Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1765

Chapter 1765

The next moment, he opened his eyes hard, but found that he was still outside.

The previous scene seemed to be dreaming.

Colorful **** stone, still floating in front of him.

"Is it really an illusion?"

Lin Xuan was puzzled. He stood up, but found that the energy and injuries he was consuming were already well.

Lin Xuan couldn't figure it out.

He knows that the world in his body is amazing, and this colorful divine stone is even more peculiar. Could it be that they have anything to do with it?

After studying it, he didn't understand it.

So he didn't bother anymore. Now that the injury was healed, he wanted to continue to go deep into the forest.

Because he was going to see how vast this forest was.

On the other side, Liu Mingyue returned and began to contact his own Mingyue organization to prepare for the pursuit of Lin Xuan.

With only seven days, she must kill the other party within these days.

Otherwise, letting the other party recover completely is too much trouble.

Liu Mingyue planned well, but she didn't know that Lin Xuan was completely recovered.

According to Liu Mingyue's original plan, Lin Xuan could not recover so quickly.

Because this place is very weird, the warrior can only absorb it through the elixir and the hypothene crystal, and it is difficult to absorb the external energy.

Not to mention having such colorful magical stones, such a magical thing.

Therefore, it takes at least three or four days for such a fierce battle to be fully restored.

And this period of time is absolutely fatal to the warrior.

But unfortunately, Lin Xuan has a longevity strategy, can absorb the surrounding spiritual power, and has colorful stone.

It made him fully recovered in less than half a day.

Therefore, when Liu Mingyue brought someone to Lin Xuan's nest, he found that the other party had left.

"Damn guy, he ran away!"

"Search me, be sure to catch him!"

Liu Mingyue snorted and issued an order.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, ignored the hunt.

Ling Xuan, the dark red Shenlong, and the snow-white monkey went deep into the virgin forest.

Along the way, they walked carefully, avoiding the powerful demon king.

Finally, gradually approaching the depths of this virgin forest.

Looking far ahead, the horrible atmosphere around you is getting stronger, and the surrounding trees are also larger and more lush.

Moreover, some trees are as big as a mountain peak, and they are extremely huge, making it hard to believe.

In an instant, three days had passed, but Lin Xuan had not yet arrived.

However, the environment here is more spectacular than the surroundings.

This scene seems to have come to the ancient times.

In front of a continuous mountain range, Lin Xuan and the dark red Shenlong accelerated and prepared to cross the mountain.

They do the same.

However, after they crossed the mountain, Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon were stunned.

Because the scene behind the mountain is completely different from what they imagine

They thought that behind the mountains was a wider forest.

But this is not the case, there is a white bone in front.

Big and small, weird, covered the ground.

From a distance, it looks like white waves.

The surrounding area is quiet, there is no sound, because there are no other creatures except the three of Lin Xuan.

what's going on?

Where's the bone?

Lin Xuan was shocked. What had happened here before?

He was really surprised.

Before in the virgin forest, he saw a lot of corpses, but there are no more than there!

It can be said that the body is like a sea of bones, terrifying, and you can't see your head at a glance.

This is definitely not the result of ordinary monster battles.

The Dark Red Dragon is also dignified, and Shen Sheng said, "Boy, this should be an ancient battlefield."

"Ancient battlefield?" Lin Xuan was shocked.

But the dark red dragon is the main point: "Yes, the ancient battlefield!"

"Here are absolutely terrible battles."

"But what kind of war is it? I don't know!"

"But it is possible that it is related to the seal of the obscure moon Xuanjie."

Hearing that, Lin Xuan was silent.

He knew that the sea in front of him might hide a huge secret.

Although the scene ahead was horrible, Lin Xuan decided to take a look.

He stepped carefully and walked forward.

Ahead, there was a vast expanse of whiteness. Those bones didn't know how many years had been asleep. At this moment, there was still a terrifying murderous spirit.

This breath is terrible, and the average king is afraid to come forward.

However, Lin Xuan is different.

The sword spirit formed by the big dragon sword soul surrounds the body surface, completely separating those terrible breaths.

In this way, Lin Xuan moved forward.


Suddenly, the bones on his left suddenly exploded, and a horrifying figure came towards him.


Lin Xuan's scalp was numb and he suddenly drank. At the same time, he receded quickly.

He didn't expect that there were people here. And he can still shoot at him, is it someone who survived in ancient times?

Lin Xuan didn't know, but he didn't dare to have any intention.

Not only that, he even saw each other.

It was a middle-aged man, very majestic, surrounded by light, like a **** of war.

A terrible fist came towards him.

"Not good! This breath is powerful!" Lin Xuan's pupils shrunk, and she took eight steps from Tianlong to limit dodge.

However, he found that he couldn't escape at all.

The fist was too fast, and came to him in an instant, banging fiercely at him.


Lin Xuan gave a cold drink, and the next moment, his arm waved countless swords, forming a blue dragon shield in front of him, blocking the shock.


The next moment, the horrifying fist blasted on the Aegis of the Dragon, and passed through strangely.

Not only that, the fist slammed into his body quickly.


Lin Xuan saw this scene, his scalp was numb.

It's so weird, but the next moment he froze.

Because he found that the terrible fist hit him and passed through without causing any harm to him.

"What's the situation?" Lin Xuan didn't understand why he was not harmed.

But the next moment ~ ~ he frowned again.

Because behind him, the bone pile suddenly exploded, and a white figure, like Changhong, swiftly killed him.

It was a woman with a beautiful face, dressed in white and holding a blue killing sword.

The whole person is like a flying fairy outside the sky, and stabs at Lin Xuan quickly.

This sword is terrifying, far more than any swordsmanship Lin Xuan has seen.

So for a moment, he stabbed him.

However, weird things happened again.

The long sword seemed transparent and did not hurt him at all.

"What's the situation?" Lin Xuan fainted.

But the next moment, he snorted, the golden light in his eyes shone, accompanied by the mysterious road pattern.

"Tianji Shentong!"