Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1549

Chapter 1549

The door of death is terrifying. It is said that when this door is opened, his enemies will never survive. hp:

No one knows, what is behind this door of death?

But some people say that it may be connected to the legendary underworld or hell.

But in any case, this door of death is undoubtedly terrible and terrifying.

Han Li stood near the door of death, with an indifferent expression: "Boy, let me use this trick, you are proud."

"However, since it annoys me, you will have no way of living."

"Now, let me die."

Speaking, he waved his palm, and a low voice sounded.

"Death Sonic!"

As Han Li's voice fell, the purple door of death bloomed.

Above it, purple magic lines appeared.

Those purple magic patterns quickly oscillated, forming waves of death after wave, spreading rapidly.

These sound waves are terrifying, they are substantive, and they hurt the soul.

It can be said that it is very weird.


There were a few unlucky people in the crowd, swept by the sound of death, and then they fell down.

They were not harmed, but the breath was gone, because the soul was completely killed.

"too horrible!"

Seeing this scene, the others were scared back and their scalp was numb.

Fortunately, most of the sound waves are heading towards Lin Xuan, and they are going crazy.

"Oops, this is a soul attack, that kid named Lin, can't handle it!"

"This is nature. The kid's fighting power is already so strong that the soul power cannot stand out."

"After all, people have limited energy, and he can't do everything."

"It seems that this time, he is really over."

"Yeah, I did not expect that Han Li was so powerful. An attack from the gate of death issued a death storm dedicated to killing the soul."

"I am afraid that few people will be able to make this attack."

While they were talking fast, they looked nervously into the sky.

In the sky, Lin Xuan also looked dignified.

Because when the door of death came out, he felt a creepy feeling.

Indeed, the opponent's king field is too weird, he has never seen it before.

However, he has the soul of the Great Dragon Sword, and he is not afraid even in the weird realm.

Therefore, when he saw that the other side sent out the sound of death and the sound of death, he suddenly hummed.

Others may not have so much energy to cultivate combat power and soul power at the same time, but he is different.

Before the cultivation of Tian Yan's imagination, his soul power became extremely powerful.

Definitely not lost to Samsung King.

Moreover, the Dragon Soul of the Dragon is the sacred art of the heavens and the earth, which can cut everything.

This power is not only reflected in the battle, but also the soul power.

It's even enough to annihilate those nothingness!

Therefore, although this death sound wave is terrifying, and for most warriors, it is a magical skill that must be killed.

But for him, it had no effect.

"Dragon King Roar!"

The next moment, Lin Xuan gave a cold drink, and his soul strength cooperated with Dalong Sword Spirit to quickly launch a sonic attack.


The sound wave was terrifying, and the real dragon roared, shaking the world.


This dragon king roared, directly colliding with the sound of death, and a fierce collision sound occurred.

As if the swords were striking each other, the entire void instantly burst into countless black cracks.

burst! burst! burst!

The sky blew up suddenly, and one black hole after another appeared.

Fortunately, they are fighting in the sky, otherwise the entire Yanbo Mountain Villa, even if there is a formation defense, will probably be impacted.

"What? Blocked! It's impossible!"

Han Li's face changed so much that he dared not imagine that the other party could block the sound of his death.

You know, his death sound waves are not ordinary sound waves.

The ordinary sound wave only harms the body, but his death sound wave not only causes damage to the body, but also people will attack the soul!

This joint injury is the most terrifying.

Ordinary martial arts, unable to defend at all. Unless there is a treasure with the soul, it can be spared.

I think there is such a treasure in Jiang Nantian's hands, so he can be tied with him.

No one else is his rival at all.

But now, the other side is also out of a kind of sonic martial arts, blocking the storm of his death.

This surprised him.

Others were even more shocked and couldn't believe it.

Originally they thought that Lin Xuan was dead, and no one could compete with this sound wave at all.

But now the situation is beyond their expectations.

The other party displayed a roar, which directly resisted the sound of death, even the horrible sound, making them tumbling and almost cracking their bodies.

"Damn, what martial art is this? It's so terrible?"

"No, how could his soulpower be so powerful?"

"Fuck! Where did this kid appear? How is it like a freak!"

"Is this fighting force terrible?"

An exclamation sounded.

But Princess Caidie, Chuyu, Jade Beauty, Bai Youran and others were relieved.

Lin Xuan is fine, for them, it is undoubtedly the best news.


The two sound waves collided and finally disappeared at the same time. The crack in the sky was also a quick reply.

However, Han Li's face was really ugly.

Before, he vowed to think that the other party was dead, but now, the other party broke his sound of death, which made him intolerable.

After you finish the attack, come and attack me! Lin Xuan said coldly

Then, with a wave of his palm, the dragon sword field suddenly appeared beside him.

"Wan Jian decided, Wan Jian Tian Yin!"

Lin Xuan once again displayed Wan Jian Jue, the dragon sword field trembled, and countless sword spirits were like surges of sword spirit, generally surging quickly.

Then skyrocketed.

Suddenly, the sky was full of sky, the sword air was vertical and horizontal, and the whole sky was completely filled with the relentless sword light.

These swords were so fast that they all blasted on the door of death, causing a big explosion.


This attack was extremely powerful, and immediately made the purple death door tremble, and even the light above it became dim.


Seeing that his door of death was wounded, Han Li was also pale.

He yelled madly ~ ~ The palm quickly changed his mark.

"Death Door, Death Ray!"

Hum! Click!

Suddenly, the purple door of death shone again.

Subsequently, the closed door also slowly opened, making a clicking noise.

A terrifying breath emanated from the crack in the door.

The breath was so terrifying that it made people despair.

The previous sound of death was only emitted from the facade, and the door did not open.

And now, with the purple door of death opened, what terrifying energy will be revealed?

Everyone dare not imagine.

However, they knew that the next attack would definitely be more terrifying than the death wave.