Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1758

Chapter 1758

A cold drink sounded. These people were killing themselves. They were so cold that they vowed to kill Lin Xuan.

They put on black robes and put on masks. Ouyang Feng even shook his body, and his body became smaller and smaller, reaching a normal state.

No way, if he went out as it is, he would definitely be recognized.

Because no one except him had a height of more than three meters.

He didn't want anyone to know that he was resurrected, that would undermine his master's plan.

In a forest, more and more warriors arrived, and they frantically discussed the upcoming battle.

It didn't take long for a figure to come quickly in the distance.

He is tall and straight, with a handsome face and a calm face, it is Lin Xuan.

"This is the kid? It's crazy!"

"Huh! It's ordinary, I don't see anything terrible, and dare to challenge the dark organization?"

"He is very handsome!" There are also women idiots.

However, more people sneered: "The handsome has a fart, and he will soon finish it!"

"Dare to contend with the dark organization, I'm afraid he's dead today!"

"That is, I heard that this dark organization is very scary. Everyone in it is a powerful machine."

The six shot together, I am afraid no one can compete.

All the discussions sounded, and everyone's eyes were on Lin Xuan.

At this time, the distant void waved, and six black figures came quickly.

These are six mysterious people, all in black robes, wearing masks, surrounded by black gas, and can't see at all.

Even the power of soul cannot be probed.


They landed on the ground, and everybody exuded an astonishing murderous force that penetrated the world.

Shocked the surrounding warriors, retreated quickly,

"It's terrifying and murderous! It seems that this time, the other party is very determined to shoot."

Many people feel this breath and their scalp is numb.

Lin Xuan also raised his eyes and looked at the six people in front.

At the same time, he was puzzled that the murderousness on the other side was too exuberant, as if there was any peerless deep hatred.

However, he didn't know these six people at all.

"Forget it."

Lin Xuan shook his head slightly. After defeating the opponent, he took off his mask, and he should know who it was.

Now guessing is useless.

Ahead, six men in black stood there, murderous, as if killing gods.

Especially the front one, the murderous spirit is like a dragon, straight into the sky.

He stared at Lin Xuan in front of him and said coldly, "Boy, are you kneeling to death, or are you obedient?"

"But either way, I will make you die!"

His voice was very low, like a demon.

Lin Xuan frowned after hearing it, it seems that the other party's resentment against him is not small.

However, he was not a waiter, so he snorted: "Let's talk nonsense, you six together!"


Hearing this, everyone was uproar, as if can't believe their ears.

He really wants to be alone and challenge an organization?

This is really crazy.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and the six men in black robes in front of them sneered.

"Boy, you are so mad!"

"However, since you are trying to die yourself, we will complete you."

Six were like demons, ready to start.

However, at this time, Lin Xuan said, "Wait."

"This place is not suitable for fighting. I have to challenge six of you alone, and you have to give me some space."

"Otherwise, are you too bullying?"

"Space? What space do you want? Is it possible that you want a whole forest to be a battlefield?"

The voices of people in black across the street were a bit cold, because they had played against Lin Xuan, knowing that Lin Xuan's speed was terrifying.

If you let the other side stretch the front, I'm afraid they will be broken one by one.

In that case, the advantage of joining forces will no longer exist.

However, Lin Xuan smiled and shook her head: "You don't need a whole forest, just give me a valley."


The soldiers in the surrounding area froze, and the six men in black robes also choked.

They did not expect that Lin Xuan chose a valley.

The six men discussed for a while and then smiled again.

Because if you hit now, the opponent is likely to escape.

But choosing a valley is different.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides and only one exit. As long as they block the exit, the other side cannot escape at all.

That way, they can catch it.

Thinking of this, they almost agreed without any hesitation.

"It's up to you, choose a valley."

"Boy, choose a cemetery for yourself, hahahahaha!"

Several people sneered, and did not take Lin Xuan into their eyes at all.

Zhao Tianxie and Liu Mingyue shook their heads.

Because in their opinion, no matter what Lin Xuan chooses, there is no chance of victory in this battle.

On the other side, Ye Wudao also came, and he was followed by two old men.

When they saw Lin Xuan's behavior, they suddenly said coldly, "This kid is really too crazy."

"Did you want to fight six masters with one person?"

The two old men shook their heads slightly, Ye Wudao also had a solemn expression, but he still said.

"Don't underestimate Long Brother. I feel that he is very strong and not even weaker than me."

"How is it possible, you son ..."

One of the old men didn't believe it, but what he just wanted to say was stopped by the other.

Ahead, Lin Xuan showed up, looking around, and finally he chose a valley.

This valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and it is relatively empty inside, which is just right for fighting.

"Well, just this one." Lin Xuan said.

"This is the cemetery you chose for yourself? Really not so good?"

"Boy, from now on, this is where you will sleep forever!"

Several people in black robes sneered, while other warriors watching the war came to the surrounding mountains and watched the war silently.

They stand on top of the mountain and look down, and can clearly control the whole battle.

Soon, the battle in the valley began.

The six black robes screamed with horror, and the whole valley was covered instantly.

Even the warriors watching the battle around ~ ~ also had scalp numbness, and looked terrified.

Because the breath of these six people is really too powerful.

The next moment, six men in black robes joined forces to block the only way out of the valley.

Lin Xuan snorted, but his body also had a sharp light.

He was set off like a **** of war and was extremely powerful.

And, to everyone's surprise, he did not escape at all, did not even have any detours, and rushed directly to it.

"What? He rushed straight!"

"What is this kid thinking about, and directly confront the six, isn't this the act of seeking death?"

"It seems that he also knows that he must die, so has he given up?"

There was a sound of doubt, and it was clear that these people could not understand Lin Xuan's behavior.