Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2230

Chapter 2230

The fourth murderous act is really terrible. Even Hell Binglian can't resist it.

Broken in an instant.

However, the energy formed by its explosion also blocked the fourth murderous attack, dissipating the murderous smoke of the sky.


Fifth attack, let me start!

In the sky, Xuan Feng grunted coldly, his face was somber.

The opponent was able to block four murderous attacks in a row, which was beyond his expectation.

You know, this is the ancient formation method.

In fact, the first murderous one can exterminate the strong!

Unexpectedly, the other party was able to block the four!

Makes him hard to believe!

But how about that, ten murderous, multiplying, the opponent absolutely can't stop the attack behind this!

Sure enough, when the fifth murderous rushed, Lin Xuan was also dignified, he felt a terrible breath, permeating in the sky.

This is just the fifth murderous one, and you can imagine how terrible the last few will be.

Boom boom!

The power of ice and fire around him was punctured and split apart.

Seeing this scene, all those warriors in General's Mansion looked ecstatic.

Penetrated, his defense was pierced!

Haha! This kid is absolutely dead!

After playing for so long, they have finally broken each other's defense. If they want to kill this time, they can certainly penetrate each other.

Kill the other party!

Lin Xuan frowned, and had to say that the five killings were really terrible, and his power of ice and fire couldn't even compete.

So, plus the power of lightning!

Lin Xuan's three powers of ice and fire thunder are all from the three **** dogs.

These three forces are originally homologous, so at this moment Lin Xuan exerts great magical powers and directly fuses the three forces together.

Boom boom!

In the sky, the flames filled, the thunder landed, and the ice drifted.

The terrifying three powers blend in the sky, transfiguring the three hell-headed dogs, roaring upward.


The three skulls are extremely innocent. Although they are just ghosts, at this moment, they seem to be real, crushing the void.

That huge body changed everyone's face.

Damn it! What is this? These people were terrified.

Hell three-headed dog! This is the legendary **** three-headed dog!

Someone exclaimed, **** it, how did he do it?


Lin Xuan roared. He stood on the hell's three-headed dog and waved his palm.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

Three heads began to bombard.


Thunders landed, breaking through the world.

It was sprayed from the middle skull, the hellfire from the left skull, and the terrible ice from the right skull.

Three heads attacked together, and terrible energy came to heaven and earth.

These energies collided with the fifth murderous energy, and the sky shattered, and the aftermath of energy was sweeping all over the sea like the ocean.

In the end, it blocked the fifth murderous

Damn, he blocked it! how can that be?

Dreaming, I must be dreaming.

These people in General's Mansion were stunned. They looked at the huge three-headed dog in the sky and the figure of Lin Xuan, they were shocked.

With so many powerful men joining forces, they performed a ten-square lore, and fought a terrible murderous fifth.

However, he could not hurt the other party.

This is making them incredible!

Is the other person still human? Is it really just the younger generation? I'm afraid it is impossible to do that.

On the other side, the dark wind was gloomy. His murderous spirit was violent, his teeth were roaring, **** it, the sixth murderous one, kill me!


The sixth murderous act is terrible, far exceeding the fifth.

Therefore, even if the **** three-headed dog, the three powers blend, they still cannot be stopped.

In the end, he was killed by a sixth murderous gas.

Huh, without three powers, I see how you resist!

Black wind snorted.

The mighty powers of the generals also showed a sloppy smile.

The other three powers of the ice thunder fire of the opponent were completely destroyed. Now, the opponent should be dead.

Sure enough, but how can it be!

Than attack, I don't lose to you!

Lin Xuan Lengheng, this is not a battle for defense, but a battle for attack.

Shifang lore array, terribly murderous, one better than the other.

However, Lin Xuan's attack power is even more terrible!

The next moment, he wielded the ancient sword of Longyuan to play the Chaos Slaying Sword Technique.

Warsong, Demon Seal, and two unique tricks, which shred the sixth attack directly.

What, he still has a trick!

Damn, how could this be possible?

Everyone is crazy.

In their opinion, the opponent did not have three kinds of energy attacks and should be helpless. Unexpectedly, the opponent had such an invincible swordsmanship.

Isn't the other party dead?

how can that be!

They went crazy and launched a seventh attack again.

Chaos destroys the sky sword, collapses!

Lin Xuan's body was full of sword light, and he launched the third killing skill of this heavenly order sword.

Celestial swordsmanship, coupled with Celestial treasures, that power is terrifying.

Therefore, the seventh sword technique was directly chopped and disappeared into the void.

Not only that, this time, the sharp sword light cut off the murderous power and scattered towards countless figures below.

What, he is so powerful!

Below, the scalp of those people was numb. When they saw this scene, their faces were pale.

Quickly consolidate the eighth murderous!

These people roared madly, but the eighth murderous murder had not yet condensed, and this sword had landed.

Boom boom!

The earth cracked and numerous cracks appeared, and many people were chopped into blood mist directly. There were also others who were vomiting blood from Zhen's mouth.

For a moment, almost a third of them were killed.

Horrified, these people are terrified.

They were all crazy, they could not imagine that the other sword was so powerful.

Damn, the ninth sword! Kill me! Kill me!

Xuanfeng roared wildly, his face was terrified.

In his opinion, the fifth blow should be able to kill each other.

However, I did not expect that now there will be a ninth murderous.

The ninth murderous force runs through the world, and terrible energy penetrates ten directions. I have to say that this is the Shifang lore, and it is really terrible

This murderous spirit, even if the peerless power comes, it is estimated that it cannot be countered.

Hum! (Piracy must die)

Lin Xuan naturally felt the crisis. The dragon sword spirit in his body kept roaring, and the dragon sword field surrounded him.

Fusion with the ancient sword of Long Yuan in his hand, a sword splits, as if it can destroy the world.

In the sky, the sword rushed into a long dragon, tearing the void.

The surrounding sky is constantly collapsing ~ ~ The terrible energy engulfed the ninth murderous energy.

Then both dissipated together in the void.

blocked! This kid even blocked the ninth murderous!

How did he do it?

The people below were crazy and couldn't believe it.

Xuan Feng was not calm, and he fell quickly and came into the formation.

The next moment, he threw a nine-par banner and hit the battle.

The nine-pole banner has a mysterious magic pattern flashing on it, and Xuanfeng is also extremely embarrassed.

He quickly printed his seals, forming one after another, the magical runes, which surrounded him.

At the same time, an unusually cold voice sounded from his mouth and filled the void.

The tenth murderous, the ten party lore!