Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280


A sword light cut off the huge flame phoenix, and then a figure appeared in front of everyone-:-

"What? All right!"

Everyone was blinded, and they saw Lin Xuan walking out of the sea of endless energy, with no injuries on his body, and his scalp was instantly numb.

In the distance, Lord Shuilong is also angry and trembling with anger.

With a long whistle, he was rushing towards this side like the same blue lightning.

However, Lin Xuan was faster than him.

When stepping on the virtual magic step, a pair of wind and thunder wings emerged from behind, and Lin Xuan turned into a thunder and lightning light, reaching the extreme.

He held his hands in his hands, the power of thunder and fire surged, and the ice thunder sword and the flame sword were formed.

Where it has been said, the thunder and lightning are spreading, the fire is soaring, and the terrifying sword cuts all the attacks.

In an instant, he came to Duan Li and Shen Yuan.

Suddenly, Duan Li and Shen Yuan's scalp became numb, and the whole person was almost scared.

"Boy, I want you to die!"

Shen Yuan's counterattack went mad, and the whole person rushed to Lin Xuan like a beast.

Duan Li was more insidious. He detonated a half-level treasure, but he flew into the distance to seek protection.

Lin Xuan flew quickly, avoiding the explosion of half-level treasures.

And Shen Yuan had no such good luck, half of his body was smashed, and only half his life was left.

The Eight Saints who came around to help them were also lifted by this explosion of energy fluctuations and could not approach them at all.

The Lord of the Water Dragons roared and looked stunned.

Unexpectedly for a short time, the two young masters of the Shen family died and were disabled, which made him unable to explain after returning.

With a roar, he rushed to Lin Xuan quickly.

However, Lin Xuan did not intend to let Shen Yuan go. After he avoided the explosion, the sword swung quickly.

Meteor cut!

A sword flashes across, like a shooting star, gorgeous, and cuts Shen Yuan's body quickly.

Blood sprayed, a skull flew up, and Shen Yuan's corpse quickly fell, slamming into the ground fiercely from the void.

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Lord Shui Long yelled, but couldn't change anything at all.

"Boy, I want you to smash 10,000 corpses!" The Lord of the Dragons roared, carrying eight dragons, and launched a crazy attack.

However, all were avoided by Lin Xuan.

When everyone around me saw this scene, they also felt scalp and didn't dare to compete with it.

Duan Li also looked terrified. He almost died in the other hand, but fortunately he escaped.

"Elder, save me!"

Duan Li flew towards the elders of Duanjia's Jiuzhong Sky.

Lin Xuan looked at the escape figure. Lengheng. A black flame flashed quickly in his eyes.

"Hei Yan Wu Soul, Devouring Spirit!"

In Lin Xuan's eyes, two black flames burst out quickly. The next moment, the escaped section screamed frantically, and numerous black fires burst into his body, burning fast.

"Impossible, I won't die! How could I die!" Duan Li yelled frantically, his eyes full of panic and unwillingness.

Obviously escaped, but why is it still burning?

Where does he know that this black flame is Lin Xuan's black flame martial spirit, and it is the flame from the origin of the Sky Youque, mysterious.

In the endless resentment and remorse, Duan Li was burned to ashes, and in the end nothing was left.

Everyone looked at this scene, all of them were chilling in their hearts. In the end, the young man was a ghost, and it was so horrible that he could not only compete with the Nine Lords, but also kill the Eighth Lords with his hands.

This is really terrible. For a time, everyone has the urge to escape.

But how could Lin Xuan let them go.

He shuttled quickly through the crowd, like a wolf entering a flock, and every time he shot someone would die.

In the rear, His Majesty the Dragon is extremely crazy, and he finds that he cannot catch up with Lin Xuan at all.

"Come here!"

In the end, he roared, summoning the remaining warriors, all moving closer to him.

Because he can live only by his side, others have no way of living with Shang Linxuan.

Suddenly, those warriors went madly towards the dragon.

"It's so naive, I said that the nine enshrined can't protect you at all."

Lin Xuan's body quickly poured out the red lotus armor, and then flew towards His Majesty the Dragon.

Seeing this, His Majesty the Dragon was overjoyed. He could not imagine that Lin Xuan dared to throw himself in the net. Before he could not catch up with Lin Xuan, he could not exert his full strength.

But now, he will not have any scruples, because those octagonists have been protected by him. As long as the other party dares to come to him, he is absolutely confident to kill the other party.

Sure enough, the other party rushed.

"Water dragon bomb!"

The next moment, Lord Shuilong's fist waved and one punch blasted out. Countless houses of light **** condensed, covered the entire void, and quickly flew towards Lin Xuan.

"Tianpengyin, the golden sword!"

Lin Xuan pinched his fingers, a Tianpeng flew out of his fingers, and instantly filled the entire void. The huge body was blooming with countless rays, forming a gold sword with a length of 18,000, stabbed forward.

For a moment, those water-blue light **** were all pierced by gold scrolls. Not only that, Tian Peng's huge claws also caught the water dragon in the air, as if to catch it.

"Eight Dragons!"

His Majesty the Dragon stepped back, quickly avoiding the attack of the claws, and then the eight dragons under his command pounced on the giant Tianpeng.

The eight water dragons, like the eight heavenly swords, are extremely blue and release mad power.

In an instant, Tianpeng was hit and flew.

"Tianpeng Slaughter Dragon!"

On the other side, Lin Xuan worked to create a powerful spiritual force, pouring into the sky's shadow in the sky.

Suddenly, Golden Tianpeng roared, the whole body bloomed a powerful force, the wings shook like a sky knife, opened and closed, and instantly cut off two water dragons.

The golden claws waved and directly squeezed a water dragon under his feet.

For a moment, there were only five of the eight water dragons left.

However, the five water dragons devoured the bodies of the other three water dragons and became larger.

One by one, dancing quickly, rushed forward.

The dragon claws waved ~ ~ and caught Tian Peng directly, tearing a huge gap immediately.

The other water dragons circled, as if trying to strangle the entire ceiling.

In the distance, His Majesty the Dragon hummed coldly, commanding five dragons, completely covering Tian Peng's figure.

"Boy, you're a little tenderer than me!"

Lin Xuan snorted. You said this too early.

"Tianpeng changes, merges!"

With a roar, the huge Tianpeng figure in the sky suddenly bloomed countless lights again, blasting the five dragons.

Then it circled down and rushed to Lin Xuan's arm quickly, completely merging with Lin Xuan's right arm.

"Let me tell you what a real dragon slay!"

Above the arm of Lin Xuan, the golden Tianpeng hovering around looked extremely terrifying. The next moment, he rose into the sky and killed the Lord of the Water Dragon.