Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2404

Chapter 2404

In recent days, with the arrival of strong men from all over the world, some bans on the periphery of the tomb have been broken.

So, the ruins of the periphery also appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is worn out, but after endless years, maybe there will be one or two treasures.

So those strong are searching for the surrounding ruins.

At this moment, in a ruin, there are two warriors facing each other.

Their breath is very dignified, and even the space between them appears numerous cracks, which will collapse at any time.

Get away, this is the site of our big Xia Dynasty! Others leave me!

A middle-aged man yelled in a cold voice, his body was murderous.

The people behind him were also dignified.

There was a terrible breath on the body, and the weapon in his hand flashed cold light. There was a big disagreement, and war started.

On the opposite side, there was also a group of people who were very powerful and mostly women.

The one headed by is even more beautiful.

Her look is like a fairy, the purple long dress is shining.

He is like a fairy of nine days, landing on earth.

The woman in the purple clothes said lightly that this is an ancient ruin and it does not belong to anyone.

Because you are a family of the Da Xia Dynasty, you want to occupy the whole area. Is n't it a bit overbearing?

Humph! What about overbearing!

At this moment, a young man hummed in the crowd across.

Then he held the sword and stabbed it.

Qi Jian's light flickered, turning into a rainbow in the sky, and quickly stabbing at the woman in purple.


Seeing this, the woman in purple did not panic. The people behind her were equally expressionless.

When the sword approached, the woman in purple clothes slowly stretched out her jade hand and patted it forward.

With one palm, the situation changes.

The long sword was broken, and the young man vomited blood and flew out, landing in the distance.

The martial arts soldiers on the opposite side were full of panic.

This woman, what a terrible strength!

The young man who shot just now is also a genius in their family, but he couldn't even reach the other hand.

Who the **** is this?

Damn, who are you? A middle-aged person asked.

Qi Yaochi, Murong allure. The woman in purple answered coldly.

What's up, it's Yaochi Holy Land!

When I heard this, the faces of those people in front of me became ugly.

The sacred place of Qianyaochi, but it exists side by side with the royal family. Although they were in the Daxia Dynasty, they were big families.

But compared to the Holy Land of Yaochi, it is not enough to look at. So the next moment, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and hum, let's go.

Alas, these people quit.

Tong Murong smiled at the corner of her mouth, she waved her hand, and then said.

Search the entire ancient ruins, don't miss any details and places.

Hey, sir. The warriors behind him, move quickly.

Things like this happen in the surrounding ruins from time to time.

Not only the Yaochi Holy Land, but also the major Holy Lands in the Eastern Wasteland are here, and all are led by the Holy Virgin.

Of course, all the princes of Zhongzhou also came.

Xi Mo, Bei Yuan, Nan Ling, those family powerhouses also arrived.

For a moment, it can be said that the heroes joined together, and Tianjiao countless.

The fighting in these days is more than that in the previous 10 years. Often, some people do not agree and shoot directly.

Or if they are not convinced by each other, they are fighting.


Two figures rose into the sky, breaking one world.

In the distance, everyone exclaimed, this is the five princes of the Jiuli Dynasty. Who is he fighting?

Looking at the Thunder, it seems that it is the Son of Wanlei who is the Holy Land of Wanlei.

Alas, I heard a lot of people from Zhongzhou who came from the land. I will teach you today! A young man carrying a red giant sword stood in the void and laughed.

His terrible sword qi bloomed through his body and penetrated ten sides.

who are you? There was a cold drink in the crowd.

Dayan Shengzi, asked the sky.

Hey, it turned out to be him! No wonder this breath is so powerful! Many older figures were shocked as they looked into the sky.

Huh, I'll fight you!

In the distance, a cyan streamer turned quickly and came to the neighborhood instantly.

Soon after, the cyan light of the sky disappeared, and a handsome young man appeared above the crowd.

who are you? Xiang Wentian asked in a cold voice, he was tall, and he was like a devil at the moment.

Daxia Dynasty, Tsing Yi Hou. The voice of the incoming person was equally cold.

what! Turns out to be Tsing Yi in Daxia!

The strong men around me were shocked. However, they had heard that the Daxia Dynasty had a very young and arrogant young man. At a young age, he was called by the king.

You know, that's second only to Wang Ye.

Those kings and marquises, which is not the one who lived for 2,000 years, shocked the ancient and modern strong.

As young as Tsing Yi Hou, he was named a marquis, so few people can say that.

This is definitely a peerless arrogance.

Well, you deserve my shot!

I asked Tian laughed loudly, and he was full of swords. Most of them turned to Tsing Yi.

Qingyi is waiting for Lengheng, and her whole body is blooming like a devil.

The two were in a big battle and were shaking.

There are still many young battles like this.

At this moment, the sons of the major holy places, those princes, and the geniuses of the family, are all dissatisfied after meeting

So, a lot of fights.

Hahahaha, old man, where are you going?

Suddenly, a sound came from the sky like a thunder, and everyone shivered and stood still.

These people looked up and looked into the sky in horror.

Wu Cangtian, who is this? Is light sound so scary?

Don't think about it, it must be a peerless powerhouse,

The next moment, they saw an old man running away frantically.

The old man shed his hair, his whole body was broken, and the corners of his mouth were bloody.

At this moment, the light on his body ~ ~ escaped quickly, like the same streamer.

This? Is a peerless power!

Peerless power is running away?

who is it? Hunting for a peerless power?

The strong men around me are stunned, and they can't believe it.

Judging from the current situation, although the great forces from all over the world have come, most of the coming are powerful, and the powerful are the peerless powerhouses.

Invincible King has not yet appeared,

In other words, the strongest now is peerless power.

But now, a peerless power has been hunted down?

It makes them unbelievable!

Huh, old man, you can't escape! A sneer came again in the sky.

Soon afterwards, I saw two groups of distant breaths coming from afar, a beam of light, like a Buddha.

The other half of the sky is as dark as ink, as if the devil is traveling.

Two opposite breaths, now in the sky, rolling forward.

Who is this? So terrifying!

Feeling the vision in the sky, everyone's scalp is numb.

The next moment, they were even more frightened, because they saw a figure standing in the golden light and the magic sword.

A very weird figure.