Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548

Reading on the phone


The black thunderbolt was like a sword-mang, and like a huge mountain, it quickly landed from the sky and directly smashed the entire void.

In an instant, the sky became a black thunder sea. Please search (Pin & Book net) to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

The entire void was completely submerged, and Han Li was the first to be swallowed up by the endless thunder sea.

"What? What a terrible sight!"

Below, everyone saw this scene, their faces turned wild.

Because they can clearly feel the amount of wild violence in the thunder and lightning.

It was terrible. They encountered such a force and had no resistance at all.

Even Jiang Nantian looks dignified and his eyes are uncertain.


In Lei Hai, Han Li growled and shone with purple light, but he was useless to resist.

This thunderbolt is from Wan Jianjue, in conjunction with the power of the Great Dragon Soul.


For a moment, the four purple magic shadows he summoned were directly smashed by this thunder sea.

Not only that, his body was also bombarded.

The black thunderbolt shattered on him, making him swollen with blood and standing up.

However, as a peerless Tianjiao, he is powerful.

Quickly cast a purple armor, covering the body, against the black lightning of the sky.

However, he was blasted back and forth.

Not only backed up, but also rolled blood and even coughed up a pool of blood.

This time, he suffered another loss.

The surrounding warriors, seeing this scene, all changed their faces and couldn't believe it.

That's Han Li! Daxuan Empire, the most dazzling Tianjiao of the younger generation!

But now, he was spitting blood. How powerful is that young man named Lin Xuan?

They dare not imagine.

At this moment, even Princess Caidi, the great prince, the three princes, and others are also very dignified.

Jiang Nantian stood up suddenly, with a terrifying light in his eyes, staring at the sky.

He and Han Li have played against each other many times, but they are very clear about the strength of the opponent. Even he can not hurt the opponent so easily.

Han Li was trembling with anger, and the strength of the other side shocked him, but his injuries were unacceptable.

So the next moment, he yelled again, showing his powerful martial arts.

"Do not move the King!"

Han Li's palm waved constantly, and the purple light on his body suddenly shone even more.

A purple figure formed behind him, exuding mysterious power.


The next moment, he roared and rushed towards Lin Xuan quickly.

This time, he was really angry and was bound to slay Lin Xuan!

"Three heads and six arms!"

When he came to Lin Xuan, Han Li sang again, and the purple figure stepped forward and merged with him.

Suddenly, there were two more skulls and four arms on his sides.

The whole person looked weird.

Three heads and six arms, there is no dead end at all, and the two arms that turned out took out a sword and a spear.

At this moment, Han Li's breath was overwhelming.

Lin Xuan waved the Jiuyou Demon Sword, with a peerless monster, flying out of his sword.

Qiongqi, Tianpeng, Dijiang, Zhu Gan, Jiuyin, head after head, are all barbaric gods of ancient times.

Although it is only a magical power, it is as powerful as a real beast.

Peng Peng Peng!

The two forces collided in the air, bursting into a brilliant light.

The sky was boiling, and vast energy poured into the distance.

After dozens of strokes, Lin Xuan suddenly pointed out with his left hand in succession, and three broken fingers flew out quickly, which was very strange.

Huh! when!

Brokenness means that there is no trace and can destroy everything.

Lin Xuanshi was exhibiting at this moment, which is even more unpredictable.

Two of them broke through, pointing through two purple figures around Han Li, while the third one was avoided by Han Lizhen.

But even so, it has achieved extraordinary results. Because it broke the opponent's immobile King.

The three heads and six arms disappeared quickly, and Han Li was pale as a whole.

Because of his supernatural powers, he was destroyed, and he was also backfired.

"What? Break it again?"

Looking at this scene, everyone's scalp was numb and couldn't believe it.

From the beginning of the fight, until now, Han Li has been suppressed by the other party. Every time he displays a powerful magical power, he is quickly broken by the other party.

It's as if the other party was naturally restrained by him.

They knew that this happened once and it was probably luck.

But many times, it is definitely not luck to explain.

This shows that the opponent is absolutely extremely powerful and may even surpass Han Li in combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, everyone took a breath.

At this time, Lin Xuan said coldly, "You have already lost, replace it."

Hearing the words, everyone was silent.

Indeed, Han Li was bombarded three times, which shows that the opponent's strength is absolutely super strong.

However, for a moment, everyone was still unable to accept this reality.

Han Li is even less likely to accept it.

He yelled, "You're less arrogant, I just mean it, I didn't show the King's Realm at all."

"Boy, my real stunt is in the realm of kings!"

"Now I will kill you with my own hands."

In the end, he roared, and in his eyes, a brilliant light bloomed, like two Changhongs, directly penetrating the sky.

"Look at my realm of kings, the gate of death."

With this voice, the purple light on Han Li's body quickly shone.

A purple field enveloped him in an instant.

In that purple field, purple gas rolled, mysterious.

A three-foot-tall purple gate emerged out of thin air.

It floats in the sky, above the door, carved with mysterious lines, exuding a simple atmosphere.

Door of Death!

When everyone saw this scene, they all took a breath.

The three princes, the great prince, and the princess of the color butterfly suddenly stood up, and their expressions were full of shock.

Yes, Han Li 's realm of kings is the gate of death.

It's just that he is usually strong, playing against others, and rarely uses the realm of kings.

So few people can see it.

Unexpectedly, I saw them in this battle today.

The gate of death is one of the extremely powerful kings in the Daxuan Empire ~ ~.

Princess Caidie's face was very dignified, he knew that things were in trouble, because he was very clear about the horror of this death gate.

This gate of death was created by a kind of exercises and was very famous in the Daxuan Empire.

However, it is extremely difficult to practice. For thousands of years, only three or four people have completed it.

Han Li is one of them.

On the other side, the three princes also frowned.

Jiang Nantian under his command was very powerful, but he could not completely defeat Han Li because of the gate of death.

The eldest prince smiled: "Since the door of death is on display, the kid will never win."

"It's just a pity. I didn't expect that the kid could push Han Li to this step. I have to say that it is rare." () "Inverse Sword God" only represents the author's fresh point of view. Content that violates national laws should be deleted. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. ,thank you all!