Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279

That's the ninefold respecter! , Each is a peerless power, and the other is just the Seventh Venerable, the two sides are two realms.

But the two sides fought in such a scene, which made them unacceptable.

Lin Xuan stepped back five steps, stabilized her body, and then laughed: "Is this the power of Jiu Zhongtian, not so good!"

"Any way, let it be!"

He was so zealous that the whole man came out like a sword.

On the other side, the two Nine Supremes who fought the Nine Elders were also astonished. They did not expect such a situation.

"Kill, kill me! Kill him!" Duan Li growled wildly, and he had a bad hunch.

Therefore, he ordered all the Eighth Lords to attack, he did not believe that so many people could not kill a Seventh Lord!

His Majesty the Water Dragon is very shocked. His noble Emperor Nine Heavens can't help but be a seven-day Heaven's hairy kid, if he goes out to make him face.

So the next moment, he was like lightning and rushed to Lin Xuan quickly. Behind him, there is a sea of nothingness, in which nine water dragons are formed, and teeth are dancing.

Subsequently, the nine water dragons quickly emptied and killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

The next moment, the nine water dragons moved, blasting into the void where he had stood, immediately bursting there.

Brother Xuan Lin, be careful! Seeing this scene in the rear, Shen Jingqiu was frightened.

However, when he saw Lin Xuan dodging, he took another sip.


Nine water dragons roared and wanted to tear the sky, and one of them swung the huge dragon tail and swept towards Shen Jingqiu and Yu Fei fiercely.

This effort is endless, just like a sky knife. If they are swept, I am afraid they will immediately die.


However, the horrible blow hit the dark light curtain and made a trembling sound, but did not break the light curtain.

Even that huge rebounding force drove the dragon tail fiercely.

"What? It's not broken!" This time even the Lord of the Dragons was shocked.

Originally he wanted to kill Lin Xuan's two companions in order to vent his hatred, but he did not expect that the little black Ding was so powerful and formed such a powerful protection that he did not even break his terrible blow.

This kid turned out to be so weird.

However, His Majesty the Dragon did not give up. He controlled eight dragons to slay Lin Xuan, and the remaining dragon hit the black light curtain again.

However, Lin Xuan was not worried, because it was Wanju Ding, a complete stepped treasure, and it was not something that the nine enshrines could blast away!

Without worries, Lin Xuan pulled back the Lone Star Sword behind him and killed eight water dragons.

His body was like a lightning bolt, and he immediately came to one of the water dragons, and the Lone Star sword broke down in his hands.

The light of the sword flickered, and a harsh blasting sound was emitted in the void. The powerful force made the entire void tremble.

A sword slashed, and the water dragon wailed, and the body split open from the middle and fell to the sides.

The huge body was smashed into the void, and immediately caused countless winds.

Lin Xuan's figure disappeared again and flew to another water dragon.

All this happened in an instant, so when everyone reacted, they found that a water dragon had disappeared into the void.

This scene made Duan Li and Shen Yuan very nervous. They yelled madly and called a lot of eight respecters to protect them.

Because they found that they really underestimated Lin Xuan's combat power, and even the attack of the Nine Supremes could be broken so easily, it was too scary!

The Lord of the Water Dragons roared even more. He did not expect that the opponent had already shot and broke one of his water dragons. His expression became extremely dark.

But the next moment, his pupils shrank, and he yelled, "Look for death!"

While talking, his body moved out hundreds of feet.

There was a huge void in the place where he had stood.

The horrible sword light made His Majesty the Dragon's eyelids jump wildly.

Damn, it's too damn! A small sevenfold lord dared to attack him.

However, what made him even more shocked was that the opponent's combat power was too strong.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that a Venerable Seventh Heaven could erupt the fighting power that was not lost to him.

Where does he know that Lin Xuan has a big dragon sword soul, and recently he just learned the three sword marks of the Iron Sword King. It can be said that the combat power is extremely powerful.

The sword light flickered, and Lin Xuan's figure was manifested on the side. This blow to the air made him look very dignified, because he found that the perception of the Nine Supremes was too keen, and the speed was not worse than him.

It is indeed a true peerless powerhouse, and it is indeed extremely powerful, far from being comparable to the Eight.

But since the other party dared to kill him, there was only one way to go.

Lin Xuan held a lone star sword and whispered, star!

Suddenly, the countless swords of light rose into the sky, turned into stars one after another, floating in the void, and then quickly blasted towards the Lord of Water Dragon.

"Water dragon, water town is sky-high!"

With a big wave of His Majesty, the eight dragons circled each other, the dragon's mouth opened, and spit out numerous seawater, forming huge waves, blocking all the stars.

Boom boom!

The waves and stars collided, bursting with unparalleled energy, shaking the whole world.

"Okay, blocked!"

Duan Li in the distance, Shen Yuan and others saw this scene, and they were relieved. They were afraid that the Supreme Dragon could not stop it.

But now it seems that Lin Xuan is not so bad, he can only compete with the nine enshrined.

"He can't be so powerful. He must have taken some elixir or used mysteries to be able to compete with the nine enshrined!"

The two did not believe that this was Lin Xuan's true combat power.

Aside, Shen Yuan nodded desperately: "Wait, as time goes by, he will undoubtedly lose."

The faces of the two men were gloomy, and they were nervously watching the situation in front of them, but soon their faces changed greatly and their eyes were full of panic.

Because they found that Lin Xuan was flying towards them both.

"Damn, stop him!"

"Go ~ ~ Give me, you must not let him come over."

Duan Li and Shen Yuan both yelled wildly, their expressions were extremely tense.

The two of them knew, however, that Lin Xuan was now comparable to Jiu Zhongtian, far from being able to fight them.

Suddenly, those Eight Lords around them got orders and quickly killed Lin Xuan.

They naturally know that Lin Xuan is powerful, so they will not fight with them at all, but open up the distance and use the number advantage to suppress the battle.

The flames are rising!

Razer Boxing!


For a time, dozens of eight lords launched a fierce attack, and countless energies blasted forward.

More than a dozen octogenarians shot, and the momentum was even more terrifying than the nine octogenarians.

For a moment, the entire void was flooded with energy frenzy.