Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2228

Chapter 2228

Click! Click!

In the sky, dark clouds rolled and heavy rain poured. ww.vm)

The sky seemed to be torn from a hole, the sky was filled with thunder, the rain was mixed, and the terror was unusual.

These lightning power were all sent to Lin Xuan.

On the left, a large man in yellow clothes, three meters tall, has muscles on his body that look like dragons.

He kept dancing in the air with both hands, and suddenly a large yellow mountain appeared above the sky, just like Mount Tai, so high.

They fell quickly, bursting into the void in an instant, and wanted to completely suppress Lin Xuan.

The person on the right is even more weird.

It was a man in a black robe, with a red grimace on his face, holding a white spiritual spirit.

Dancing gently, thousands of innocent souls roared, exuding a cold breath, wanting Lin Xuan to tear.

Compare with me? You all die!

Lin Xuan drank coldly, snarling in the sky, black hair dancing wildly.

He is like killing the gods. The Longyuan Ancient Sword in his hand keeps splitting out, and the Dragon Sword field cooperates quickly.


A sword waved, the sword gas interweaves, turns into a black basalt, the flames burn, and hit the fly to the mountains.

Not only that, the black basalt was photographed with a slap, and the terrible black flame hole penetrated the void, which directly smashed the big yellow man and burned it into ashes.


A sword stretched across the sky, forming an icy wind in the sky, spreading around in all directions, and the fear of the ice freezes the storm.

It was another sword, the terrible sword light formed a dragon and phoenix stove, and the black flames permeated all the injustices.

Facing the terrible thunder above his head, Lin Xuan shook his body and rushed directly to him.

The Dragon Sword realm shook around here, turned into a green dragon, opened its teeth and claws, and roared.


The blue dragon's shadow became angry, tearing all the thunder.

Not only that, millions of sword lights flew from Lin Xuan, cutting in all directions.

Puff puff!

The dozen or so strong men around them screamed quickly, and hundreds of thousands of swords were in their bodies, which split them into blood mist directly.

Damn, how could he be so powerful!

I do not believe!

Many people growled wildly.

However, at this time, an old man came out. He held a purple pagoda and said coldly, everyone will help me!

The mighty kings of the General's Mansion turned back, and were shocked.

This is Feng Yao Tower!

Everyone exclaimed. I did not expect that even such treasures were taken out.

Feng Yao Tower, a very scary treasure.

Being able to seal the strong, it contains terrible road patterns, which is very scary.

It is even rumored that even the peerless power can seal. Take it out at this moment, and those in the General's Mansion regained confidence.


Another dozen powers came quickly to the old man, and they waved their palms constantly, hitting every kind of spiritual power, and perfused on the top of Fengxiu Tower.


The Feng Yao Tower blooms, the infinite brightness hangs down, and mysterious runes appear on it.


It played a purple light and immediately enveloped Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan frowned. He felt the crisis and wanted to perform the Eight Dragons.

However, a terrible force absorbed him instantly, and earned it in Fengxiu Tower.


Feng Yao Tower revolves in the air, and then falls on the ground, the road pattern on it shines even more.


Seeing this, these people in General's Mansion finally laughed wildly.

All of them were stained with blood, but at the moment it was cheering ruthlessly. Because, finally, this young demon king was brought in.

It is indeed a demon tower, a legendary treasure! Really terrible!

Huh, you can fully refine the kid in less than a joss stick. By then we will seal the dragon.

I want to extract their souls! Burn with endless fire!

We let him endure thousands of years of pain!

Let them know what it means to die!

These people are stunned.

However, at this time, there was a cold voice in the demon tower.

What a demon tower is, in my opinion, just a broken tower! Do you really think you can seal me up?


Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned

what happened?

How can this kid still speak?

They were horrified, because the legend entered the Fengxian Tower, and the peerless power would be blocked by terrible power.

In the end, it turned into a pool of blood.

But now, the other party is still able to speak, and it seems that they have not suffered much trauma.

what happened? Isn't the energy inside the demon tower useless to this kid?


They are all going crazy, this kid is so evil!

The old man was even more gloomy. He yelled, everyone, we work together to quickly refine this kid!

it is good!

More than a dozen mighty nodded, they quickly launched their spiritual power and poured it into the Fengyue Tower.

Suddenly, the terrible road pattern flickered, and the phoenix tower shone like a peerless treasure.


However, at this time, Feng Yao Tower was shaking violently, and a terrible voice came out like thunder.

A dozen awesome faces of Zhen were pale.

Damn, what's the matter?

These mighty faces were terrified, and the old man was somber, not good, the boy was shocking,

Quickly suppress him! Don't let him out!

Hurry up, everyone is coming!

More than 20 people came over, among which there were more than a dozen kings, although they were weak.

But now, I can't take care of so much.

It's good to add more power.

Suddenly, more than a dozen powers plus more than twenty kings joined together to frantically pour power into the demon tower and wanted to seal Lin Xuan.

However, at this time, another earth-shattering voice sounded, and this force was several times stronger than before.


The kings were so powerful that they kept back, and even the kings vomited blood.

They looked terrified, not expecting the other party to be so powerful.

Damn it!

They gritted their teeth and were ready to cast mana again.

Boom boom!

In front of me, there was a loud explosion, followed by the terrible Fengyue Tower, which exploded and was torn apart.

Inside, a figure burst out.

This person is Lin Xuan!

As soon as he appeared, he cast the Chaos Sword of Extinction, and saw the terrible sword technique pierce through ten directions.

Thirty soldiers will be killed.

He was ~ ~ murderous, his eyes flashed with golden light, just like the **** of killing.

Stop me, die!

Lin Xuan held the Longyuan Ancient Sword, surrounded by the dragon-shaped sword, striding forward.

Feng Yao Tower is indeed powerful, but Lin Xuan's big dragon sword soul is even more terrible.

When he entered Feng Yao, he sent out the dragon sword soul directly.

The power of the Great Dragon Soul is extremely horrible, plus the Dragon Sword, the power is absolutely amazing.

Therefore, although this demon tower is powerful, it can't stand up to it and is directly blown open.

That's what happened before.

Killing the power of these kings in seconds, Lin Xuan strode forward.

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