Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1766

Chapter 1766

At this moment, Lin Xuanshi displayed a pair of golden eyes and looked around.

Soon, he froze, because he found that both the Feixian woman in the rear sky and the middle-aged man in front of him were phantoms.

It's an illusion. It doesn't exist. It's already dead.

"What a terrible place! It even made me unknowingly!"

Lin Xuan's forehead was sweating coldly. If it wasn't for him possessing a god-given pupil, I'm afraid this time, it would be difficult for him to find the abnormality here.

You know, this is incredible.

His soul power is extremely powerful, very few people in the young generation can compete, and even his soul power can already compete with great power.

But here, he is still affected by illusions. It is conceivable that other kings are here, and I am afraid they will collapse!

"It is indeed the battlefield of ancient times, and it is really terrifying!"

Lin Xuan was shocked, and at this time, the dark red **** Lin was also rumored.

"Boy, be careful. The grievances here are very heavy. I am afraid that Power will also be affected here."

Hearing that, Lin Xuan nodded, and continued to display the magical pupils of the heavens. A faint golden light swept the four sides, and those illusory figures were immediately destroyed.

Like a mountain climber, Lin Xuan stepped on countless bones and walked forward.

In front of him, there is a huge black sword, covering the sky and straight into the sky.

Although the sword was carved out of stone, it still exuded a terrifying atmosphere.

Lin Xuan faced it like an ant faced a dragon.

"What is this? It can exude such a terrible atmosphere!" Lin Xuan looked at the Tongtian giant sword in front of him with a shocked expression.

"I am not willing ..."

Suddenly, the sound of an earthquake came into Lin Xuan's mind.

Hearing this voice, Lin Xuan's scalp was numb, and his sweaty hair stood up, and the golden light in his eyes bloomed.

"Who? Get out of me!"

"It's terrible, is it an illusion?"

But it shouldn't be, he has already opened the magical pupil of the heavenly machine, and logically there is no illusion to deceive him.

But what happened to the voice in my head?

After looking around, he didn't notice any abnormality at all, so he locked his eyes on the black Tongtian giant sword in front of him again.

"I am not willing!"

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Lin Xuan to make another such voice.

Does this sound come from the Heavenly Sword ahead? Lin Xuan was shocked and his scalp was numb.

What's the situation with this black giant sword?

Who put it here? What effect does it have? Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, he didn't want to understand?

So, he asked Dark Red Dragon and Black Earth, and they both shook their heads.

No way, they may know a thing or two.

But this oblique moon Xuanjie was sealed long ago, and they really do n't know what happened here.

Lin Xuan was shocked. He felt that there must be something secret about the black giant sword in front of him.

So he went forward and took a closer look, maybe he could find nothing.

The black giant sword is so tall that it is engraved with quaint patterns, exuding a breath of famine.

This is all that Lin Xuan can see. If you look closely, the black sword is surrounded by a black mist, blocking Lin Xuan's sight.

Even if he has a natural pupil, he can't see it at all.

Maybe it's because the distance is too far, or maybe it's because Lin Xuan's magical pupil can't practice home.

Or, it is too mysterious.

But for whatever reason, most of this giant sword is shrouded in black gas, and it seems even more mysterious.

Lin Xuan moved forward again, wanting to watch up close, and even he wanted to feel this great sword.

But soon, he frowned, because he found that he couldn't rely on the great sword at all.

Ten miles away from the Tongtian Great Sword, a terrible area of space was formed, directly preventing anyone from entering.

Even more, the black gas ahead surged into a terrible black space.

With a wave of Lin Xuan's palm, countless bones around him rose into the air and flew forward.

When I first entered the black space, it seemed as if a powerful force shook into nothingness, leaving nothing behind.

"What a terrible black space!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan was shocked.

These bones have existed for endless years and have not been destroyed. However, the black space in front of it was instantly rendered void!

This power is really terrible!

Therefore, seeing this scene, Lin Xuan did not dare to rush.

He could only walk slowly around the edge of the black space, because he wanted to see what was behind the giant sword.

Maybe there is something to discover?

Therefore, Lin Xuan acted again.

However, when he asked me to detour behind the Tongtian Great Sword, Lin Xuan was very surprised.

Because he found a figure standing there.

This shocked Lin Xuan.

Because the Tongtian giant sword is very large, and there are special black areas around it, Lin Xuan could not see the opposite before.

But now, when he got around, he found that there was a figure standing on the other side of this giant sword.

Like him, he was watching the Tongtian Giant Sword at this moment.

But the next moment, the figure in front of him suddenly turned and stared at Lin Xuan.

Looking at the other person's appearance, it seemed that no one would come here.


The next moment, the opponent actually shot.

Originally, Lin Xuan froze when he saw the figure, and even he suspected that he might have hallucinations.

But now the opponent shot, he immediately reacted.

This is definitely not an illusion. It is not the same as the previous attack. This is a terrible killing move that can kill his life.

So the next moment, Lin Xuan didn't have any hesitation.

He staggered, and the whole person quickly moved sideways.

However, at this time, another terrorist attack appeared behind him.

It was a half-moon-shaped sword-mang, extremely sharp, and easily cut the void into two halves ~ ~ Lin Xuan was shocked. He could not even imagine an attack behind his back!

It's so amazing!

So the next moment, he performed eight steps of the dragon, and the speed of the whole person reached the extreme, turning into an afterimage in the place, and instantly avoided.


The half-moon-shaped sword gas cut away the afterglow of Lin Xuan and then disappeared quickly.

Lin Xuan has already appeared on the other side.

Not only that, he was surrounded by swords, his eyes were sharp, and he stared at the front.

Because he found that the other party was a terrible person that he had never encountered before.

Ahead, the figure turned around, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because he couldn't think of it, the other party was able to avoid his attack.