Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2388

Chapter 2388

This sword, Lin Xuanxuan did not retain anything.

The power of the Great Dragon Soul has completely erupted, and in conjunction with the power of the ancient sword, it is directly cut forward.

All those 3 martial arts soldiers were shrouded.


The sky-roaring sound remembered that the sky split instantly.

Terrible fissures appeared on the earth, and numerous sword qi permeated all around.

At this moment, the sons of the church and all the young warriors around them were shocked.

This sword is too terrible!

Although it was not cut to them, this aftermath made them feel cold.

Damn, where exactly has this new temple master reached?

They have an unfathomable feeling.

After the sword was cut off and the sword gas disappeared, these people were even more blindfolded.

Dozens of elite soldiers in Santangkou, young geniuses, were all killed.

What a terrifying sword spirit!

Everyone was frightened.

Yang Jian shrank his pupils even more. He did not expect that the strength of the opponent was far beyond his expectations.

Thinking of this, a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

Do not! **** it! You can't kill me!

Put me down, otherwise my dad will never spare you!

No one can save you, your father can't save you either. Lin Xuan's eyes were cold, and Longyuan's ancient sword in his hand was chopped forward.

Do not!

Yang Jian was terrified and shouted wildly. Everyone around his eyes leaped wildly and couldn't believe it.


Blood sprayed and a head flew up.

Swords out, people die!

what! killed! Really killed!

Yang Jian was really killed!

At this moment, Hou Yichen waited for the host's son to tremble, his face shocked.

Even Pei Yuan and Shao Hui shivered.

Although both of them were arrogant before, they are now terrified.

The other arrogant warriors in the distance were also shocked, looking at Lin Xuan, with horror in their faces.

Hu Yidao was stunned. Even Xingtian was dull and couldn't believe it.

Lin Xuan killed Yang Jian.

I'm afraid the three masters will go crazy.

Xing Tian opened his mouth and wanted to say something. However, at this time, Lin Xuan regained the ancient sword of Long Yuan, yelled coldly, punishment!


Xingtian returned to God and stood up.

Lin Xuan Shensheng said that using my order to notify Xiandian, he said that Yang Jian had tried to rebel and was killed on the spot!


Xing Tian congratulated,

Others continue to hunt, and the first prize remains unchanged.


The others quickly left and flew in all directions.

They are not keen on hunting, but they are eager to escape from here.

Because the atmosphere here is really too depressing.

The terrible breath and coercion on Lin Xuan made them breathless.

Especially Pei Yuan and Shao Hui, they ran away.

What a joke, even Yang Jian was killed. They would dare to presumptuously, I'm afraid they would be killed by one sword!

Others were also full of panic, but the 500 people who Lin Xuan had subscribed were extremely excited.

They clenched their fists, great!

Originally, they also held an injustice for the palace master, thinking that the palace master was too patient.

It seems that this is not the case at all.

The strength and decisiveness of the new temple master far exceeded their expectations. Following such people, they will surely stand out in the future.

Hu Yidao also came over. He looked at Lin Xuan, and now there was a hint of awe in his eyes. Master, Yang Jian's body?

What's the use of a traitor's body? Lin Xuan snorted, throw it here.

Lin Xuan glanced, and then stopped paying attention.

Why, you don't want the first place, go hunting.

Lin Xuan waved.

Yes. Hu Yidao held his fist, then rose into the air and flew into the distance.

Boy, it's so deflated!

Yeah, it's been a long time since this guy was upset!

Get rid of it, it's really deflated!

The dark red dragon on the side waved the dragon claws and said fiercely.

If you do n't do it, I would like to do it already! Damn, who does this guy think he is?

On the side of Xingtian, his eyelids jumped wildly,

However, he still had a lot of worries. Although Li Wei was up, we completely offended the three masters.

How about that! Lin Xuan said lightly, offended one of the three masters, completely conquered the whole Xiandian.

For me, nothing is lost.

Besides, I am the Lord of the Immortal Hall. How could I be insulted by this?

Was anyone provocative in the old Ladder Master?

Will it be tolerated?

Xingtian stopped talking. Just kidding, who dares to challenge? Even the six major protection methods must be respectful.

If you jump up and down like Yang Jian, it is estimated that someone would have been slapped to death!

Until now, he said nothing.

Now that things have happened, he will think of a solution. After all, he was sent to protect Lin Xuan.

And now, he also saw that this new young master was very strong.

Not only is it powerful, it is a top presence among the younger generation. This mentality and means is also extremely terrifying.

To put it plainly, this is also a master who is not bullied.

Thinking of this, Xing Tian's heart was also a little fiery.

Because Lin Xuan is still very young, she has shown such strength. If he grows up in the future, he may dominate the world like the old palace master of that year.

Next thing, Lin Xuan did not participate.

He floated in the void and looked into the distance. Followed by the dark red Shenlong and Xingtian.

Soon, the sunset was over and the evening came.

The ultimate victory was naturally Hu Yidao.

Hou Yichen waited for the son of the main lobby and had no interest at all. They are always thinking about Yang Jian before, and even a few of them want to escape.

Can't wait for time to pass.

So, there is no hunting at all,

The other people in Tangkou also had a lot of heart, so what really hunted was the 500 people collected by Lin Xuan and Hu Yidao.

Among them, of course, Hu Yidao is the most powerful.

Looking at the corpse of monsters, Lin Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that the strength of these people is really very powerful.

It is indeed the young Tianjiao of Xiandian, and what makes him more satisfied is that the attitude of these people,

These people looked into his eyes with a hint of awe and terror.

What he wants is this effect.

Otherwise, how will he, the master of the temple, lead the heroes in the future?

Xun Zilong ~ ~ Pick a few eye-catching eyes and bring them back for you to barbecue.

Well, my emperor is welcome.

The dark red dragon grinned and glanced at the corpses of the monsters. He picked a few meats that were delicious and resisted directly.

Alright, go back.

In addition to the first, second and third places, there are also rewards.

The rest of you practice well, I will definitely not treat you!

What Lin Xuan said was to the five hundred people.

Thank you, the Lord! Those five hundred people were excited.

Next, Lin Xuan and others left Xixia Mountain and returned.

Hu Yidao and five hundred people returned with him, while Hou Yichen, Pei Yuan, and others did not enter at all.

Instead, they returned to their respective halls.