Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2231

Chapter 2231

An unusually cold voice sounded from his mouth and filled the void.

The tenth murderous, the ten party lore!

The Shifang lore array, and finally the last one, were finally exhibited at this moment.

With the sound of mysterious wind, the entire Shifang lore array bloomed extremely brightly, and a terrible force formed.

The power of those kings in the General's Mansion changed his face.

They trembled, and deep panic appeared in their eyes.

Because, they felt a mysterious suction coming from their feet, absorbing all the energy in their bodies.

Damn, what's going on?

How did this happen?

These people are screaming crazy!

They can clearly feel that the fluency in the body disappears quickly like flowing water.

All integrated into the Shifang lore.

This is completely different from their previous impulse formation. Before they were active, but now they are passive.

The formation method can absorb their energy!

This weird thing they saw for the first time.

Do not! **** it! Drive me!

Some weak kings screamed wildly. They were pale and without a trace of blood.

Even the body was shaky and fell down at any time.

Because the spiritual power in their bodies has dried up, but this swallowing power has not disappeared, they are still sucking crazy and squeezing them.

Make them unbearable.


Screams rang out, and these people fell to the ground without strength.

Fortunately, although the formation method absorbed their power, it did not endanger their lives.

This made many people secretly relieved.

However, it was still shocking.

Lin Xuan naturally saw this weird scene.

He frowned. The tenth murderous murder was too weird. It was more terrifying than the previous nine.

That power is even more than the sum of the first nine.


Boom boom!


Between heaven and earth, terrible vibrations sounded, and a slaughter of gas revolved in the sky.

This killing gas is really terrible, it exudes a mysterious breath and shocks people.


What's more shocking is that the sky's killing breath is dancing in the sky, forming an inexplicable figure.

The shadow is very vague, but if you look closely, you can still recognize it, it is a figure.

But it was too grand and shrouded the world, so it was not clear at all.

There seemed to be a deep voice in the middle.

As if the ancient magic sound, shocked everyone's scalp.

Is this the final attack of Shifang lore?

These people in General's House, looking at this scene, were also shocked.

Because, they have never seen ten attacks.

At this moment, after seeing them, they were also exclaimed, which really is a miracle between heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan also felt a terrible crisis. The hazy figure shook the heavens and the earth, and the blood and blood in his body shook with it.

It is indeed the ancient killings, and it really is great! Lin Xuan didn't dare to take the slightest care, the big dragon sword soul in his body turned into a dragon shadow, coiled around him.


On him, there was a tremendous glow of light, as if wearing a dragon-shaped armor.

Moreover, there were sounds of dragon chants, ringing the world.

Collided with the mysterious sound in front, making a thunderous sound.

Damn, what's that?

The breath of the dragon on these people's king Lin Xuan was shocked

Long Road Breath!

damn it! How does he have the breath of Dragon Road?

Is it possible that he is a royal?


How could he be a royal! These people are crazy.

Longdao breath, this is a magical power only owned by the royal family, but the other party actually showed it.

Moreover, the power and horror are so incredible that they can't believe it at all, and they always feel dreaming.

Who is this kid? It's too mysterious.

Everyone was shocked. They speculated that the other party was likely to be from a certain dynasty, but they were too secretive and they didn't know it.

However, no one ever thought about the Dragon Sword.

Because these people have no idea, this is the Dragon Soul of the Dragon!

I'm afraid no one can guess except the Golden Lion King.


The dragon's shadow on Lin Xuan's body continued to spread around Long Yuan's ancient sword and Lin Xuan's entire arm.


Lin Xuan waved the ancient sword, the breath of the big dragon sword soul erupted, and all the loud dragon chants sounded.


The terrible sky-ranked swordsmanship rushed out and turned into a touch of eternity between heaven and earth.

The next moment, this eternal Jianguang, collided with the tenth murderous attack.

Boom boom!

Heaven and earth trembled, terrible energy bombarded the Quartet, and the void was ripped apart innumerable abyss.

Dark and terrible.

The General's Palace below also collapsed suddenly.

The blockbuster palace is shattered, and even if it has a defensive formation, it can't resist it.

At this moment, the entire General Mansion was completely impacted, torn apart and split into several halves.

Under the shock of this terrible energy, Lin Xuan kept backing. He also received the shock wave, his blood was rolling and his face was pale.

Fortunately, the dragon-shaped sword qi encircled him, emitting a terrible attack, cutting off all the energy remnants around.

On the other hand, Xuanfeng and the power of all the kings also kept back.

They were frightened, and their blood was rolling inside.

Those who are stronger can still save their lives, and those who are weak are directly bombed out.

There were even a lot of blood mists in Hongcheng.

More bone fractures and vomiting blood.

With this sword, the power of these kings of the General's Mansion was hit hard.

The terrible energy is still surging, and the fissures between the heavens and the earth are still spreading.

Most of those murderous forces collapsed, but some remained in the air, turning into vortices, and seemed to be absorbing something.

Sure enough, the blood below was all attracted by these swirls, and then submerged into these swirls.

You know, in the previous battle, many strong men were lost on the General Mansion side.

Their blood contains terrible energy, and although it has spilled around, it has not disappeared.

At this moment, all attracted by the killing vortex.

what! Can you still **** blood?

how can that be?

Those who survived ~ ~ were shocked.

Looking at this scene, they retreated quickly, for fear of being absorbed.

And in the distance, the Dark Red Dragon and those strong men also appeared.

They were still fighting, but the aftermath of energy here made them also suspicious.

Because this energy is really too powerful.

In the end what happened?

Everyone was stunned, Shifang lore, they have seen it before, but this has never happened.

Even the mysterious wind was stunned.

To be honest, the very lore can still **** blood, he has never heard of it before.

What exactly is going on?

At this moment, everyone in General's House was stunned.