and daughters of the major holy places, the girls also looked up and looked at the sky.

Their eyes flickered.

Because they felt it, the breath of Zhongzhou Twin Kings was terrible.

I am not weaker than them.

Moreover, the other party is equivalent to two people. If you really want to fight, it will be a dozen or two. I am afraid few people can really compete.

Old guy, leave me!

Above him, the wicked sneered, the boundless magic tumbling rolled into four magic pillars, and rushed over.

For a moment, he trapped the peerless powerhouse in the distance.

I'm stuck!

All the warriors below me exclaimed, but the peerless powerhouse in the sky changed his face. His palms would move, trying to smash the four magic pillars.

The red palm photographed, and immediately broke the void in front, and the infinite red light swept across the sky for nine days.

The fierce collision in the sky remembered that the four magic pillars broke two, and the old man escaped.

But at this time, the twin kings of Zhongzhou had already arrived near the old man.

Old things, still want to run? Leave me!

The **** palm patted the **** palm from the sky.

Peerless old man contends with it, the two of them are falling apart, but at this time, the good boy also started.

Bitter seas have no boundaries, turning back to shore. I really don't want to do it, but it's you than mine.

Although he said he was unwilling to do anything, the attack of Shan Zi was not weak at all.

He has a golden Falun in his hand, wielding the golden light of the sky, like a sharp sword, piercing the void.

Evil and kind, each of them is equivalent to peerless power. At this moment, the two shot together, which is two dozens.

I guess Peerless Power can't stand it.

Sure enough, the old man was pale when he saw this scene.

The next moment, he roared, waved his palm, and something appeared in his sleeves.

The thing flashed five colors of light, and hovered in front of him when it appeared. The five colors of light blocked the good man's golden Falun.

What it is? too horrible!

The warrior below the urn was exclaimed when he saw the five-colored light.

I did not expect this old man to have such a treasure.

When the good and evil sons saw this thing, they even laughed at the corners of their mouths, old guy, this thing was originally found in our ruins.

I didn't expect you to dare to snatch.

Now obediently kneel down and send the treasure up, I can give you a happy life!

You still listen to him, otherwise your end will be miserable. Shan Zi also said faintly.

Let's do it!

I clearly found it. You see jealousy and want to **** it!

You two monsters, kill the old man if you have the ability, otherwise, you have no chance in this life to get this ancient treasure!


You say we are monsters?

Yun Shanzi's face was gloomy, and the evil son even roared loudly, and the magic of half the sky was soaring.

Poke them both, the most annoying others say they are monsters.

Because this makes them unbearable.

Old man, you irritate me.

Today, I will kill you.

The wicked roar roared, and the boundless magic tumbling in his hands rolled into a sickle of death.

Surrounded by the dark air above the sickle, it was experiencing trembling waves.

On the side of Yun Shanzi, there is also a golden Falun in his hand, and the world is broken between turns.

Old man, let me die!

The wicked son roared, and the death sickle in his hand quickly split. The huge black knife light shone in the sky, forming a fissure of almost ten thousand meters.


The old man flew upside down in an instant, the void behind him was all broken, and he vomited blood.

I was okay, but the 5 colors of light in front of me blocked the attack.

He was just shocked.

Alas, he just stopped, and changed his face again.

Because above him, I do not know when a golden law appeared, spinning constantly, like a sun.

At this moment, relentlessly pressed down.

Tianbao Falun!

Blooming with all kinds of light, even carrying a sacred power, landed directly, like a golden mountain, shattering the void.


In the vastness of the sky, the peerless old man hit the five-colored divine light above his head for defense. At the same time, he burst into countless shields and armor.

Alas, he was still bombarded, and his injuries were worse.

I have to admit that the good and the bad are terrible.

Each one of them can compete with the power of the world. At this moment, the two shot together, and this old man suffered an unprecedented crisis.

The strong men from around the world saw this scene and were shocked and scalp tingling.

Because they found out, the twin kings of Zhongzhou were really terrible.

Is simply an invincible existence!

I am afraid that only extremely terrible peerless power can suppress them.

And ordinary peerless powers meet, they are not opponents at all.

At this moment, those princes and princes are also dignified.

They found that this is definitely a peerless enemy.

Below, everyone watched, and the battle between the two sides continued.

More and more horrible ~ ~ The entire sky was completely destroyed, and the violent energy was 100,000 miles.

However, this time they are all strong, so the aftermath of energy is stopped by the light curtain played by everyone.

So, these people did not step back and still watched up close.

After three hundred strokes, the old man screamed, and one arm was cut off by the death sickle.

During the 400th stroke, he was hit by Tianbao Falun, and all his bones were broken.

In the 600th move, Wu Se Gu Bao was snatched by the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou.

650 moves, the old man was beheaded.

What the hell, Peerless power was beheaded!

Many young warriors exclaimed, even those older figures were scalp.

They found that the twin kings of Zhongzhou were really terrifying. Moreover, the other person seems to be mentally abnormal.

After a while, never mention the monster in front of each other.


The body of the old man fell from the sky and penetrated the ground directly.

People around me stepped back, for fear of getting those blood.

After all, this is the blood of peerless power, which can kill ordinary kings with a drop.

Even with ordinary power, I dare not contaminate.