Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1635

Chapter 1635

"Even then, I saw the living fossil elders in a holy place with my own eyes.

"Although he won in the end, he also ran out of Shou Yuan and could not survive."

"It's true. These living fossils generally don't shoot. They just exist as a deterrent."

Luo Fatty and Du Fei also explained in a low voice.

"That was the case." Lin Xuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

It seems that the people who took the shot this time should also be accurate, so they followed the robbery in the temple.

However, behind this temple, after all, it is a sacred place and a wild family. So even if these living fossil elders don't take the shot, the remaining people are terrible in strength.

Like the captain of the law enforcement team wearing black armor.

At this moment he stepped forward, his body glowing with black light, and a black spear in his hand, just like the demon gun, was full of terrifying energy.

One shot stabbed, and the black guns flickered in the sky, like countless black streamers, completely covering the entire sky.

"Six Star King? I'll play with you!"

Opposite, the arrogant voice sounded, and then a figure appeared.

The figure was extremely tall, but the whole body was shrouded in a black robe and could not see the reality.

Even when Lin Xuan observed with martial arts sky eyes, he found that there was a layer of mysterious power on the opponent's body, blocking all investigations.

The tall figure stood in the void, like a demon.

Facing the overwhelming black spears, he remained still, as if a pine.

However, when those black spears arrived less than a hundred meters in front of him, the tall figure finally acted.

With a wave of his palm, a purple beak quickly formed above the sky.

Black, like a cloud of purple mist, completely enveloped the sky, accompanied by thunder, lightning and strong winds.


With the movement of the tall man, the huge purple claws quickly landed, and the lightning around them suddenly interweaved, forming a terrible scene.

The scene was too scary, and the whole sky was torn for a moment. The violent breath swept across the square, blowing everyone into trembling.

The beast's claws turned empty and covered the sky, colliding with the sky's black gun shadow.

Bang Peng!

Suddenly, the purple beak claws shattered a large black lance.

Not only that, the Beast Claw quickly slid towards the law enforcement captain at a sharper speed.

"Sweep the world!"

The law enforcement captain's pupils shrank. He could not imagine that the purple beast claws were so horrible that they could smash his guns.

With a roar, he held the black spear in both hands and swept out in front of him.

At this moment, the black spear seemed to turn into a black dragon, and quickly rolled.

The powerful breath makes everyone feel trembling.

"too horrible!"

Among the crowd, Lin Xuan was astonished. In his eyes, the martial arts sky eye, the runes flickered.

Quickly stared at every detail.

This level of fighting is very valuable to him.

In the distance, the black spear tumbling, producing an extremely scary black light.

The next moment, it erupted suddenly and swept forward.

Suddenly, the space ahead turned completely black.

Every inch of void is full of the power of the black guns.

This is the full blow of the Six Star King, the horror is extreme.


There was another earth-shattering sound, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

The purple beast's claw, photographed relentlessly, instantly blasted the black torrent.

Not only that, the horrible purple beast claw, with unparalleled destructive power, seems to be indestructible.

Suddenly shot the captain of the law enforcement team.


The entire captain of the law enforcement team was shaking, and the black armor on his body was covered with cracks.

Blood suddenly blew into the sky.

The people were shocked and couldn't believe it. Especially the members of the temple were frightened.

The strength of the law enforcement captain, they know, which is the Six Star King, extremely powerful, difficult to find rivals under great power.

But now, he was severely injured with one claw. It's hard to imagine how powerful the purple beast claw is.

"Impossible, who are you?"

On the temple side, countless experts drink coldly.

And in the distant crowd, everyone exclaimed: "Damn, this power? Is he powerful?"

"What? Power!"

Lin Xuan was shocked.

He has seen the power of power.

Before, he had been in Fengshan and had met five powerful people. That kind of character's energy is awesome!

Raise your hand to destroy everything.

Ahead, the tall mysterious man, although he could not see the true cultivation, could shoot the Six-Star King seriously in one hand.

I'm afraid it can only be done with great power.

"Huh, I said, you guys don't look enough! Hurry up and loosen the seal, everyone will be fine."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for killing."

The tall mysterious figure said coldly.

At this moment, he was standing in the void, with a terrible breath around him, and a purple beak in the air above his head.

The whole person is as horrible as a demon.

"Well, no matter how powerful you are, dare to move things in my temple. No one can save you today."

On the temple side, the crowd roared.

Indeed, no matter how powerful they are, their sanctuary is formed by a combination of Shaking Light Holy Land and the Ancient Families.

That background is not what most people can imagine.

So soon, there are masters out.

Just strewn in the temple, stay here today.

An old man came out this time, his hair was white, and his whole body was bloody.

He is not a living fossil, but he is also an elder.

At this moment, with his footsteps, the entire void was twisted strangely, and it seemed that it could not bear this power.


Everyone exclaimed, his scalp was numb. Only great power has this terrible power.

It is indeed a temple, and it is truly terrifying! So powerful was sent out so fast.

"Is it powerful?"

However, the mysterious figure sneered, and continued to urge the purple beak above his head, and quickly took a picture.

The void was torn, the magic was tumbling, and the purple beast's claw was like a dark cloud.

"Sculpture of eagle worm ~ ~ Look at me breaking you!"

The powerful old man gave a cold hum, and suddenly a violent wind and thunder force showed from behind him.

Suddenly, a few tens of miles away, it instantly became a thunderstorm space.

The violent force of thunder and lightning raged in the air, forming a powerful energy, which was shocking.

That huge wind and thunder space completely wrapped the mysterious man.

Wind and Thunder field.

That's right, this is the field of power.

At this moment, he exhibited in the field of wind and thunder, and it was extremely powerful. Like Thor, he can dominate the entire space.

In the rear, although Lin Xuan and others were not shrouded in the field of wind and thunder, the aftermath that emanated from them shocked them.

It is conceivable how horrible the mysterious person in the field of wind and thunder will face?