Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1757

Chapter 1757

As soon as the mysterious man waved his hand, five other figures suddenly appeared around him.

If Lin Xuan is here, he will be astounded to see this scene.

Because these five figures are actually Guo Chuanfei, Li Wei and others.

These people were all beheaded and killed by him before, but I didn't expect that now they are resurrected!

Not only that, the breath on them also became more arrogant.

"Go, I'm waiting for your good news."

With a wave of mystery, Ouyang Feng and six others disappeared instantly.

These people did not attack immediately, but first formed a dark organization.

They don't want to be besieged by others to decide to use the rules of the virgin forest to solve Lin Xuan.

On the other side, Lin Xuan, the dark red dragon, and the snow-white monkey were shot again.

Their target is those powerful demon kings.

Of course not the demon king itself, but the elixir, spar, and the eggs laid by them.

The cornucopia of snow-white monkeys, coupled with the speed of Lin Xuan and others, and the formation method, made them frequently successful.

However, this also annoyed many demon kings, and the forest nearby suddenly fell into violence again.

Those who did not know the truth, when they saw this scene, all got scalp and fled like crazy.

These days, no one dares to roam the forest.

Lin Xuan was rich in harvesting. The energy he received was not immediately absorbed, but gave the colorful stone first.

Then, he was absorbing the colorful energy in the colorful stone.

Although this conversion is somewhat troublesome, the multicolored energy is more pure and powerful.

Lin Xuan's power is also improving rapidly. Now, he has almost reached the middle of the four-star king.

This speed is very fast!

You need to know that in the outside world, even those peerless sacred places, the ancient genius of the barbaric family, it will take several years to improve such strength.

Ordinary warriors may be able to improve for decades and hundreds of years.

But Lin Xuan, in more than ten days, he made such a breakthrough.

I have to say that this speed is really scary.

Not only that, these days, he has been digesting and studying these battles.

He is now constantly digging up the power of the Great Dragon Soul, and she used to use the sharpness of the Great Dragon Soul.

So there is a super-combat power.

But now it seems that the terrifying evolutionary ability is even more shocking.

For example, now, Lin Xuan will not be a peerless study of the Five Elements, nor will it be a peerless study of the Holy Land.

But with his Dragon Soul of the Dragon, he can fully perform Wuxingquan and Taiguoxiangxiang.

And that power is even more terrifying than the opponent's boxing!

Moreover, he can not only simulate the evolution of martial arts of others, but even the realm of kings can evolve.

If this means of attack is carried out, it will definitely be shocking.

However, this day, he did not practice because he received a message from Ye Wudao.

Therefore, Lin Xuan put down her cultivation, showed her shape, and quickly rushed towards the forces where Ye Wudao was.

Soon, he saw Ye Wudao again.

"Brother Long, your situation is not very good." Ye Wudao said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xuan wondered. "Is it that Zhao Tianxie and Liu Mingyue have jointly shot?"

He is not surprised by this, because sooner or later there will be a battle between the two sides.

However, to his surprise, Ye Wudao shook his head.

"Not Zhao Tianxie and Liu Mingyue, but another force."

"Another force? Who is that?" Lin Xuan frowned.

"It is a newly formed mysterious force called the Dark Organization."

"The dark organization has been searching for your whereabouts these days."

"Dark organization?" Lin Xuan frowned, but he had never heard of the name.

So he asked, "Who are these people?"

"I don't know. These people are very mysterious. They all wear large black robes, covering their faces, and even have black mist around them."

"It's just that these people are shooting hard."

"There used to be a group of a dozen people who clashed with them. As a result, six of them defeated the small group of a dozen people."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan frowned.

Not only are there few people, they are extremely powerful, and more importantly, they hide their identities.

"Who the **** will shoot him?" He wondered.

But then he snorted, "Since the other party wants to fight, fight!"

"Brother Long, do you want to do something with them?" Ye Wudao asked.

He looked dignified: "The strength of the other party cannot be underestimated, and this battle, I am afraid that the other party will shoot together six people!"

"It's too reluctant for you to treat six of them alone."

"Also, it looks like the other party was prepared."

"It's okay, it's just six people, I still have confidence!" Lin Xuan Zheng focused his head, and the light in his eyes bloomed.

He also has his own plans. If he defeats this dark organization in public, his reputation will once again expand.

At that time, when other organizations want to move him, I am afraid they will think twice.

That way, his troubles will be reduced a lot.

Soon, the news of Lin Xuan challenging the dark organization spread.

Suddenly, in the whole virgin forest, all the warriors were shocked.

They couldn't think of it, Lin Xuan really agreed.

For a while, everyone was talking.

"Did this guy get water in his head and dare to promise such a thing!"

"Yeah, that's six people!"

"And it was an extremely powerful six people, even defeated a small organization."

"Such a force is absolutely terrible!"

"Someone dared to challenge alone, I really don't know how to die!"

"Wait, that kid is dead."

This time, few people were optimistic about Lin Xuan.

Because this time it 's not heads-up, but a battle with an organization,

In this case, it is too bad to go it alone.

Zhao Tianxie, Liu Mingyue, Yan Qing, and others received sneer and disdain.

"It seems that someone will solve him without my shot!" Zhao Tianxie snorted, and then he showed up and took the person to watch.

On the other side, Liu Mingyue, Yan Qing, and others also set off ~ ~ not only them, most of the warriors all set off, they will not miss this amazing battle.

In the forest, Ouyang Feng, Li Wei, and others learned the news, and even made a smile.

They were all killed once, and this resurrection was to kill Lin Xuan!

Originally when they wanted to come, the other party might refuse, so they might be a lot more trouble.

But I did not expect that the other party agreed.

"Really a arrogant guy!"

"I don't know whether to live or die, dare to shoot at six of us, this time he is dead."

"I will definitely report this feud!"

"Be sure to kill him in order to report his revenge!"

A cold drink sounded. These people were killing themselves. They were so cold that they vowed to kill Lin Xuan.