Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1636

Chapter 1636

In the rear, although Lin Xuan and others were not shrouded in the field of wind and thunder, the aftermath that emanated from them shocked them.

It is conceivable how horrible the mysterious person in the field of wind and thunder will face?

"Well, you are dead in my field of thunder and lightning! There is no way to live!"

The old man in the temple hummed.

Then he waved his palm, and in the sky, numerous wind and lightning storms turned into a horrific energy attack and quickly killed the mysterious man.

And the mysterious and tall figure is the purple animal claw that urges the sideways.

A wave of energy collided, a terrible black hole burst out, and the whole field of wind and thunder was roaring.

In the thunder field of the old man of the temple, the strength of the mysterious tall figure was also suppressed to some extent.

Therefore, his purple beast caught, after thirty strokes, was completely penetrated by lightning.

There are countless gusts of wind, turning into a half-moon-shaped blade of a hundred feet, and instantly cutting the purple beast claw into pieces.

Seeing the other's beast claws broken, the warrior on the side of the temple cheered.

And everyone in the distance was amazed. It is worthy of power, and the shot is powerful, so the terrifying beast claws can be destroyed!

However, Lin Xuan frowned. Because through the martial arts sky eye, he found that the mysterious tall figure did not seem to have any anxiety.

In other words, the opponent did not show his cards.

"Powerful? Really good means! You deserve my best shot!"

The tall and mysterious figure had a slightly raised mouth corner and a sloppy smile.

"My sword is already hungry and thirsty. I hope your blood will satisfy it."

"Hum, dying to the point of death, dare to speak hard!"

He did not believe that the other party could compete with his field of wind and lightning.

On the opposite side, the tall figure waved backhand and seized the huge weapon behind.

Suddenly, a huge long knife appeared in front of everyone.

The long knife was more than one person tall, and the whole body was dark purple.

The mysterious lines above, like magic lines, are very strange. Looking from a distance, like the scales of some kind of beast, exuding the cold purple light.

Not only that, there were also two tan eyes at the point of the knife, one left and one right, unusually mysterious.

"What weapon is this? Strange?"

The crowd was shocked because they found that they just looked at the weird large knife and felt cold all over the body, as if stabbed by a sharp blade.

Even Lin Xuan and others narrowed their eyes.

Because those two tan eyes made him very uncomfortable, as if being stared at by a peerless beast.

"Damn, what's this? It's so weird!" Even Luo Fat and Du Fei are affectionate and dignified.

The purple sword was so evil that everyone felt creepy.

Even his appearance trembled uneasily throughout the wind and thunder field.

Damn, how is this possible!

Seeing this scene, the old man in the temple looked ugly. He didn't expect that the opponent's weapon was so weird.

"Suppress me!"

With a cold hum, he was full of bright light, mysterious lines surrounded by countless lightning surges.

The whole field of wind and lightning is even more radiant.


With a roar, the wind and thunder field quickly turned.

An endless thunderbolt carried a strong wind, bursting into a powerful force, smashing towards the mysterious person ahead.

This strike mobilized the power of the entire wind and thunder field and exploded to the extreme.

I saw thousands of thunders in the sky, each with a hundred feet, like a thunder dragon, roaring.

Beside that, there are countless half-moon-shaped wind blades, with stars shining and extremely sharp.

The overwhelming attacks all quickly shone over the tall figure.

"Oh, shatter me."

However, in the face of such a violent attack, the tall figure was not afraid and even sneered.

He held a large purple knife in his hand, then raised his arm and fell off


As if the mirror surface was broken, Jingdao Daomang was reaching the extreme, and even the Chinese was not clearly seen.

However, the consequences were terrible.

The sky full of Lei Long's wind blade was broken into two halves at once, and even a vacuum zone appeared in the area where Daoman passed.

"What? How can it be possible?"

The crowd exclaimed and couldn't believe it, and the warrior over the temple was even more terrified.

This time, it was a powerful shot, and the attack was terrifying! The other party was still able to cut across. It's really unbelievable!

"Damn, what kind of power is this?" The temple's power also shrank his pupils, his face ugly.

He can be said to be very confident in his attack. This attack can kill anyone under power.

Even in the same level, no one can easily take over.

The opponent, however, cut his attack with ease.

He wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"Hum, next, you pick me up!"

On the opposite side, the tall figure snorted, and at this moment his black robe was shaking without wind, like a flag, shining with a dark light.

The purple long knife in his hand was even more evil, and the two tan eyes seemed to be alive and strange.

Not only that, the purple blade is extremely clear and indestructible.


Cut out with a sharp edge, the sharp blade immediately exudes an indescribable depression and powerful power.

The purple sword-mang, carrying thousands of brilliance, even has a trace of mysterious road patterns flowing.

It's terrible. Just the breath makes the warrior tremble.

And the whole wind and thunder field trembled violently in an instant, and even cracks appeared in some places.


For a moment, the purple sword light came to the old man in the temple, and then fell suddenly.

The situation was too horrible. The sharp sword can tear people's souls and make people feel suffocated.

Even the others behind the old man in the temple, under this power, knelt on the ground on the spot.

That sharp ~ ~ they couldn't bear it.

The old man in the temple shrank his pupils and numb his scalp. He couldn't think of the power of the other side being so terrible.

This knife even shocked him.

"Damn, stop me!"

The knife was too fast, and no one else had the time to shoot, he could only defend himself.

With a wave of the palm, the wind and thunder field around him moved quickly, and countless thunder and lightning blades quickly gathered in front of him.

A huge shield emerged in the air, standing in front of her

The shield was composed entirely of thunder and lightning and exudes radiance, as if coming across time and space.

Above it, a pattern of lines stretched across it, like a thunder mountain, standing in the void.

This is one of the strongest defenses of the old man in the temple, and even the power of the same level cannot be broken.