Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1756

Chapter 1756

As soon as Lin Xuan appeared, he felt that there were no less than three powerful soul forces around him, quickly staring at him.

And this soul power is terrifying and contains a strong breath.

Needless to say, it is powerful.

Feeling these powerful soul powers, Lin Xuan looked tense.

He said in a deep voice: "Senior, I came to find Ye Wudao, there is no other malice."

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, two of them retreated quickly, but there was still one, staring closely without any slackness.

After a while, there was a laughter in the forest ahead, and the last soul power was withdrawn.

Lin Xuan knew that it was Ye Wudao who knew he was here, so he didn't hesitate and walked in.

Sure enough, a young man in white standing in front of him, Fengshenjunlang, is Ye Wudao.

"Brother Long, you are here," Ye Wudao smiled. "You are a celebrity now!"

"Brother Ye, don't make fun of me. Compared with you, what is my reputation at this point." Lin Xuan shook his head.

You can't say that, your reputation is not weak at all.

Indeed, Lin Xuan is now as famous as he is, because his deeds are too much.

Not to mention the previous one, it is enough to just kill Ouyang Feng, which is enough to cause a huge sensation.

Ye Wudao looked at Lin Xuan and Shen Sheng said, "Brother Long, join us?"

"to join you guys?"

Hearing that Lin Xuan was surprised, he did not expect that Ye Wudao would make such an invitation.

This was something he hadn't thought of before.

You know, the Ye family is an ancient family.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Xuan said, "Brother Ye, your kindness is in my heart, but I don't want to cause you any trouble."

Ye Wudao said, "Long brother, you think too much. We didn't ask you to join because we wanted to take care of you."

"It's your strength to join here."

"Even if you come here, you are an elite presence."

Ye Wudao is right, Lin Xuan's strength, even in this Ye family, is enough to make people pay attention!

However, Lin Xuan shook his head: "It's not just Zhao Tianxie and Ouyang Feng who offend me."

"There are some more terrifying existences, and I don't want to cause trouble for your Ye family."

Lin Xuan is right. He was not only offended by Liu Mingyue and Zhao Tianxie, but also by the Holy Land of Holy Light, Wanchu Holy Land, and the Five Elements Gate.

Especially now, he is still wanted by the Holy Light Holy Land. If this identity is exposed, I am afraid that it will lead to the pursuit of most military men.

Even, he still has the heavenly **** pupil, if this matter is exposed, no one will let him go.

I'm afraid this Ye family can't be spared, and will attack him.

Therefore, Lin Xuan will not join the Ye family.

At least, he won't stay with these powers, because these powers are too scary. Maybe he will find his secrets.

However, this time Lin Xuan came to form an alliance, so he said: "Although I cannot join your Ye family, we can form an alliance."

"Let's help each other. When in trouble, how can we help each other?"

"it is good!"

Ye Wudao laughed. Although he could not let Lin Xuan join them, he could form an alliance with the other party. It is also a good choice.

Because their Ye family is strong. But it is not without enemies. These days they have suffered several inexplicable attacks.

Can alliance. They still try to be alliances.

A boy like Lin Xuan is arrogant, and they will not miss it.

Furthermore, Ye Wudao also wanted to make friends like Lin Xuan.

Later, Lin Xuan left, and he returned to a safe place again, flipped his palm, and took out a multicolored crystal block.

This multicolored crystal block is made of the energy of multicolored **** stones.

For convenience, Lin Xuan transformed the energy of the colorful stone into these small crystals, which were used to absorb in his spare time.

This is convenient and can also provide him with energy quickly.

In the next few days, Lin Xuan was also looking for other energy sources while absorbing these energy crystals.

However, no one knows that in the depths of this virgin forest, there is a dark swamp.

A tall young man crawled out of the swamp full of dirt.

He looked at his body in shock, feeling the energy in his body, full of surprise.

"Rest assured, the injury on your body is completely healed. Not only that, your cultivation strength has also reached its peak."

In front of this tall young man, there is still a figure standing, very hazy, surrounded by black gas on his body, he can't see the reality.

"Thank you for your help!"

The tall young man knelt on the ground and said, "Master, from now on I will follow you and swear allegiance!"

"Very well," the mysterious figure laughed. "I know your enemy is Lin Xuan, and I know you really want to kill him!"

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me, become my subordinate and work for me."

"I will let you kill him with your own hands."


The tall young man was shocked and looked up suddenly.

If anyone is here and sees this face, they will scream.

Because this tall young man is not someone else, it turned out to be the dead Ouyang Feng.

I just don't know why, the other party is alive now.

Ahead, the mysterious figure laughed, of course it was true.

Then, with a wave of his palm, a silvery palm was pressed against Ouyang Feng's forehead.


Suddenly, a silver mark emerged on Ouyang Feng's brow, the size of a coin, and it was full of strange runes.

The silver mark flickered, and soon disappeared.

"I planted a special energy in your body, and you can try it now."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Feng no longer hesitated. He rose from the ground, and then turned on the energy in his body, triggering the silver mark on his brows.


The silver mark emerged and glowed.

Not only that, a mysterious rune emerged from above, instantly covering Ouyang Feng's whole body.

A horrible and powerful force emanated from the silver mark.

"So powerful!"

Ouyang Feng was shocked, and then he fists with two fists ~ ~ four ancient archaic elephants surround him.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Feng took a breath.

Just a few days ago, he could only use three Archaic Golems.

However, now that he was resurrected, he was able to show four ancient Golems!

This shows that his strength has improved dramatically.

"Thank you, master!"

Ouyang Feng knew that everything he had now, including his life, was given by the mysterious man in front of him.

So he vowed to always be loyal to the other party.

The mysterious man nodded, and then said, "Get up, I'm giving you some manpower, and you'll get the kid back together."

As soon as the mysterious man waved his hand, five other figures suddenly appeared around him.

If Lin Xuan is here, he will be astounded to see this scene.