Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1550

Chapter 1550

Death Ray.

Accompanying Han Li's voice, a purple light quickly condensed in the open door gap, and then blasted forward.


A purple light wave, like an angry dragon, instantly cut through the sky.

Wherever I go, the sky breaks fast.


The scalp was numb, and they looked terrified. Because of this attack, it is really terrifying and can kill any Samsung King in a second.

They did not expect that this light of death had such terrible energy.

Even Lin Xuan on the opposite side had her pupils shrink.

The purple death ray was very sharp, and soon came to Lin Xuan in an instant.

Lin Xuan also whispered, and then he urged Dragon Sword Spirit Realm.

Suddenly, the dragon sword field vibrated, and countless sword qi quickly condensed to form two wings, quickly covering Lin Xuan.

These two wings are completely formed by the condensed sword energy. At this moment, they are closed, covering the sky and protecting Lin Xuan.


The next moment, the light of death hit the sword wing, and suddenly made a loud collision sound.

The clouds surged and the waves rolled, as if two mountains collided in the air, deafening.

This is a terrifying light of death. It can kill a king of Samsung, but at the moment it hits the wings of these two swords and loses its effect.

Although the whole space was shaking violently, the light of death did not knock off the two blue light wings.

"What? How is this possible?"

Looking at the scene ahead, Han Li's eyes widened, his eyes couldn't believe it.

It was the light of death that he was proud of, and he could kill any Samsung King.

However, at this moment, it is unbelievable that the defense of the other party cannot be opened up.


The huge sword air wings spread and slowly opened, revealing the situation inside.

I saw Lin Xuan's clothes fluttering, his complexion calm, and he received no trace of injury at all.

The next moment, his eyes condensed, and the whole body exuded a terrible breath.

Then he carried the Dragon Sword Realm, soared into the sky, and killed forward.


Seeing this, Han Li's pupils shrank, causing a panic in his heart.

However, he still barked his head and shouted, "The door of death, open me completely!"

The sound fell, the spiritual power on him burned, and the terrifying energy penetrated his body.

Because with his current cultivation as strength, the door to death cannot be fully opened.

But at this moment he burned his spiritual power and fully excited his body's potential. He had to open the door of death in advance to kill the other party.

The horrible death door is his most powerful means. At this moment, he is willing to calm down all the power, but also to open the death door.

Click! Click!


The low voice sounded two times, and the door of death opened slowly, revealing the darkness.

No one knows where this door leads to, but the energy emanating from it is really terrible.

Even those older characters have a touch of despair.

"Give me it!"

Han Li burned every inch of power in the body, and the whole person burst into a brilliant light.

The door of death was completely opened, sending out a force of horrible absorption, and immediately enveloped Lin Xuan.

Subsequently, the force of devouring pulled Lin Xuan directly into the door of death.


Lin Xuan's figure entered the gate of death, and then disappeared.

The whole sky was clear again, quietly, without a sound.

"What happened? What happened?"

All eyes widened.

"That Lin Xuan was absorbed into the gate of death?"

"Really in? It's the first time I've seen this weird situation!"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. Even Princess Caidie, the Third Prince and others frowned.

And Han Li laughed upright: "Ha ha ha ha, boy, even if you are strong and enter the door of death, you cannot come out again!"

"From now on, you will go to **** for me!"

His voice was full of arrogance and pride.

In his opinion, Lin Xuan was a very powerful enemy, but how powerful he was, not yet killed by him.

"What, if you enter the gate of death, you are entering hell!"

"That kid can never come back?"

"It is rumored that behind the door of death, a mysterious world is connected, and now it seems that it is true."

Everyone talked, and they knew that this battle was over and Lin Xuan entered the gate of death and could not come out again.

Seeing this scene, Han Kun and the youth of Huo Yunguo all sighed.

Jade Beauty, Bai Youran, and others are pale.

Princess Caidie also sighed, as if she lost her glory.

She is really sad, because Lin Xuan's strength can completely push her to the first echelon.

But the other side, now entering the mysterious door of death, I am afraid that this life will never come out again.

Aside, Jiang Nantian also had a dignified expression and whispered to himself: "Is it over, still defeated!"

"It seems that the door of death is weird."

In the sky, Han Li laughed wildly again, then he glanced at him, stared at Jiang Nantian, and yelled coldly.

"Jiang Nantian, come up, I'll solve you together!"

The voice was full of endless domineering.

When everyone around me heard it, the scalp became numb.

"What? Still fighting!"

"This Han force is too powerful, just fighting Lin Xuan who is so strong, now there is still fighting Jiang Nantian?"

After Jiang Nantian heard it, he shook his head slightly: "No, you just finished the war, and it must have consumed a lot. It might as well wait for you to recover and we will fight again."

He refused decisively.

In the sky, Han Li frowned.

Because he completely opened the door of death before, he burned a lot of spiritual power, so he wanted to solve Jiang Nantian as soon as this power was still there.

However, I did not expect that the other party was not fooled at all, and he did not do anything with him now.

This made him anxious.

Because when the power he inspired disappears, I am afraid there will be a period of weakness.

By then, he was not Jiang Nantian's opponent at all.

"Huh! Why? Don't dare to do it?"

"Are you afraid?"

Han Li sneered ~ ~ It doesn't matter, as long as you say you lost to me, I won't give you any more hands.

However, Jiang Nantian still shook his head slightly: "I won't be afraid of you, I just don't want to take advantage of people, we will wait for a while."

As a master, he naturally saw the current state of Han Li at a glance. Now going up to fight the opponent is undoubtedly an act of seeking death.

He wouldn't be so stupid.

Han Li sneered, "You can't do it now!"

Say, he fluttered, and rushed towards Jiang Nantian quickly.

Regardless of Jiang Nantian's willingness, he will **** the other side into the door of death.

In this way, no one is his opponent.