Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2229

Chapter 2229

Around, countless figures followed quickly, and they did not dare to approach.

Because the previous scene really shocked them.

In the air, Xuanfeng looked at each other, and his face was extremely gloomy. He didn't expect the other party to be so powerful.

Could it be possible that the other party could really wash the General House in blood?

Thinking of this, he looked dull and turned to the other side.

There, a dark red figure and a white figure, vertical and horizontal, terrible power is also all the soldiers of the General's Mansion.

Not only that, this dragon and a monkey, who specially selected the general's secret chamber, took away many treasures.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Feng's face became even more gloomy.

The two monsters dare to rob them of the general's house? If this is spread, no one believes it.

However, at this time, another exclaimed voice came from below.

not good!

damn it! The kid's goal turned out to be there!

Hearing this, Xuanfeng from above also looked downward.

The next moment, his pupils shrank.

Because, he also discovered Lin Xuan's intention.

Damn, this kid's goal turned out to be a super teleporter!

Could it be that he wanted to escape?

Xuan Feng's face was gloomy, and he naturally knew that the entire Tai dynasty was trying to seize each other.

And it is his elder brother who presides over this matter.

Coupled with the temptation and rewards promulgated by the imperial edict, it can be said that the entire Tai dynasty, all the strong are chasing each other.

Not only that, it is said that the strong of the war clan has also come.

Moreover, these people also know that the other party is likely to escape with the help of the super teleportation array.

Therefore, the twelve main cities are heavily guarded and have countless peerless power guards.

As long as the other party dares to go in, absolutely catch him!

However, I did not expect that the other party did not enter the twelve main cities, but instead came to their general house.

In addition to the twelve main cities, there are super teleport arrays in those royal palaces.

Of course, there is another place, that is, their Gen Hyun Ying House.

Regardless of whether it is the King's Mansion or the General's Mansion, they are all well guarded and there are many strong men.

Moreover, they did not think that the other party dared to come.

But I did not expect that the other party actually came.

Damn it! Is it true that my general is empty?

Xuan Feng's face was gloomy, his eyes flushed, and his body was emaciated with murderous intentions.

The other party actually wanted to escape with a super teleportation array, how could he let the other party succeed.

Come on, set me up for the ten party! Never let that kid escape!

The voice was so loud and clear that it spread everywhere in General's Mansion.

Suddenly, countless people vacated and gathered towards this side.

They stood quickly below, with inscriptions at their feet lit, intertwined with each other above the earth.

Form a mysterious matrix.

There are hundreds of people in this formation, and all powerful kings are out.

At this moment they together formed a terrible killing array, and that energy was truly terrifying.

Shifang killing battles, a battle formation passed down from ancient times, is very scary.

It is said that once cast, it can be extinct for nine days and ten places, and no one can escape.

At this moment, when I saw Lin Xuan trying to use the super teleportation array, this mysterious wind finally couldn't help it.

This terrible Dasha town was exhibited.


Sounds rang out, terrible light penetrated the world, and it was formed by the spirit of killing.

As soon as they came out, they tore up the sky and flew towards Lin Xuan quickly.

This is the murderous force formed by the formation of the ancient formations, which is very scary.

Lin Xuan saw this formation and felt this murderous look, but also changed his face. Because he felt a crisis.

What's more shocking to him is that the ten parties killed the formation and directly blocked the entire space.

Heaven and earth, in all directions, were all terrible murderous, penetrated through the void, making him unable to dodge at all.


Lin Xuan Lengheng, since he couldn't avoid it, he could only resist it with all his strength.

The palm of his hand was imprinted, and Poseidon's ice spread quickly on him, the ice goddess emerged, and the terrible ice's power was against the murderous sky.

Boom boom!

Poseidon's power is terrible, and the Quartet is instantly frozen.

Those murderous in the sky were all frozen.

At a glance, the frosty world.

Even the power of the kings below was trembling.

Because of the cold, they turned pale, and the blood and blood in their bodies were frozen.

Damn, this guy is so strong!

He actually blocked the first layer of murder.

Many people were shocked.

However, Xuanfeng snorted, don't panic, no matter how strong the boy is.

The ten-party kill array, a total of ten layers of attacks, each layer will increase exponentially.

He can resist one layer and it doesn't say much.

Rest assured, when the tenth floor, he will die!

No one can live against it!

After hearing this, everyone was relieved.

Indeed, the Shifang kills a total of ten attacks, each of which increases its power exponentially.

Sure enough, when these people madly operated their internal forces again and perfused into the battlefield, countless killing breaths were once again raised between heaven and earth.

This time, the energy is much stronger than before, and it directly broke into the void, forming one after another a terrible black hole.


Seeing each other's second wave of murderous murder, Lin Xuan also gave a cold drink.

Countless black flames were pouring out and spreading all over the place. This was a hellfire. It was terrible. The flames burned and lit those evil spirits.

Under the terrible fire power, the second killing gas was also burned clean.

Damn it!

Below, those people roared, and they launched a third murderous attack again.

Boom boom!

This time, the murderous spirit was very terrible, like the Milky Way, and fell for nine days.

That energy is absolutely hard to imagine!

Lin Xuan also gave a cold hum, and the energy of Poseidon and Hellfire were intertwined, forming the power of ice and fire, resisting the third murderous force.

Subsequently, a violent light burst into his eyes, his palms kept dancing, and the power of ice and fire intertwined to form the **** ice lotus, which flew downward under his control.

He is not a waiter. Since the other party is attacking, how could he not take his shot.

The terrible **** ice lotus is spinning in the air, constantly zooming in, and the power of the ice and fire above it quickly spreads, like a lotus that kills. .

As soon as I got closer to, I felt the power of ice and fire. The kings below were all powerful, and all of them looked terrified.

damn it! Block me!

These people issued a fourth murderous horror, terrible murderous screaming, like a dragon, howling.

Collided with Hell Binglian.

The two collided, sending out a roaring vibration roar, spreading all over the place like a thunder.

The entire sky was completely blown out, terrible energy swept out, the large halls collapsed, and the deposed General's Mansion was hit again.


This fourth murderous act is really terrible, even the **** ice lotus can't resist it.

Broken in an instant.

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