Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1547

Chapter 1547

Throughout the sky, a huge purple vortex appeared, and the terrifying energy was roaring, as the beasts shouted in unison, shocking.

Lin Xuan is wrapped in countless purple rays and sealed in a special space.

The space is translucent, and everyone can clearly see what's going on inside.

I saw countless purple energies, like the angry dragon roaring, quickly blasting at Lin Xuan, wanting to blast him.

"Not good! This is Purple Demon Purgatory, a magical skill of Han Li!"

"Yeah, I heard that he used this purple demon purgatory to kill a lot of peerless geniuses, even old-fashioned characters."

"It's over, I'm afraid the guy named Lin Xuan can't break it!"

The scene in the sky changed everyone's face, especially the people below, such as Yumei and Bai Youran, looked anxious.

Although they are not warriors of the Daxuan Empire, they have also heard of this Purple Demon Purgatory. It is conceivable that this supernatural horror.

On the other side, Princess Caidie, Chu Yu, and others were also dignified.

They could not have imagined that Han Li had exhibited such horrific martial arts so quickly.

Jiang Nantian's eyes flickered. He and Han Li fought many times. Naturally, he knew the terror of purgatory purgatory.

Except for him, few people were able to escape.

"I don't know if the other party can escape? Or will it end?"

The big prince was all laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha, what mysterious master, there is no chance of winning against Han Li."

"Yes, although the boy is good, he can't compete with top arrogants like Han Li."

"This battle is over."

Many people sneered. They thought that Lin Xuan had no hope of escape.

In the sky, Purple Demon Purgatory.

A purple translucent space floats in the void, in which violent energy surges, and Lin Xuan bears the brunt.

However, Lin Xuan didn't look very anxious, and seemed to be very calm.

The next moment, his gaze was frozen, and he drank coldly.

Subsequently, he grasped the palm of his hand, grabbed the void, and suddenly a black magic sword appeared quickly.

This sharpened sword is black all over, with magic lines on it, exuding a mysterious and terrifying breath.

Nine You Sword!

One sword splits, the sword is soaring into the sky, and the entire magic sword emits terrible energy.


At the next moment, the black sword-mantle shone, chopped fiercely on Purple Demon Purgatory, and immediately made a clicking noise.

The whole void shuddered violently.


The next moment, a terrifying explosion sounded, and the terrible purple demon purgatory was split open with a sword and broken in half.

And Lin Xuan, turned into a shocking light, burst out quickly.

"What? Broken! How is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

The strong man over the big prince had even opened his mouth and his brain was blank.

That's Purple Demon Purgatory. It's a very powerful skill in Han Li's hands.

There have been many talented warriors, even older characters, fell under this trick.

But now, it has been split openly!

Even Han Li's pupils shrank, and his expression was shocked.

He didn't believe that the other party could be so easy, and he broke through his purgatory purgatory.

"Damn, how is this possible!"

"How could he do that?"

However, the answer to him was a shocking sword.

The black Nine Demon Swords, like the black mountain peaks in the same round, are extremely horrible and smashed directly towards Han Li.


The next moment, Han Li was pulled out by the earthquake.

"What? Shocked!"

Everyone exclaimed, afraid to look.

The powerful Han Li was shocked? This is really shocking!

At this moment, everyone in the entire Yanbo Mountain Villa was shocked.

"Ah! Boy, I want to kill you!"

Hit by a sword, Han Li was insane.

He hadn't expected that the other side was so powerful, so he was shocked by the idea.

This made him intolerable.

So at this moment, he went violently.

Han Li floated in the void, stopped retreating, and a purple robe fluttered quickly, and the whole person exuded a terrible breath.

Those icy eyes became purple light. Around it, there was a mysterious rune shining.

The look was more like a sharp sword, penetrating directly through the void.

Familiar people know that Han Li at this moment is really angry!

On the side of the great prince, many warriors were beating.

"It's over. I haven't seen Han Li for a long time. I remember the last time when I fought against Jiang Nantian."

"Yeah, Han Li is going crazy, and no one can stop it."

Only Jiang Nantian can fight against it. In addition, other people have no chance to survive ...

The prince also sighed when he saw this.

Before, he also wanted Han Li to subdue the other party and take the other party as a warrior.

But now it seems impossible.

Because Han Li was crazy, his opponents could never survive.

The warrior watching the battle around was also shocked, because at this moment Han Li, like a demon, made people dare not look directly.

"The King's Palm!"

In the sky, Han Li roared, and then waved his palm.

Suddenly, the sky was boiling.

The purple big palms formed quickly, just like the waves, and quickly rolled towards Lin Xuan, rolling in frantically.

Lin Xuan also had a firm vision. He held the Jiuyou Demon in his hand and waved a sword.

Suddenly, the horrible Jianguang rushed straight ahead.

Nine ghost swords, extremely mysterious, and even black soil guesses, this magic sword may come from the terrible forbidden life, the earth!

It is conceivable that this magic sword is absolutely terrifying, and its grade will not be lower than the treasure of the ground.

In the hands of Lin Xuan at this moment, it is extremely powerful.

Lin Xuan's big dragon sword soul has powerful attack power. Although he only has one-star king, he is definitely not inferior to any Samsung king.

Therefore, this sword is also extremely powerful.


The black sword mangs collided with the purple palms, making a gurgling sound, and the whole void was boiling.

"What? Blocked again!"

Seeing that Ming Wang's palm had no effect at all, Han Li's face was extremely gloomy.

He couldn't think of how could the other party be so powerful?

However, with a roar, he decided to go all out to kill the opponent.

"Ming King moves!"

Han Li growled ~ ~ full of purple light, for a moment, countless mysterious runes surrounded him.

On him, mysterious ghosts appeared, terrifying.

The next moment, his body was shaking, like a purple thunder, and quickly killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's face remained unchanged, and he waved the Nine You Demon Sword.

Power of four thousand swords.

At this moment, he exerted ten thousand swords and wielded the power of four thousand swords.

Suddenly, the sword pointed, the situation above changed.

Four black lightning bolts formed quickly.

Four thunderbolts, each containing the power of a thousand swords, are extremely horrifying.

Coupled with the sharpness of Dalong Soul, it can be said that the power is beyond imagination.