Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2389

Chapter 2389

Yang Jian's body was also taken away. After all, such a big thing happened.

They must go back and hurriedly report.

Because they feel that things are absolutely big.

I am afraid that the immortal hall will cause a great shock. With the character of the three church masters, the killing of his own son will certainly be extremely angry.

On the other side, after Lin Xuan and others returned, Xingtian issued a decree spreading all over Xiandian.

When the news spread, the whole Xiandian was uproar. They couldn't even believe the news.

what's the situation? Yang Jian rebelled? Was killed!

God, I am not dreaming!

Although Yang Jian is crazy, he shouldn't be rebellious, right?

Who dares to kill him? New temple owner?

God, is this going to be against the three masters?

How do I feel that this news does not seem to be true.

There was a sound of discussion.

However, when Xixia Mountain, the warriors at the entrances of the lobby, and Hou Yichen and other sons of the host returned and passed messages to each other.

This matter was finally confirmed.

Everyone was stunned, knowing that things were about to get bigger.

Sure enough, the people in Santangkou got the news and ran away for the first time!

To be honest, they didn't believe it at first.

Are you kidding me? Yang Jian is the son of their three masters. Who dares to offend?

Not to mention, kill it.

However, when Yang Jian's body was carried back, all the people in Santangkou were stunned.

They almost glared down.

how is this possible! How could anyone dare to kill Yang Jian! Don't want to live anymore?

After the three masters got the news, they came out of the secret room.

Originally he was retreating, preparing to practice breakthroughs.

But now, he has no mood to cultivate at all. His own son was killed, which made him endure.


Say, what's going on? Who killed me!

The three masters roared wildly like a lion. He was originally a tall man, and now he was angry, like a demon king.


The young warriors under him trembled and began to tell the whole story.

The three church masters and the people around them heard that Yang Jian was shocked when he was beheaded with three swords and six whip.

Especially the Lord of the Three Churches, with a roar, the entire hall exploded directly.

Bullying too! Dare to kill me, I must kill him myself!

No matter who he is!

The 3 masters are really crazy, a young guy who just took the position, dare to do something to him? Really do not know how to live or die!

Several old men next to each other, hurry to persuade.

Church owner, although the boy is abominable, but after all, he is the temple owner.

They frantically dissuade,

Indeed, Yang Jian was convicted of rebellion and was killed.

If Santangkou directly kills the Star Hall, it is estimated that they will be taken down on the spot.

What kind of master of the palace do I care about, a hairy boy, who is also qualified to be the master of my fairy palace?

I'll see what he is! The three masters ignored it at all.

He swears that he must kill the other party to resolve his hatred.

Everyone, give me orders!


Kill the Star Hall!


kill! kill!

Zhentian's voice sounded, killing each other straight into the sky.

It seems that these people are really ready to fight.


However, at this time, a silhouette suddenly fell in the sky, and the huge breath was like a hundred thousand mountains, which was down.

It shattered all the murderous power and shrouded everyone.

Feeling this terrible breath, the people in Santangkou changed their faces and looked up.

Even the three masters, who also looked dull and shouted coldly, who was it? How dare you come to my field?


Yang Guang picks up!

A cold voice came, with supreme coercion.

After hearing this voice, the three masters finally changed his face: Da Hu Fa.

At this time, what does Da Hu Fa come here for? I'm afraid it's definitely not a good thing.

Do you want to resist disobedience?

Da Hu Fa descended into the air. He is an old man. At this moment, he held a golden scroll in his hand and drew tens of thousands of glory.

Dare not!

Yang Guang picks up! The three masters knelt down on one knee and fell to the ground. Those around Santangkou, likewise kneeling on one knee, looked very respectfully.

At the command of the Lord of the Old Hall, the members of the Xian Hall shall not cause trouble or commit rebellious offenders.

Offenders, kill without amnesty!

In the end, there was a terrible breath on Da Hu Fa, sweeping for nine days!

Da Hu Fa is terrible, and Xiu has reached the Invincible King. The coercion from the invincible at this moment emanated, and those at the three halls below shivered.


Hearing these words, the people below were shocked, but did not dare to look up.

Yang Guang suddenly looked up, his face became extremely ugly.

Don't make trouble on purpose, don't commit rebellion!

Although the above is a member of Xiandian, this is obviously for him!

Moreover, it was issued by the owner of the old palace!

How powerful the old hall master is, he knows it. The invincible king is not enough to look at before him.

It can be said that it has reached the point of shaking the earth and crying ghosts.

If he dared to revolt and anger the old temple master, he would be beaten to death with a slap.

So there is no way, he can only grit his teeth and say, Yang Guang accepts the order.

Seeing this scene, Da Hu Fa took up the golden decree, and then Shen Sheng said that the new temple owner was elected by the old temple owner himself, so don't make yourself mistaken.

Hope you are so good!

After saying this, Da Hu Fa shook his body and disappeared into the void.

Subsequently, the supreme coercion also disappeared.

Feeling this coercion disappeared, the warriors at the 3 halls below were relieved.

No way, the breath of the Invincible King is really terrible, they can't bear it at all.

Yang Guang was extremely ugly.

A few old men gathered around and quickly said, "Lord, what should we do?"

How to do? What else can I do!

Do you think we still have a chance to resist?

The main faces of the three churches are as dead.

But then he clenched his fists, a Chinese character face, and became extremely embarrassed.

Damn, I can't swallow this tone!

Although the Lord of the Old Temple guarded him, I did not believe that I could protect him for a lifetime.


From now on, don't disturb me!

I will not go out without reaching the Invincible King!

Yang Guang gritted his teeth. UU reading books

He is now the peak of the Eight Star King, and he is very close to the Invincible King.

But it is also very difficult to break through.

But this time, he decided to die. Because only by becoming an invincible king, he has a chance of revenge.


Yang Guang entered the earth, using the earth's spiritual veins to close life and death.

Although the people in Santangkou are also angry, they have become extremely low-key.

No way, this decree is obviously aimed at them. They are daring to make trouble, and they are expected to be killed soon.

Therefore, everything can only be re-planned after their masters go out.

The decree of Da Hu Fa was not only given to the 3 masters, but also spread throughout the Xiandian.

For a moment, everyone was shocked when they went up and down the Xiandian.