Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1764

Chapter 1764

The silver light collided with the sky's sword light, making a gurgling sound.

This energy is really terrifying, as if two volcanoes erupted together, blowing up the entire void.

The earth sank even more, the whole valley collapsed completely, and one black hole after another appeared.



Ouyang Feng roared wildly, his silver runes shone, and his eyes were even more red.

At this moment he seemed to have lost his mind, and rushed forward like a crazy beast.

"Huh, it's not your own strength, after all!"

Lin Xuan's eyes were firm, and his sword was like a rainbow.

The Great Dragon Soul Soul runs fast, with terrible powers running side by side.


There was another fierce impact, followed by blood spilling.

This time, Ouyang Feng finally couldn't bear it, his silvery light was cut open, and numerous cracks appeared on his palm.

Not only that, but his body flew upside down and cracked the ground.


Lin Xuan followed suit and quickly followed.

The magic sword in his hand exuded a dark light, like a round of black sun, directly hitting.

This sword is too harsh, even those older characters in the distance are all eyelids.

Ouyang Feng's body was also cut in half by a sword.

The sky's silvery light disappeared, and blood stained the earth.

The whole valley was silent, and the six men in the dark organization were all beheaded at this moment.

Lin Xuan was holding a sword, and the whole person was like a sword demon.

The surrounding soldiers exclaimed after being silent.

They couldn't believe it, and it was Lin Xuan who finally won.

You know, the six people in the dark organization are very powerful six masters.

At this moment, they were all killed by one person!

It can be said that this is definitely a feat against the sky.

At this moment, many people looked at Lin Xuan, and their eyes were full of panic.

And those who hate Lin Xuan are even more gloomy and frown.

They know that this is definitely a powerful enemy, and I am afraid it will be their nightmare in the future.

Those who have no enemies with Lin Xuan and yearn for powerful forces are extremely excited and their eyes are flushed.

They felt the blood in their bodies boiling, and they wanted to roar.

As if fighting alongside Lin Xuan.

Because of this **** fighting scene, they really infected them.

There are even many people who want to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Lin Xuan.

Because of the previous war, they learned that Lin Xuan must have consumed a lot of power and might even have suffered serious internal injuries.

So now is the best opportunity.

However, Lin Xuan below did not give them a chance at all.

After beheading Ouyang Feng, his figure was like electricity, and he immediately left the valley.

The previous wars did consume a lot of his spiritual power, so he didn't want to give those people a shot.


Seeing Lin Xuan flickering towards the outside of the valley, on the surrounding peaks, a series of human figures quickly killed like ghosts.

These people are not the young generation, but the middle-aged or the elderly, are the top powerful men in the shot.

They have to clear the way for their talented disciples.

Because Lin Xuan is undoubtedly a powerful enemy.

But soon, their dark faces returned. Because the opponent's speed is too fast, they can't even catch up.

There are also shouts, these are those who want to join Lin Xuan, or invite Lin Xuan to join.

But there was no response at all.

Lin Xuan, like a ghost, completely left the valley and constantly shuttled through the forest.

But soon, he stopped and even frowned.

Because, a figure in front blocked him.

Liu Mingyue!

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered. He didn't expect that it was Liu Mingyue who blocked him.

The opponent was able to keep up with his speed and even judge the route he left.

I have to say that this is definitely a terrible woman.

That's right, it is Liu Mingyue who stands ahead.

Her whole body is like a fairy, but on that beautiful face, there is a trace of coldness.

Liu Mingyue didn't speak, but in her eyes, she flashed a bright light, and her body was filled with chaos.


The next moment, in her eyes, two chaotic lights burst out, like sharp swords, stabbing forward through the void.


Lin Xuan snorted. The other party dared to fight with him for soul strength, of course he would not be afraid.

So in the next moment, the light flashed in his eyes, two golden lights turned into golden long swords, collided with each other's chaotic light.

Bang Peng!

Two soul forces collided, and then a terrible energy burst, sweeping the Quartet.

A tiny crack appeared in the void, and the surrounding forest was cut off.

This kind of attack is really terrible, it is extremely dangerous, and a little carelessness will seriously wound the military.

After a single hit, the two did not shoot again.

Among them, Lin Xuan was very surprised, the opponent's soul power was so powerful that he could compete with him.

I have to say that it is really amazing.

The opposite Liu Mingyue was also shocked. She did not expect that Lin Xuan's soul power was so powerful.

And after such a fierce battle, the opponent was able to counteract her attack, and it seemed extraordinary.

Is a peerless enemy!

So the next moment, she spoke loudly.

"Rest assured, I won't do anything to you right now, but after all, you are killing the warriors of my first holy land."

"It's impossible to survive this way."

"The next seven days, my organization and I will fight you."

"If you can fight it, then this grudge will end."

"If you can't fight it, I can count it as revenge on my fellow teachers and brothers."

Say, Liu Mingyue didn't wait for Lin Xuan to reply, turned into a chaotic light, and left the forest.


"Holy land in the first days?"

Lin Xuan snorted, his eyes flickered.

Sure enough, the other party still has to shoot.

However, he is not afraid. He wants to see, what can this outstanding disciple of the Holy Land of Manchus have?

If the opponent's strength is too weak ~ ~ he doesn't mind sending the other side together.

Not long after Liu Mingyue left, Lin Xuan also quickly moved into shape.

He returned to that safe place again and began to cultivate, recovering his wasted power and injuries.

He even took out the colorful stone and quickly absorbed it.

The multicolored **** stone shone with light, extremely bright, and dazzled with thousands of colorful clouds, covering Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan also runs longevity and absorbs quickly.

Quiet around, without a trace of sound,

Suddenly, Lin Xuan jumped, because he found that he seemed to have entered the world inside him.

The colorful stone from outside came along.

This kind of thing is weird, because he and Ben didn't plan to come in, but now he has come to the world inside him.