Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1634

Chapter 1634

Then, one by one, powerful warriors in black armor poured out like floods.

Some seals are in the tenth area, and some are directly chased after they are broken.

However, more were spreading rapidly throughout the temple.

These people exude a cold murderous spirit, and as long as someone dares to act wildly, they will absolutely relentlessly.

Seeing this scene, everyone's scalp became numb and did not dare to disturb it.

Now they know that something terrible has happened. I am afraid that anyone who dares to move will have terrible consequences.

However, more people rose up, left the temple, and chased outside.

Because they also want to see who it is, they dare to be so bold and start doing things here.

"Let them go!"

At this time, the cold old voice sounded again.

The law enforcement team around did not stop the dancers who left.

Because there are so many strange stones in this temple, I am afraid that even if the Holy Land and the ancient family are shaken, they are not willing to fight in this temple.

So these warriors left, which is what they want.

Soon, all the warriors left the temple.

The entire temple was sealed by several living fossil elders with great mana. I am afraid that even if the power comes, it cannot be broken.

At the same time, three law enforcement squads left the temple quickly and pursued the same.

Lin Xuan and others naturally left the temple with everyone.

Not only that, but not long after they left, they saw a fierce battle.

Shocking the Holy Land and the Ancient House, as peak forces, their warriors are naturally terrifying.

These law enforcement teams are extremely powerful. At this moment, they are doing their best and will soon fight with those who previously robbed Kistler.

However, the robber seemed more powerful.

So, dozens of law enforcement teams soon died.

Body burst into blood mist, very miserable.


With a long howl, three living fossil-level old men flew out quickly, and they shot quickly.

In the sky, the pattern of roads emerged, and the sky was full of light, and the entire void was sealed in an instant.

Even Lin Xuan felt this energy.

"Fuck! What do you mean, even we are all sealed!"

The dark red dragon has a frown, and as a master of formation, he can naturally feel the difference in the surrounding space.

Obviously, these living fossils not only sealed the place where they were fighting, but even all of them, all sealed in this space.

Not only the dark red Shenlong, but also the masters of the surrounding warriors discovered this, which immediately caused an uproar and panic.

"What do you mean? Why seal this space?"

"That's why don't you let us go?"

"You are too much!"

The crowd roared.

At this time, an old man in the sky said coldly, "Don't be alarmed, we are just ruling out the killer."

"As long as we confirm or catch the person who shot, we will let you go."

"But in the meantime, I hope you stand here obediently and don't disturb."

"Otherwise, we will treat you as enemies and kill them regardless."

When they heard this, the scalp became numb and looked desperate.

It seems that the other party will not let them go without finding the killer.

"Damn, who did it?"

Everyone gritted his teeth.

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath and couldn't leave now. He could only look forward and watch the battle carefully.

After all, this kind of battle between masters is still very attractive to him.

I saw the front, countless masters gathered, and here the law enforcement team, one by one, the field of kings, shrouded toward the front.

Every area is terrifying and full of power.

However, amidst the storm chaos, a purple dagger lighted up suddenly.

The magic was rolling, and the purple sword was as long as a thousand feet. As soon as it appeared, it brought a terrifying energy and spread around.

Suddenly, the warriors around and those watching in the distance all shivered, and a look of fear appeared in their eyes.

"What a terrifying swordman! Who is the other party?"

Many experts exclaimed, because they found that the purple swordmang was too powerful.

Even Lin Xuan's pupils shrank. Even in this sword, he felt a threat of death.

In front of it, nearly a thousand feet of purple swordmang, surrounded by countless runes, like a purple river, roaring and roaring.

It was cut in one fell swoop, and dozens of king domains were split in half.

The original bright light was also quickly dim. Not only that, the kings of law enforcement teams also vomited blood and looked pale.

"What? So strong!"

"A stab at so many kings ?!"

In this scene of the king, even the warriors who shook the Holy Land and the ancient family had a serious face.

The opponent's strength was beyond their expectations.

"Damn, who are you? How dare you do that to us? Aren't you afraid of causing the combined hunting of the Holy Land and the ancient family?"

A middle-aged man wearing a black battle armor stood in the sky and yelled coldly.

"Well, talk nonsense, since we dare to grab it, we will not fear you."

"I urge you some old guys to quickly release the seal, or don't blame me for being rude."

Just ahead, there was an extremely mad voice.

"Well, trapped by our elders, do you still want to run away? What a crazy dream!"

"Living fossil-level elders are really powerful, but their energy is limited after all, and every shot is consumed by their own life."

"I don't believe it, you are willing to let them shoot all the time."

"I'm afraid that a living fossil-level elder has fallen, even if you are an ancient family and a peerless holy land, you can't afford it."

Ahead, the voice sounded again, and there didn't seem to be much tension.



Many people look ugly on the temple side.

Because the other party was right, this seal of space was created by several living fossil elders.

However, those elders are running out of money. Every time they make a shot, they really consume their own power.

The other party knows very well ~ ~ It is obviously prepared.

"Well, it's okay, we don't do anything, we just use the seal and it doesn't consume much power."

A living fossil elder said coldly.

His teeth are almost gone, but at this moment his eyes are sharper than the blade.

Everyone around them held their breath and observed carefully.

Lin Xuan frowned, and whispered, "Living fossil can't be easily operated?"

To be honest, he didn't know these things before.

Aside, Dark Red Dragon explained: "It's really impossible to get started."

"At their age, I am afraid they will not be able to live for a few years. Their lives are supporting them with their own energy."

"Crashing and consuming energy consumes their life."