Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2390

Chapter 2390

Unexpectedly at this time, the master of the old palace actually shot.

Moreover, it is very firm to stand on the side of Lin Xuan.

This let them know that I am afraid that the status of the new temple owner cannot be shaken.

The other masters at the entrance were gloomy, and then quickly warned their soldiers not to cause trouble.

Can't afford it, they can still hide. The big deal is that they perform their task and just ignore each other.

Pei Yuan, Hou Yichen, and other sons of the host also had scalp tingling, and they were afraid after their faces.

In particular, Pei Yuan and Shao Hui felt like they had walked away from the gate.

An event that shocked Xiandian was so quickly calmed down.

The speed of calm is shocking and I can't believe it.

Star Hall.

Hu Yidao, Xing Tian and others took a deep breath after learning the news.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, this matter is almost as he guessed

It seems that his temple owner is sitting firmly.

Of course, no artificial reaction does not mean that he is not in trouble.

It is estimated that those people's orders against him were still inconsistent.

But don't worry, take your time.

He believes that one day, the entire Xiandian will be subject to his feet.

It's time to move on.

Lin Xuan stood up, his eyes flickered.

Xing Tian gave him three lists of Tianjiao. One of them, Hu Yidao, had already been subdued by him.

The remaining two, he will go for a while now.

Green mountains and green waters, quiet everywhere.

A beautiful figure walks through the forest as if coming out of the painting.

It was a woman with a beautiful face and a long green dress.

There are terrible demon kings all around, but they lie on the ground and dare not move forward at all, seemingly afraid of the water-green woman.

But after walking for a while, the beautiful woman stopped. He frowned.

Because a figure appeared in front of him.

It's you!

The beautiful woman frowned because she recognized the figure in front of her.

It is the newcomer hall owner of their fairy hall.

She didn't care about the other party before, but after the incident of Yang Jian, she specially found the information of the new temple owner.

There was a portrait of the other person on the message, so now she can recognize it at a glance.

Peacock, follow me. The man in front was Lin Xuan. He looked at the beautiful woman and said lightly.

Follow you? It is not enough for you to kill Yang Jian.

The peacock shook his head.

Beat me and I will follow you.

it is good.

Go ahead. Lin Xuan said, a light look. Although he knows that peacocks are powerful, he is not afraid.


The peacock waved his hand, and the situation changed suddenly. A green palm patted it, like a sky-changing mark, and fell down from the sky.

Lin Xuan's space was frozen for a moment.

Obviously, this is a peerless science.

It seems that the other party should know that he is not weak, so he will perform a strong peerless study.


Facing the big green palm, Lin Xuan's sleeve robe waved, and the black flame poured out, beating.


Burn the energy palm above into ashes.

Take out your true strength and let me see how powerful the legendary peacock is. Lin Xuan said coldly.

You will see!

Although the attack was broken, the peacock was not much surprised.

She knows that the opponent can become the master of the palace, and her strength must not be weak.

However, he also has absolute confidence.

The next moment, the palm of her hand was imprinted, and the green light behind her appeared from behind, a peacock's ghost appeared.

That beautiful tail opened slowly.

Like a fairy fan, it is exceptionally beautiful.


However, in this beauty, there is immense murder.

The peacock opens the screen!

With a rage, the huge tail swept, and the black spots on it, like eyes, were very dreamy.


In the sky, countless black rays flew out like lightning.

Killed where Lin Xuan was.

The void was broken for a moment, and the terrible breath between the heavens and the earth made people tremble.

Lin Xuan frowned, too, and he dared not care.

He could naturally see that attack was terrifying. So the next moment, the dragon dragon soul in his body roared quickly.


A sword waved.

Boom boom!

A fierce collision sounded.

Soon, all the black lightnings in the sky were chopped up. Lin Xuan shook his body and killed an ancient sword in the past.

On the other side, the peacock grunted coldly, and a green fan appeared on his hand, waving constantly, and fighting against it.

Both were young Tianjiao, and fighting at this moment was terrifying.

It was tens of thousands of miles long, all covered by the storm.

The roar sounded, and those mighty demon kings all fell to the ground, shivering.

At the 100th stroke, the green light suddenly burst out in the eyes of the peacock, and it was astonishing, as if it had penetrated nine days and ten places.

The ghost image of the peacock behind him is also showing his tail, sweeping away.

The green light swept out, and a terrifying murderous attack struck, Lin Xuan's heart beating.

He felt a threat to his life.

So the next moment, the body flickered and disappeared in place instantly.

Sure enough, he just left, and the void melted directly, and nothing could bear the green light.

very scary!

This peacock's ghost image was strange, and Lin Xuan frowned.

He found that this was not simply the realm of the other's king, but also seemed to contain a trace of blood power.

You guessed it right, my ancestor was King Peacock Daming, so I have the power of the Peacock Daming King in my body.

Peacock said softly, so it was not easy to beat me.

Peacock King! It is no wonder that a very scary demon king in the legend.

Lin Xuan was surprised, no wonder he felt this peacock ghost was so terrible.


Next, the peacock printed his palm again.


A more violent force landed from the air.

Obviously, she opened the blood.

The shadow behind her seemed to come alive and fly. A cyan light sweeps the whole world,

Even the entire sky was dyed green.

Peacock fairy light!

This is a mystery of the peacock family, which is urged by the power of blood.

At this moment, it can be said that it is extremely scary.

Even when peerless was able to see it, he had to be mad and afraid to resist.

Lin Xuan also changed his face.

I have to say that ~ ~ The woman in front of her is really overbearing. No worse than Hu Yidao.

Moreover, the opponent also has the power of blood, which is even more terrible.

Boom boom!

Being swept by the green light, the bodies of the demon kings around them suddenly exploded, turning into blood mist one by one, and stirred in the sky.

Nothing can withstand this light.

Among them, more light swept towards Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's body was shaking, and he quickly dodged.

However, these lights seemed to lock him in and followed closely.


Long Yuan's ancient sword waved, contended with it, and made a terrifying sound.

The long sword cut off a large green light, but the whole world seemed to be completely shrouded.

A cage was formed to gradually siege Lin Xuan.